I was rereading ULK10 when I came across the article
Combat Liberalism very relevant in PA prisons”. The prisoner was
referring to ULK issue #5, November 2008. From the article by the
prisoner, I can honestly say I sympathize with him, for myself and a few
others here at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility (RJDCF) in San
Diego, California have been dealing with a lot of the same type of shit.
Here at RJDCF Administrative Segregation, where I have been for almost
18 months because some other prisoner said I tried to extort him out of
commissary items (which I did not do at all), I have seen exactly how a
good portion constantly back down from fighting the rampant corruption
and oppression by the pigs because at the time it’s not affecting them.
But once it does, they scream it’s unfair and demand unity.
To me, these people are just like the pigs themselves. Out only for
their damn self. It’s pathetic.
I, for the past 16 months have been fighting tooth and nail against all
forms of pig corruption and oppression. Even though I am what is called
SNY (Sensitive Needs Yard) a.k.a. Protective Custody, I fight for the
rights of all prisoners, be they SNY or mainline actives. I’ve done
quite a few appeals as well as filed a few court claims. I do this even
though it comes back to haunt me in the form of retaliation from the
pigs in authority. But to quote a famous movie, “frankly my dear, I just
don’t give a damn.”
There’s not a whole lot more they can do to punish me or make my life
miserable. How could they? I’m in Ad-Seg for 18 months for
non-disciplinary issues as it was soon found out that I did not extort
anything from anyone, yet they are keeping me here 18 months for “enemy
concerns.” I’ve been awaiting a non-adverse transfer for most of the
time, about 16 months. The most corrupt pigs keep on going like they’re
nearly invincible: they issue me short portions of food, tamper with
food and mail, and try to shut me up with bullshit. They constantly try
to make other prisoners hate me. But I have been the one with the last
laugh so far. The prisoners know I fight for them. They ignore the pigs,
and show support for me even if they all don’t fight on their own. I
have won nearly all my appeals, and have the courts looking into these
issues. I will not bow down to these sadomasochistic pigs and their
oppression. While difficult to fight, they won’t hinder me.
These pigs do such a great job of keeping us all at each others’
throats. Yet there are some of us, regardless of custody status, SNY,
mainline, race, religion, crimes, etc, who just care about giving back,
just as much, if not more, than we get.
As I said, I’m SNY. I see active mainline prisoners fighting themselves.
This is contributing to their own oppression and making the pig’s job
even easier. The mainline looks down on SNY prisoners like they are all
baby rapers and killers. Yet there’s more unity on the SNY side of the
fence. We put bullshit prisoner politics behind us. To me, it’s the
mature thing to do.
The prisoners do pigs favors by fighting each other. And the ones who
don’t fight each other kiss the pigs’ asses to get favors such as dope,
cellphones, and other shit. But when something happens, these same
collaborating prisoners demand unity that they themselves don’t show. I
used to be similar, but I’ve changed. Now I even help those people
because this is still fighting the right fight. I know a few who would
do the same, but they are very few.
Prison would be a much better place if more people stopped oppressing
themselves and each other on top of what the pigs do. We must put the
bullshit aside for once in our lives. Leave behind the racism,
mainline/SNY hatred, the selfish attitudes, the “it’s all me” mentality.
We need to all grow the fuck up.
Unite and fight oppression, fight the pigs, fight for your true rights.
If you don’t, you’re only slaves, puppets, whores. I’m not advocating
violence against the pigs. I prefer you do it by educating yourselves
properly, not with the bullshit these authorities want you to learn.
True history, true politics, true reality, they exist.
We were taught in American schools that communism is a terrible way of
life. When people bash it who were communist, it’s because only a few of
them, usually exiles or people who would’ve been punished, fled from
responsibility and put it down. Yet I’ve met a lot of others who have
nothing but good to say about it. People will never truly be 100% happy.
Not everyone. Most can be just fine.
Even Mao himself admitted to mistakes. If people learn from them that’s
great. It shows maturity and responsibility. If not, they are fools,
it’s that simple.
Our mistakes are many. We’ve been quick to accept a certain way of life.
Look where that’s gotten us. Our rehabilitation in prison is a joke.
We’re not rehabilitated, we’re segregated. And we’ve allowed it by
accepting it’s the real way. It’s not people. Wake up. Look between the
lines. We’re miserable because we allow it.
Unite. Put bullshit back in the garbage. Educate yourselves. Stand on
your own 2 feet and fight the real fight.
MIM(Prisons) adds: The prison movement of the late ’60s
and early ’70s was strong because of the unity in action around issues
that affected all prisoners. We need to implement such a strategy, and
not just focus on self as this comrade reiterates. It is up to leaders
to step forward and lead this effort. This comrade acknowledges that
they used to be narrow-minded in their approach but changed. The more
leaders who step up, the more people will change and see unity in action
as a reality.