MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
State repression is real in the United $tates of Amerikkka. The
Chicano Nation has undergone colonization and occupation since 1848. In
recent times our nation has developed in a way that calls for a higher
level of organization. This demand launched the founding of the
Communist Party of Aztlán, CPA (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist).
Three days after the announcement of the founding of the CPA(MLM) our
Chairman JV was arrested on trumped up charges. It is no coincidence
that the arrest of our Chairman occurred after this groundbreaking
announcement. We believe that the agents of the state have studied the
contradictions on these occupied territories and their threat assessment
highlights the threat a communist party for the Chicano nation would
Our Party has created a think tank to analyze the immediate attacks
on the Party and on Aztlán. We realize that the revisionist Trotskyite
and crypto-Trots like the CP-USA and RCP-USA are allowed to exist intact
because they pose no real threat to colonization. The CPA on the other
hand is a different story. For this reason our Party is forced to go
We will not publish the names of our membership, but we will stand by
and struggle to free our Chairman of these false charges and illegal
kidnapping. It is well understood that had our Chairman been a wanna-be
capitalist or engaged in crimes against the people he would have been
left alone. The minute he stands up for the raza, repression is rained
down. This sacrifice was discussed and the necessity of the decision to
announce the founding of the Party was decided.
Our Chairman is not only completely innocent, but was targeted by the
state. This was COINTELPRO through and through. Our temporary loss of
our Chairman out in minimum security is imprisoned Aztlán’s gain. The
prisons are and always have been hotbeds of resistance, fertile grounds
where revolutionary shoots thrive. The CPA will establish its presence
and raise public opinion on both sides of the concentration kamp
Closing August 2022 with actions waged against the state of
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s (CDCR’s)
deliberate and intentional acts of sedition, systematic race crime,
police gangs, mass insurance fraud, healthcare system abuse, etc.
Members of United Struggle from Within (USW), Prisoners Legal Clinic -
JLS, Lumpen Organizations Consolidated On 1 (LOCO1 United Front for
Peace in Prisons) and ABOSOL7 say, “We Charge Genocide!”
In response to CDCr appeal #000000243827 (Deliberately denied access
to CDCR 602 form (Rev. 03/20) in housing facility), the Department
grants the claims set forth that corruptions officers employed
at California State Prison - Los Angeles County (CSP-LAC) are involved
in a concerted scheme of withholding revised models of CDCr grievance
forms from the inmate population.
After being ignored at the institutional level where administrative
executives maintain a strict code of silence to officer misconduct, an
Associate Warden made a computer entry on a record affiliated with the
log number that the claims would be remanded for decision to an unknown
entity on an unknown date. Though the appeal on its face, if found true
would most definitely qualify under employee misconduct, that is a
candidate for a staff/citizens’ complaint.
As citizens’ complaints are reportable on direct appeal to any
federal county police agencies for public-civil prosecution, the issue
of intentional mis-handling of an appeal process was exhausted to the
state capitol by means of the Chief of Inmate Appeals, and favor has
been found for the freedom fighters.
Now we call on the struggle to burn strong.
We shall demand Senate hearing and investigations be held on the
subject of police gangs within the department promoting “don’t ask,
don’t tell” climates amongst the population, by way of withholding
access to the forms designed for speaking up and challenging abuse.
This is made known as a public service to the prison population to
wean itself off of depending on the court system as it is conditioned
into them to be. In order to not only relieve the stress on the local
courts but to increase the volume on the traffic between the cities and
their capitols. The Senate hearings are called hearing for a reason.
MIM(Prisons) adds: A comrade at Richard J. Donovan
Correctional Facility(RJDCF) recently wrote Governor Gavin Newsom
regarding the infamous gang structure that is running operations there
and denying prisoners the services the CDCR promises to offer them. The
comrade introduces the letter:
“While the Armstrong v. Newsom, 475 F. Supp. 3d 1038 (N.D. Cal.
2020) injunction requiring body cameras be worn by officers may
have subsided the wanton violent attacks on prisoners, nothing has been
done to address or rectify the criminally orientated structure which
dictates the overall daily operations of RJDCF. Such a failure renders
RJDCF incapable of providing adequate rehabilitative programs and
services to its prisoners.”
Offering more evidence for what we’ve been reporting about drugs in
prisons almost every issue, the comrade goes on to write,
“Long before in-person visits returned to prisoners, RJDCF has been,
and continues to be, peppered with the paper chemical substance known as
spice, and methamphetamine, both of which are eas[ily] accessible and
openly used outside of cell on surveillance cameras by various prisoners
in common public areas. In fact, it is easier to access any one of these
drugs here any day of the week than it is to establish or participate in
a self-help program or access rehabilitative services.”
Comrades in North Kern State Prison have also been struggling to get
their grievances heard:
“31 July 2022 – For the past month or two, us captives have been
getting fucked out of our recreation (dayroom, yard) even though the
orientation manual and Department Operational Manual acknowledges that
we are entitled to 1 hour of recreation (outside/outdoor recreation)
every day. These guards have been taking our yard and dayroom for the
most blandest of reasons, a supposed”shortage” of building staff, or for
a “one-on-one” or “two-on-one” fight amongst prisoners (fist fight),
fights that these guards are well-aware of before the incident even
happens. But still these guards shut down our whole program for any
small infraction just to have an excuse to not run yard. I have done a
“group” 602 grievance where 40 or so other prisoners have signed on to
add weight to our issues, the institution has denied this grievance due
to some trickery they employed. …These guards are lazy, they don’t want
to let us out of our cells for nothing.”
The RBGG Law Firm
reports the following outcome of Armstrong v. Newsom, 475 F.
Supp. 3d 1038 (N.D. Cal. 2020):
“As part of the remedial plans, CDCR must overhaul its staff
misconduct investigation and discipline process to better hold staff
accountable for violating the rights of incarcerated people with
disabilities. Those reforms will begin to be implemented at the six
prisons [including RJDCF, CSP-LAC, CSP-Corcoran, KVSP, CSATF, and CIW]
in June 2022 and will be implemented at all CDCR prisons by mid-2023.
CDCR must also produce to us and to the Court Expert staff misconduct
investigation files so that we can monitor if CDCR is complying with the
remedial plans and if the changes to the system will result in increased
transparency and accountability.”
We commend the comrades who are pushing for accountability around
these court-ordered reforms in the systematic abuse within the CDCR. But
as they both point out, criminal gangs are running these prisons, making
the attempts at reform superficial. So much more needs to be done. It
takes a lot of bravery to stand up to these gangs, and this type of
bravery is what is needed to mobilize the masses of prisoners to rally
to the cause for independent power.
MIM Distributors has confirmed at least 135 pieces of our mail that
have been censored by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice(TDCJ) in
2022. However, the vast majority of our mail goes unaccounted for, so we
know that the actual number is in the many hundreds.
Censorship in Texas is not new. The TDCJ
banned our book Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán for many
years. More recently it was brought to our attention that that
decision had been reversed and a number of comrades were able to receive
the book. However, Allred Unit has censored the book 4 times in 2022.
The bourgeois state has always repressed political speech that is
opposed to its oppression.
Most of the censorship in 2022 has been triggered by and targeted at
organizing efforts around the Juneteenth
Freedom Initiative. In particular letters with updates on the
campaign and plans to boycott the holiday. The most censored letter
actually was mostly reports on censorship by the TDCJ itself.
Many comrades reported that the censorship of the infamous June 8th
JFI Campaign Update letter was appealed automatically by the TDCJ. We
received dozens of letters stating the censorship was upheld by the
Director’s Review Committee(DRC) on appeal because the letter was
“inciting a disturbance.” Yet all the letter called for was to boycott
the holiday and instead spend it advocating for a list of demands
including an end to long-term solitary confinement, censorship and
unpaid labor. In other words, peacefully advocating for your rights has
been made illegal for Texas prisoners. That is why we say prisoners in
this country do not enjoy full citizenship rights.
Meanwhile, of the dozens of notifications that we received, none of
them specified what the item was that was being censored, or what about
the item was objectionable. When we wrote the DRC to point this out we
received no response. Similarly, our letter to Allred Unit warden Jimmy
Smith regarding blanket censorship went unanswered. This is a violation
of caselaw, such as Crofton v. Roe (9th Cir. 1999) 170 F.3d
957, which concluded:
“Unsupported security claims couldn’t justify infringement on First
Amendment rights.”
One comrade in Stevenson Unit who had achieved a reversal after
appealing a recent censorship reports:
“I received the enclosed notice that the Director’s Review Committee
reversed the unit denial of 5 pages that could incite a disturbance
mailed to me from MIM. I am now in possession of your MIM Censorship
pack, and I can’t seem to find any mention of riotous propaganda, or
anything other than helpful caselaw in the struggle to uphold 1st
Amendment rights. Systematic denial by the piggy is surely taking place
because they don’t like the expression of political and social views
that are protected by the 1st Amendment right against arbitrary
government invasion. Oh well, life’s hard. Harder if you’re stupid.”
Another comrade who won an appeal was convinced that our letter
contained more contents because all ey got was an Unconfirmed Mail Form
listing what we had sent em recently. Nope, that’s all that was in the
letter that was originally censored for “containing information to
incite a disturbance.” The only appeals that have achieved reversals so
far have been for Unconfirmed Mail Forms(UMFs), our censorship pack, and
a copy of the Bill of Rights. However, these reversals were not applied
consistently, in other instances UMFs and our censorship pack was
censored after appeal to the DRC.
While most of our censored mail was destroyed, one comrade in Allred
had there’s sent back to us. In the letter “An Address to Tx USW, All
TeamOne Committees, and Tx inmates”, the TDCJ seems to have highlighted
where the letter mentions the “Juneteenth Freedom Initiative.”
Specifically it is the sentence that calls for filing complaints and
petitions to the DOJ. We mailed out copies of such a petition with
ULK 78. This is the type of activity the TDCJ is calling
“inciting a disturbance” in order to censor our communications.
While Under Lock & Key 78 seems to have reached many in
Texas, we are still seeing an almost complete censorship of mail from
MIM Distributors in prisons like Allred Unit and Hughes Unit. We’ve been
told there is a whole shelf for mail from MIM Distributors in the Allred
mailroom now.
MIM Distributors and our subscribers within the TDCJ have exhausted
all administrative remedies with our appeals, letters and grievances.
The TDCJ is not interested in following the law on it’s own accord.
Therefore we have begun to step up outside pressure on two fronts.
the legal front by filing a lawsuit
the public opinion front via our postcard campaign
Anti-Imperialist Prisoner Support(AIPS) has been reaching out on the
streets of Texas and elsewhere to bring this story to the masses and
gather signatures on postcards we are sending to the TDCJs DRC to voice
opposition to this illegal practice of handling our mail and
One comrade observed:
“Going to the masses with these postcards was very eye opening.
Conceptually I knew many of the theories of how different classes of the
oppressed nations react to building revolution differently, but to see
how that plays out with my own eyes was something else. For example,
many of the petty-bourgeois student types were more likely to scoff at
or dismiss prisoner organizing out of defeatist attitudes at best (such
as how censorship/repression is so big in prisons therefore we shouldn’t
try at all) or take up bourgeois ethics and “justice” at worst
(believing many prisoners “deserve” to be there). Many of the common
labor aristocrat types tended to be more supportive, but also was
discouraged in not being able to see the movement in Texas prisons right
in front of them – expressed in attitudes of “what do they have to do
with us here?” The oppressed nation lumpen (homeless, lumpen
organization members, etc.) on the other hand were much more eager to
sign the postcards in support of the comrades in Texas despite them
being in another state. They knew how repressive the inju$tice system
was in either out of personal experience or through their close friends’
personal experiences; and many expressed how even if all of our comrades
in Texas was 100% guilty of the most heinous of crimes that the
imperialists had no right to judge them expressed through sayings of
“cops are the real criminals.”
“Going through these personal experiences with the different types of
masses can become pragmatism itself on this comrade’s part, which can
become dangerous, so we should remind ourselves of the whole picture of
what Chairman Mao said in eir essays”On Practice” and “On
Yes, mass work like this is how we learn how the masses will respond
and engage in different campaigns, but we shouldn’t be too quick to draw
broad conclusions based on a little persynal experience. Another comrade
“There’s so many people from all nations who are personally oppressed
by the Texa$ Criminal Injustice system, who with the right political
education will be prepared to join the movement. There’s no doubt in my
mind as a supporter from the outside myself that there will be many more
ready to put in the work, in the near, near future. The reception to the
Allred censorship campaign has been nearly all positive so far, and many
people of the oppressed nations here have told me persynally that
they’ve been looking for something just like Under Lock &
Key to educate and organize the people.
“Keep on the pressure from the inside, you have millions more to come
and push from the outside, we just have to keep our heads on tight, stay
determined, and struggle on.
For the voices of the oppressed inside to be heard, we must increase
the voices of support on the outside. We call on our readers outside to
print out some postcards
and fliers, and copies of this article and hit the streets
Prisoner(s) housed at FSP (Florida State Prison) on C.M.-I & II
(Close Management) status are being used by FDOC/FSP and JPay as means
of robbing our family(s) and friend(s), thus inflicting punishment
beyond court ordered separation from society as sole and significant
punishment for crime.
In 2021, the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) installed new
private contracted prison mail system services mandating that all
routine mail to prisoner(s) be addressed to Tampa, Florida office to be
processed, i.e., scanned for verbal contraband and forwarded via JPay
email system service to mail room of intended institution, to then be
printed out and delivered to intended prisoner(s). However, such service
is not being consistently and timely provided, except only when and
where convenient to and for FSP administration, STG (Security Threat
Group) personnel and mail room, all in punishment for prisoner(s) being
on C.M. status.
Inconsistency and untimeliness in mail delivery to prisoner(s)
Prisoner(s) are not receiving all incoming routing mail and email in
timely and consistent manner. Mail is being intentionally delayed,
withheld for weeks, in some cases, months after the post mark,
constituting violation of mail rule. CH. 33-210.101(6) F.A.C, which
clearly states, “Incoming and outgoing routine mail shall be processed
within 72 hours, except for inmates in certain housing assignments
identified in paragraph (7) below, which pertinently states:”(7)
inmates, that as of a result of housing designation or status are not
permitted to access kiosk, kiosk services, or tablet services as
provided for in Rule. 33-601.900 F.A.C, will have their scanned mail
printed and delivered at no cost to the inmate.”
Lack of notification
Prisoner(s) incoming routine mail is being sent back, withheld or
thrown away by Tampa private mail contractor office, without issuing
notice of any kind to prisoner(s) or sender(s).
Effect on prisoner(s)/loved-one(s) relationship structure and
rehabilitation process
Incoming mail being received by FSP mail room via JPay mail system
service is not being consistently and/or timely printed out and
delivered to intended prisoner(s).
Prisoner(s) have no way of knowing that mail had been sent to them
until informed by sender(s), either through argument or worrisome
inquiry as to why prisoner(s) are not responding to mail, causing
sender(s) to feel ignored.
Prisoner(s) are kept unaware of undelivered, deprived mail, while
sender(s) are unaware of fact that prisoner(s) are not responding, not
because they don’t want to, but because prisoner(s) are not receiving
all mail being sent to them, because;
FSP mail room, and administration are literally and intentionally
playing games (not printing and delivering all prisoner(s) incoming
mail) resulting in relationship structure conflicts, leading to
prisoner(s)/loved-one(s) alienation and isolation.
Objective investigation, review of kiosk of kiosk inbox
Objective review of each FSP, C.M.-I & II status prisoners’ Jpay
kiosk account inbox will clearly confirm the truth in this matter, by
revealing the scores of undelivered emails and photos, sent to
prisoner(s), but never printed out and delivered, as is prescribed by
Rule. 33-210.101 (7) F.A.C
Prisoner(s) or their family(s) and friend(s), due to being ignorant
of this denied service (robbery) are not realizing that prisoner(s) are
being held semi-incommunicado, as punishment for being on administrative
segregation (C.M.) status, which is not D.C. (Disciplinary Confinement)
status, in fact prisoner(s) on D.C. status, are allowed more privileges
than C.M., i.e., non-D.C. status prisoner(s), and this is all
Conflict in FDOC/FSP Jpay Kios/Tablet Policy
Rule. CH. 33-602.900 (4)(C)3 F.A.C and CH.33-602.900(5)(d)3 F.A.C,
which governs Jpay kiosk and tablet clearly states that: “Prisoners on
C.M. status are allowed access to JPay kiosk, kiosk services, tablet and
tablet services,” stands in polar contrast with CH.33-601.800(11)(b)7
F.A.C and CH.33-601.800(11)8.(c)5. F.A.C, which governs C.M., clearly
states the opposite, that “C.M.-I & II status” prisoners
(respectively) are not allowed access to kiosk, kiosk services, tablet
and/or tablet services.” (to keep prisoners from becoming aware of the
scores of emails, letters, and photos listed in their (prisoner(s)
inbox, but are not being printed out and delivered to them) while;
C.M.-III status prisoners are allowed access to JPay kiosk, kiosk
services, tablets and tablet services, constituting not only
administrative disparity in treatment and discrimination against C.M.-I
& II status prisoners, but FSP administrative use of JPay email
system services as a means of or device of authoritarian intimidation,
punishment and control.
Robbery: Family(s)/Friend(s) of Prisoner(s) not receiving JPay
services they are paying for.
Family(s)/friend(s) of prisoner(s) purchase digital postage stamps
for a promise that their emails to loved-ones in prison will be
delivered without hindrance, a service paid for, which is not being
delivered/received, due to their sent emails not being printed out and
delivered consistently to their prisoner-loved-ones, being punished
solely for being on C.M. status.
Hundreds of FSP (all C.M.-I & II status) prisoners are not
receiving letters and/or photos sent to them via JPay email system
service. Thus, family(s)/friend(s) of prisoner(s) are being bilked,
literally robbed for their hard earned money by JPay and FDOC via FSP
mail room, STG and administration, constituting the bilking of unknown
amounts of money once all prisoners and undelivered emails are tallied
up and combined. The results is robbery and false advertising.
Nonexistent FDOC/FSP Grievance Process
Many grievances regarding all issues mentioned above have been
repeatedly submitted at every level in the grievance process and are
being biasedly rubber stamped “DENIED” or not returning or responded to,
or plain and simple being thrown in the trash. FDOC secretary office is
very well aware of this fact, but is refusing to intervene or rectify
the situation trashing of prisoner(s) grievances. See formal grievance,
log #22-6-27139.
That FDOC Tampa private contracted mail service provide written
notice for impounded or withheld incoming routine mail being withheld
for STG surveillance or being returned to sender(s).
That FDOC/FSP kiosk and tablet policy be rectified to
That FSP mail room print out and deliver all digital mail,
letters/photos entering its system, to intended prisoner(s) in timely
and consistent manner, thereby ensuring;
That all Jpay email service and routine mail service paid for by
family(s) and friend(s) of prisoner(s) be received without hindrance,
i.e., end the bilking/robbery of prisoner(s) family(s) and friend(s) via
use of prisoner(s), resulting in incalculable amounts of money being
That all money for all undelivered emails, letters and/or photos be
reimbursed, given back to family(s) and friend(s) if prisoner(s).
Respectfully submitted
P.S. Concerns regarding this issue can be addressed to the:
Better Business Bureau, JPay Company headquarters, FDOC,
Lauren.Sanchez@fdc.myflorida.com (830)717-3605
Stop The JPay Bilking
A few weeks after MIM(Prisons) received a copy of the above complaint
we received an update:
“Florida Department of Cruelty has finally rectified ch.33-601.800
(dealing with JPay kiosk and tablets on C.M.: Close Management) to be in
uniformity with ch.33-602.900 (which deals with Jpay kiosk and tablet).
As of 6 October 2022, every prisoner is allowed access to kiosk and
tablets. This was not done out of altruism. However, I believe JPay
threw a rod regarding the amount of money their being denied via the
thousands of prisoners being denied their service or should I say
bilking. I won’t even front with a tablet, I won’t need anyone to
transcribe my thoughts and I can get my thoughts out to be published
allowing me to raise funds for appealing my criminal case while
enlightening others in the bigger cage.”
It remains to be seen how the resolution of this conflict will affect
all of the complaint outlined above. But we can say that Under Lock
& Key continues to be denied to the majority of prisoners in
the Florida DOC, as do publications like our Revolutionary 12 Step
Program, which are tools intended to help people rehabilitate and
reintegrate into society and to serve their community upon doing so. As
the comrade above notes, there is clear bias, both politically and
nationally, as far as what communications are allowed in Florida and in
most of the prisons across this country.
I’m attacking the “Heat Sensitivity Scoring (HSS).”
We feel that being classified as “Heat Sensitive”, which requires a
cool-bed housing assignment, is a medical treatment and a medical
diagnosis. A diagnosis that you should be able to choose if you want the
“treatment” or not. We have a right to refuse medical treatment but they
will not let us opt out of this “classification” and will not explain
how this “Heat Score” was calculated.
The best information I’ve gotten on the Cool-bed litigation came from
Nell Gaither at the Trans Pride Initiative PO Box 3982, Dallas, TX 75208
(214) 449-1439, tpride.org. She copied and pasted Document 59-2 from
Sain v. Collier 4:18-CV-4412 and I had her letter entered in my
case. It is a 4 page letter and you can buy it for $0.50 per page from
the Clerk in the Western District, Austin Division @ 501 W. 5th St.,
Suite 1100, Austin, TX 78701.
TDCJ makes First Nation practitioners take a religious knowledge test
before they will approve them for a Designated Native American Unit and
if you can’t pass the test you can’t meet with clergy or attend
ceremonies, etc.
I was shipped off of my Designated Unit and put in High Security in
Allred because I was “Heat Sensitive.” SO they denied me of my religion
due to my health conditions and wouldn’t tell me I had to re-take the
test to re-apply for a Designated Unit (which is unconstitutional).
Anyway, what they’re really doing is shipping [lawsuit/paperwork] filers
off to high security claiming they are “Heat Sensitive.”
If this happens to others, all they need to do is contact the
Chaplain and apply for a transfer to a Designated Unit again. They will
have to take the test again as is TDCJ Religious Policy AD-07.30 policy
number 09.02(rev3)p.1 &2 and policy 09.02(rev2) Attachment A.
We are looking to do away with this unconstitutional religious
discrimination and teach our own religion. TDCJ’s text is based on
Lakota religion and there are no Lakota tribes in Texas, so it is
difficult to get Native Chaplains willing to teach a religion that is
not their own.
People are fired up about ULK 78! I’m going to be ordering
all of my grievances to send to TX Prison Reform. Thank you Triumphant
of T.E.A.M. O.N.E.! for the good info. I’ve already ordered my
grievances, I have 56! You can purchase them from the law library for
$0.10 each.
Note to my Connally Unit comrades: As of 1 August 2022, TDCJ will no
longer make legal copies, which is fucked up! I’m having to send my
original documents through the mail to the court and hope they don’t
steal my mail. Warden Rayford has banned inmate-to-inmate legal visits
and there is no drinking water in the Law Library and no bathroom
breaks. If you need to go to the pisser, your session is over.
No legal copies and legal visits hinders our access to courts, but I
suggest sending an I-60 in and getting a denial on paper even if you
don’t need a jailhouse lawyer. Then, if you loose your case you can say
this was because you didn’t have your “helper.” Johnson v. Avery,
393 U.S. 483, 490(1969) says you have a right to get legal help
from other prisoners unless the prison “provides some reasonable
alternative to assist inmates in the preparation of petitions.” And if
they are still retaliating after that, make sure you got a lot of
witnesses. It is a federal crime for state actors (the prison officials)
to threaten or assault witnesses in federal litigation 18
With just a month remaining before the first series of actions around
the Juneteenth Freedom Initiative, we have received reports of
repression of activists by the Texas Department of Criminal
One of the hearts of this campaign comes out of the brutal Allred
Restrictive Housing Unit(RHU) where people have spent decades in
isolation. We’ve recently learned that one organizer at Allred hasn’t
received half a dozen letters we’ve sent em over the last few months.
Eir outgoing mail is also delayed or gone missing. This mail tampering
is illegal. We wrote the
warden of Allred to stop this censorship.. If he doesn’t stop it, we
know this political repression is intentional from the top of the TDCJ
to suppress our boycotting of Juneteenth.
We are asking others to join our letter writing and postcard campaign
in support of the rights of MIM Distributors and these activists in
Allred to freely communicate. The pdf below can be downloaded, printed
on card stock and cut into four postcards. Then you can ask people to
sign them, put a postcard stamp ($0.40) on them, and drop them in a mail
box. Over the next couple months we want to show TDCJ that people
outside are paying attention and supporting the Juneteenth Freedom
Initiative. This is one way to do that. You can also call Warden Jimmy
Smith @ (940) 855-7477 (**069).
“Page(s) 4 contains information advocating prison disruption.”
Prisoners are very limited in what they can do when their grievances
are ignored. Most actions will lead to repression. A boycott is the most
passive action. There are no calls to violence nor do the plans threaten
security in any way. Just a peaceful demonstration of solidarity,
demanding some basic humyn rights be applied in Texas prisons. Yet this
is being outlawed by the state.
Even worse, in eir most recent update, one comrade in Stevenson
reported that:
“last night I was placed in handcuffs and marched off to solitary
confinement, the place from where I currently write. I woke this morning
to find I’m being charged with 2 new rules violations: 1) Attempt/threat
to assault a correctional officer and 2) Assault of a correctional
There was no assault. In fact this comrade is not even supposed to be
housed on the second floor because of eir health conditions. Ey believes
this is retaliation for the appeals ey filed against the censorship of
literature sent by MIM Distributors. Meanwhile, MIM Distributors was not
given the opportunity to appeal, and only received the final decision
from TDCJ.
As our comrade in Stevenson Unit so eloquently concluded,
“They will never succeed in snuffing out my flame and their attempts
to silence the truth only causes it to roar even louder! They cloak
themselves in legitimacy and the trappings of power because deep down
they know they are weak and the system is crumbling – to be swept aside
along with all the silly liberal reformers and we build a better world
over their ruins, a new society based on equality and respect and
compassion and truth and justice and”love” – a human society fit for
fully involved and determined human beings at peace with themselves,
each other, and the world around us.”
Things here in Connecticut remain same as last communique: regressive
and stifling! Oh! I do have intel which you comrades may find
In January I went to R.H.U. and initiated a hungerstrike. My
objective(s) were:
to get my rehab appointments from month’s ago
to see the quack masquerading as a doctor!
After thirteen days, my tactic was successful! Now, the issue came
when a unit manager calls R.H.U. (at behest of my associates in unit) to
check on my health.
The R.H.U. Lieutenant “bad jackets” me & says, “[name of author]
has nothing coming as he is a child molester”. This blatant lie was
manufactured in response to my chastisement of this R.H.U. Lieutenant
for his managing conduct (lol)! In his quest to “get me” he locates a
child molester with my 1st & last name (sans middle name obviously)
and goes on to spread the falsehood to his subordinates, who in turn
spread it to captives in various pseudo-leadership roles within their
lumpen entities. Now, as I am from another state, the killers believed
that their smear campaign would work, ie. I am unknown here! However, as
a New Afrikan! one’s day-to-day stride coupled with fact, that I’ve
striven to build quality captives since my arrival! negated the pigs’
ploy. “Real recognizes real.” But, as many of Connecticut’s captives are
ideologically backwards and overtly pig acolytes, I may have to spit
fire at some point! Enough said.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We want to commend the people,
the L.O. leaders, in this Connecticut prison for not being taken in by
the pigs’ lies and judging people by facts and action. This is the second
principle of the United Front for Peace in Prisons –
Unity – in action!
We must not let state paperwork determine who we trust and who we do
not. What this comrade faced is an old trick. And we commend this
comrade for eir righteous behavior in a new environment. It goes to show
how righteous, revolutionary action helps build peace in prisons, even
when it seems like the environment is in a backwards state of affairs.
‘Department of Corrections’. A place in which nothing is correct. Nor
does it correct, but corrupts absolutely. Missouri DOC and its
Corruption Officers (C.O.’s) hold in clear disdain the lives of the
human beings in its corrupting facilities. An example of this: the
‘South-Eastern Correctional Center’ (herein after referred to as the
“South-Eastern Plantation” or “SECC”) located in Charleston, MO.
The South-Eastern Plantation has taken two new modes of torture
within its Ad-Seg units. On top of being overly eager to unleash
chemical weapons known as MK-9 or “pepper spray” on offenders even in
non-violent, non-hostile, non-threatening or unsafe instances; the
South-Eastern Plantation has taken to starvation tactics and
food-poisoning. By providing inmates with week-old food or in cases of
those on “Certified Religious Diets”, stale and black-molded crackers,
peanut butters, etc. It is bad enough that COII Pig Sites puts it, “This
is our house boy, we own you.” COII Pig Sites and COI Pig Dobbs alike
make it their business to “break offenders in” by beating them in
handcuffs upon arrival to their single-cell confinement building 1
house. They say such beatings bring “safety and security” to the
facility, and that “If you don’t like it, then don’t make mistakes and
obey our commands”.
In January of this year 2022, prisoners held in the two-man cell
Ad-Seg unit (herein after referred to as Z House) all began to check out
of their cells and refuse to enter into cells for being deprived of
hair-cuts, proper food rations, clothing and unsatisfactory living
conditions. Instead of accommodating offenders to what is theirs by
‘right’, the institution instead attempted to pull the bus up to
transfer these individuals. As FUM (Facility Unit Manager) Cosby put it,
“We don’t want people like you all here, we need good boys that do what
they’re told and accept what we give them. The likes of you will only
mess up what we’ve got going on.” As to what they have going on we may
never know…$$$.
SECC’s nurses formerly employed by ‘CORIZON’ are helping the corrupt
facility by submitting fake test results for COVID-19. They just
recently filled up a wing in General Population twice under the pretense
of “testing positive” for COVID-19. 64 individuals, only 24 of which had
actually been tested and 12 of them actually positive. The only option
being, go to quarantine or go to the hole. These offenders with full
privileges now only allowed one 45 minute cell rotation. This was used
as a way to scheme money as well as punish/target individuals whom they
had a certain disliking for. The games never stop.
The comrades here at SECC fight for a world free of oppression, and
to bring awareness to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Even in the midst of
ongoing battles we will continue to shed light to the MIM and its
readers. We wish you all the best of luck as well, because our fight is
one. For a quick overview of what
else has been going on here see ULK NO.76 Winter 2022.
i am taking the time to write this because i would like the
readership to know the truth about what’s been going on recently at the
TDCJ Allred unit in regards to COVID-19 and targeted repression of
socio-political leaders.
Many of you reading this are already aware of the spike in COVID
infections related to the emergence of the Omicron variant. Here at
Allred, particularly in the restrictive housing unit, which houses some
six hundred plus people in conditions internationally recognized as
inhumane, there has been a dangerous and life threatening pattern of
administrative negligence in regards to the effort (lack thereof) to
quell the spread of this aggressive virus.
Back in August of 2021, captive persyns held on the Allred RHU and
other units held a hunger-strike protest. One of the issues raised and
forwarded to unit, regional, and state level administrators was, ‘#10-
follow all CDC COVID-19 protocols’. Even after people have literally
starved themselves, the unit administration still has refused, and
neglected to implement, and re-implement basic CDC COVID guidelines.
On January 6th, Comrade Ozomatli, co-founder, and key figure of the
TX TeamOne organization, was strategically targeted for harassment, by
way of an unlawful search and seizure, and purposely exposed to
COVID-19. On the above date Ozomatli was taken from his cell and placed
in a holding cage in the building’s main hallway for five hours!
i am not too good with math and measurements, but i know the cage in
question is absolutely too small to place a full grown human in for that
amount of time. There is no where to relieve ones self, not anywhere to
comfort ones self. Regardless, Ozomatli remained in this holding cage
while a multitude of agents of repression searched his usual abode. i
raise the question, what possibly could they be looking for, and not
find if it were there, in such a small space, for such an extended
period of time?
To even begin to analyze this question We must first point out that
the incident on January 6th was the second such incident targeting this
same comrade in the last few months. Previously the only thing
confiscated were the comrade’s contact information written down on
various papers and inside books. On January 6th, the comrade’s entire
cache of persynal property was confiscated, and he would remain
property-less for a week.
During this ordeal, Ozomatli was placed in danger, recklessly, of
catching COVID-19. Agents of repression who escorted him from and
returned him to his cell weren’t following proper COVID guidelines.
Afterwards, in the matter of days, a new COVID outbreak ensued on the
RHU building, and unsurprisingly the outbreak has been largely centered
on the pod which Ozomatli inhabits. When other prisoners on other pods
show symptoms they’re re-housed on the same pod as Ozomatli.
Furthermore, prisoners are being constantly moved around, leaving and
being brought to the unit and thus constantly exposing more and
spreading more and more COVID. Daily so-called ‘integrity checks’ are
still in operation, along with unnecessary cell extractions, and are
also inducing the spread of COVID.
Administrators are refusing to test or even symptom check prisoners,
as was done in the mid 2020 days of the pandemic. There’s this untrue
belief that the pandemic is over, despite the fact that less than 70% of
people (prisoners & guards combined) are vaccinated. An untold
number of prisoners have mass filed grievances, but of course appealing
to the same source of Our predicament has rendered little to no
i would be remiss if i didn’t acknowledge the underlying political
undertones of Ozomatli’s being harassed, and also pinpoint other similar
patterns adhered to by the unit administration sometimes at the behest
of the state level agents of repression.
Ozomatli, as i have said, is a leader with the Texas TeamOne
Organization. TeamOne is an organization of politicized prisoners
dedicated to politicizing prisoners and consolidating those in TX into a
class that can actively struggle for its interests, as well as, and more
importantly, reinsert people into the larger society as assets to
communities which are all too often neglected in the realms of social,
political and economic development.
Ozomatli is an abolitionist, a Chican@, and a leader that leads by
example. Thus it goes without saying that Ozomatli’s very existence as a
Chican@ revolutionary imprisoned in tekkk$a$‘s gulags, is seen as a
threat to the enemy-state and the prison administration, and this is the
underlying politics of his harassment. Ozomatli has recently been
working with other comrades and formations, independent of his work with
TeamOne, in mobilizing a Texas prisoners’ political action committee, it
is during the time span of this work in that sphere that the
administration has targeted him.
The clearly politically motivated repression tactics, in a supposedly
‘free’ country, do not stop there. i myself have been a constant target
for similar tactics of intimidation, and retaliation. i have been
‘sentenced’ essentially to LIFE in TDCJ’s RHU. This repression came on
the immediate back of Our collective hunger-strike effort in August
(thru September 9th). i was seen in absentia by the State Classification
Committee four days later. i was denied release to general population,
after having been without any disciplinary incident in over four years
time. The reasons given for this miscarriage of justice was that i am
staff assaultive, and prone to possess weapons, and the main one,
written in large bold letters, was the fact that i am currently serving
an unjust sentence of Life Without Parole. The third reason was provided
as the main reason for my denial of release. The catch is that i can
not, on my own accord, alter my sentence therefore this decision
summarily acts to confine me in isolation for the remainder of my
sentence (life).
Of course the timing and the fact that these issues have never been
previously brought up at these hearings, testifies to the fact that the
decision is a retaliatory measure being used to quell the momentum being
built up among the captives here and around the state. IT WILL NOT
Other measures of retaliation such as illegal mail
tampering/disappearance are common place. Outgoing letters of even a
neutral nature take up to two months to even leave the unit, and
incoming mail, including books and other packages have the same waiting
time. The former mailroom supervisor was made to resign for ‘undisclosed
reasons’, yet mailroom negligence, and deliberate tampering continues
even under the watchful eyes of one, Major Murdock, whose been made to
keep eyes on mailroom staff.
By no means is this all the repressive tactics utilized by
administrators, nor is it only TeamOne affiliates, or political
prisoners. For the sake of time however We will hold these slights as a
small example. it is important i say that none of this is meant to
discourage activism and justified rebellion. In fact the contrary is the
intent. i assert here that if more of the captive populace took
liberatory ideals and practices more seriously We could actually begin
to pose a threat, not only to the prison institution, but the
established order as We know it. As George said:
“If we can reach each other through all of this, fences, fear,
concrete, steel, barbed wire, guns, the hystory will commend us for a
great victory won…” - Soledad Brother
As a sign of solidarity, We call on the public to report the
administrative negligence surrounding Allred’s handling of COVID-19 to
the following; (prisoners should write complaints regarding their own
Dept. of Health & Human Services, region6,
regional director
Marjorie McColl Petty
1301 Young St. ste#1124
Dallas, Tx 75202
or call 214-767-3301
Also, outside supporters should be sure to make a report to the
David Blackwell, regional director-region 5 @ 806-296-4500(ext
In 2017, MIM(Prisons) published Under Lock &
Key #59 (ULK) which focused on the impact drugs have on the prison
movement. ULK #59 was particularly significant to our
cause, given the fact that drugs play a central role in preventing the
lumpen from developing into a revolutionary force inside U.$. prisons.
As various comrades attested to in that issue, drugs are poisons that
eat away any potential unity of the oppressed, by fostering violence
amongst the imprisoned lumpen, and the bourgeoisification of those
involved in the trade. Also, discussed in ULK #59 was the
scourge of the synthetic cannibinoid K2 and the rise of opioid use in
prisons at the time. Since then, another opioid has gained popularity
behind prison walls, mostly because of its availability; Suboxone.
In 2020, the California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation(CDCR) introduced Suboxone to its 33 prisons as part of
its Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment(ISUDT). Suboxone is a
medication used to treat opioid addiction, specifically in the detox and
withdrawal stages of care. According to the San Quentin News,
“ISUDT is touted as the largest in-prison medically assisted treatment
program in the nation.”(1) CDCR credits Suboxone with a sharp decline in
overdose deaths in its prisons since its introduction. But is there more
than meets the eye to this apparent miracle drug?
What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a combination medication containing buprenorphine and
naloxone.(2) Suboxone is derived from opium, and was supposedly intended
to be a less addictive alternative to methodone, morphine, and
oxycodone.(3) Though viewed as a safe alternative to other drugs,
Suboxone can still be deadly when taken intravenously or in combination
with other drugs and alcohol. Other side effects are:
* cardiac arrhythmia
* irregular blood pressure
* respiratory issues
* liver and kidney problems
* constipation
* urinary retention
* sweating
* short term memory issues
* difficulty thinking clearly and focusing
* impaired coordination
* headache
* nausea and vomiting
* sedation (4)
Where Did Suboxone Come From?
Suboxone was developed in the 1970s by Reckitt Benckiser, a Briti$h
company at the behest of the Amerikan government. At the time, the
United $tates was searching for a “less addictive” alternative for
patients with opioid use disorder. After Suboxone was created, Reckitt
Benckiser shipped the drug to the United $tates narcotic farm in
Lexington, Kentucky to be tested on detoxified addicts. The farm was
also a prison and treatment facility as well as the site of the U.$.
government’s Addiction Research Center.
It was at the Addiction Research Center that the government
discovered just how addictive Suboxone could be, yet it was still
marketed as a useful tool to combat addiction. Originally the doctors
prescribing the drug had to hold special licenses and undergo special
training. However, the government loosened its restrictions in response
to the number of opioid associated deaths. Since then, Suboxone has
raked in billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies and millions
more for the addiction treatment sector that sprang up in its wake.(5)
Yet, there have been 100,000 overdose deaths attributed to opioids in
the last 12 months.(6) Those same doctors trained by the government have
also been found to be some of the most unscrupulous predators around.(7)
As such, it was perplexing to many that the CDCR would provide such a
highly addictive drug with such potential for abuse at a time when most
prison addicts had already detoxed and gone through withdrawals, thanks
to the statewide prison lockdown in response to the COVID-19
Drugs are Chemical Weapons
The use of drugs as part of a larger strategy of unconventional
warfare dates back to the 16th century when Europeans created the drug
trade to finance the expansion of their empires and the rise of
industrial capitalism.(8) One of the most infamous examples of this was
the Briti$h East India Company’s use of opium to subdue China and bring
it into its sphere of influence by creating a nation of addicts. While
the Portuguese and Dutch were the first to popularize opium smoking in
China, it was the Briti$h who took full advantage of this. When the
Chinese realized what was happening, they attempted to ban all foreign
ships from entry and close their ports. The Briti$h claimed the Chinese
were blocking their access to Chinese markets, and used this as a
pretext to launch the first of two opium wars. By 1900, 27% of all adult
males in China were addicted to smoking opium and China was forced to
cede Hong Kong to the Briti$h.(9) This chapter in Chinese history marked
the beginning of what Mao Zedong called China’s dark night of slavery to
the west.
It was around this same time that alcohol was used by Amerikkkans to
facilitate the genocide of First Nations people and the theft of their
land. This period also marks the first recorded use of biological
weapons, when the U.$. Army used smallpox infected blankets to decimate
natives and clear the land for white settlers. Together, these acts of
savagery resulted in the extermination of 98% of people indigenous to
what is today the United $tates and the worst genocide in humyn
hystory.(10) Events similar to these played out in Africa, Asia, and the
During the 20th century, the Briti$h and Amerikkkan imperialists
developed more sophisticated means with which to subdue the oppressed
nations. Project MK-Ultra is one such example. Project MK-Ultra was
initiated by the CIA in the 1950s along with the Briti$h MI6, their
sometimes collaborators. This top secret project involved using drugs
and the media to attack and discredit Amerika’s political enemies.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), or just simply “acid” for short,
became the drug of choice for the CIA at this time. LSD was created by
Albert Hoffman, a Nazi collaborator working for the Swiss IG Farben.
Starting in the 1950s, the CIA began producing their own acid in
“tonnage quantities” after asking pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly to
synthesize Hoffman’s formula. This was part of the CIA’s larger plan to
dose the water supply of the Soviet Union. The CIA knew for themselves
the effects of LSD as they tested the drugs on prisoners at the same
facility in Lexington, Kentucky that Suboxone was tested at twenty years
later! Here, prisoners were kept tripping for 77 days straight as part
of Project Artichoke which was one of many programs under the umbrella
of Project MK-Ultra.(12)
The connection between the development of Suboxone, the CIA and
Acid’s early days are alarming given the fact that Suboxone was
introduced to California prisons at a time of heightened political
consciousness amongst prisoners, an economic recession, a rise in white
nationalism, Black Lives Matter protests, a statewide no visiting
lockdown, and the ten-year anniversary of prison hunger strikes that
rocked CDCR and produced ripple effects across Amerikkka’s gulags. Thus,
it was certainly in the interests of the imperialists to suppress the
germs of any potential organizing amongst the oppressed lumpen.
And although the CIA’s plans with respect to the Soviet Union never
came to fruition, they did use LSD to attack the political enemies of
the Amerikan bourgeoisie. Outspoken college professors critical of the
U.$., political activists, communists, government whistle-blowers and
their families all fell victim to LSD and were publicly
As the anti-imperialist movement gained traction both outside and
inside of U.$. borders, the use of LSD and other chemical weapons was
expanded. Throughout the 1970s heroin became part and parcel to the
fight against New Afrikan, Chican@, and First Nations national
liberation movements. Asian-produced opium also became critical to U.$.
imperialism’s war against Vietnam. Drug money was used to help
facilitate the creation of Taiwan as a U.$. ally against Maoist China
prior to these events.(14) Methadone too was linked to the opioid
problem in New York City in the 1970s. Methadone as “maintenance
treatment” for heroin addicts was funded by the Rockefeller Program.(15)
The Rockefellers have also been implicated in Nazi atrocities, the red
scare media campaigns, and CIA operations.
The 1980s brought us the Iran-Contra scandal responsible for the
introduction of crack-cocaine into the ghettos and barrios of the United
$tates. Again, the CIA was found to be at the heart of these dirty wars
which involved the use of Iranian money to buy Amerikan guns. Money from
the Iranians was then use to buy cocaine from Colombia for sale in the
United $tates. Amerikan drug money was then re-circulated to fund
counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua fighting the leftist
More recently, Operation Fast and Furious made international
headlines when the CIA was exposed for selling firearms to Mexican
cartels as a means of keeping the Mexican government destabilized and
the Mexican people from fighting their oppressors. The last thing the
U.$. wants is for a neo-colonial country on their doorstep to turn
independent and determine their own destinies.
The Problem as We Understand
If the imperialists really wanted to they could shut down the drug
trade, but that runs counter to their interests. Addiction defines
capitalist society. Addiction lies at the center of supply and demand
economics and is what drives the anarchy of production. From cell
phones, to soap operas, to opioids and methamphetamines, everyone living
in a capitalist society is addicted to something. Addiction in
capitalist society is encouraged as a means to realizing profit; but
also as a way to keep people in general, and the masses in particular,
distracted and unable to rise up against oppression. Nowhere is this
seen better than in the recent hystory of the oppressed nations.
In a critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx
explained how religion had hystorically been urged to drug people much
in the same ways the bourgeois uses actual drugs today:
“Religious suffering is at one and the same time the expression of
real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the
soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”(18)
Marx was writing at a time of the industrial revolution when the
“miracle” of capitalism was creating advancements in humyn hystory never
before seen. However, it was also creating grinding oppression and
poverty previously unknown. Capitalism also promoted ideas of
individualism, self-centeredness, greed, and exceptionalism, some of the
worst qualities in humyn behavior, and expanding them to include entire
populations, most pointedly in the labor aristocracy. All this combined
led to lives full of misery and desperation for the masses. Lives in
which the only solace was that of an afterlife. And while religion
continues to act as a smokescreen in the oppression of the masses, the
use of drugs has proved indispensable.
Today the root causes of oppression can be better traced to nation,
class, and gender contradictions which have completely warped the way
people interact on both a macro and micro level. The root causes of
addiction are much the same.
In regards to religious suffering, Marx knew better than to simply
call for the abolition of religion. Instead, he realized that it was the
conditions that led to religious suffering themselves that needed to be
abolished. Otherwise, some other new feel good belief would come to fill
the void left by religion, and the oppressive system itself would remain
in its place:
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is
the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their
illusions about their conditions is to call on them to give up a
condition that requires illusion. The criticism of religion is therefore
in embryo the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the
In other words, religion sanctified capitalism and helped make it
tolerable for the oppressed. Drugs play a similar role in today’s
culture. If one is high all the time than ey does not think about the
many years ey have to spend in prison. One does not have to deal with
the fact that ey made a decision that impacted countless lives because
of eir parasitic behavior. The use of drugs allows one to cope with the
impact nation, class, and gender contradictions have had on em through
intergenerational trauma, all the while keeping them unable to
understand how the three strands of oppression manifest through that
We encourage people to get drug free and stay that way, but this
requires more than the status quo in addiction treatment, which only
teaches how to better cope with the trauma of imperialism. We encourage
comrades to go further and destroy the conditions that require
illusions. We encourage comrades to take up revolution.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We will be doing a follow-up on this
article with the results of our second survey on drugs in prisons found
in ULK 75. We are still collecting and aggregating your
responses. It’s not too late if you have not responded yet.
We know the state is opposed to our efforts to expose and combat the
plague of drug addiction among imprisoned lumpen. Branchville
Correctional Facility in Indiana censored ULK 75 citing:
“denied based on the article about Suboxone, and the common drug
slang terms and sale information used in one of the articles. The items
in the article violate IDOC/BCF policies.”
Notes: [1] San Quentin News, September 2021, Pg. 8. [2]
5 Myths About Using Suboxone, Peter Greenspan MD, October 7, 2021
[3] Extended Suboxone Treatment Substantially Improves Outcomes for
Opioid Addicted Youth, November 4, 2008 [4] Suboxone vs Methodone:
Positives and Negatives, Avatar, May 21, 2021 [5] Addiction
Treatment with a Dark Side, New York Times, 2013 [6] Amanpour &
Co, PBS, December 7, 2021 [7] Addiction Treatment with a Dark Side,
New York Times, 2013 [8] Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s
Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac,
and Other Activists, John L. Potash, Trine Day LLC, 2015, Pg 7-9 [9]
Ibid, pg 10 [10] J. Sakai, 1989, Settlers: Mythology of the White
Proletariat, 3rd Edition, Morningstar Press, p. 7. Sakai cites
200-300,000 native people remaining by 1900, of an estimated 10 million
people before colonization. [11] Drugs as Weapons Against Us, Pg
10 [12] Ibid, Pg 29-30 [13] Ibid, Pg 31-36 [14] Ibid, Pg
45-51 [15] Under Lock & Key, Issue 59, Pg 5, 2017 [16] Drugs
as Weapons Against Us, Pg 13-14 [17] Ibid, Pg 279-285 [18] Karl
Marx, 1843, Introduction to “A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s
Philosophy of Right.” [19] A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of
Right, Karl Marx