MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
www.prisoncensorship.info is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.
July 2018 – Hey guys n gals. Well good and bad news.
First the good. I successfully organized my first demonstration, on
Father’s Day. We are in G-4 custody (20 hr lockdown - 2 hr dayroom and 2
hr rec). The staff always steals our rec with the excuse of “short of
staff.” So I gathered 6 other prisoners and stated that we would like to
speak to Rank (i.e. Sergeant or Lieutenant). Soon all 48 prisoners were
united. The officers did not know what to do. They called on the radio
an ICS (inmate control squad) stating that we were refusing to rack up.
Lo and behold, every officer on the unit arrived with bean bag guns,
gas, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, everybody. I guess they were NOT
short of staff! LOL!
After that I approached the Captain very calmly and told him our
grievances. The Warden showed up just in time to see. He said “tell them
to rack up and we will see what the officer has to say.” Seeing that the
message had been delivered, I withdrew.
About 10 minutes later they came back and gave us rec.
Now the bad news. Since then the prisons are now targeting me and I am
in Seg. SMH! It is okay. Because I see now that I do have the power to
make a difference.
Thanks for the Texas Activist Pack, and thanks for the back issues. I
also got ULK 62 yesterday and I will follow up soon. In Struggle!
MIM(Prisons) responds: The Texas Activist Pack was updated in
August 2018, and you can get one by sending a donation of $3.50. It’s a
bit thicker now, so the cost to print and mail it has gone up since the
last version. The Texas Pack has info about all the campaigns that
United Struggle from Within comrades have developed for the state of
Let’s pause to consider why aren’t these materals already available to
prisoners held by TDCJ? Why has the TDCJ been withholding the grievance
manual from prisoners since at least November 2014? Who are the people
held by TDCJ and how does it impact their lives and familes when they
don’t have access to this info?
Filing grievances and working on individual or reform campaigns do have
their place. But, like with this comrade’s successful efforts to get rec
time, the greatest impact will come in the unity we build with our
comrades, and the sense of our own power that we can tap into. Those are
the successes that are going to stick with us for the long haul, and
through various stages that our struggle goes through.
I fell June 2 Jamming my wrist in the wall I have one arm with no
climbing and no reaching over my shoulder. Our lockers are overhead I
have been denied a medical locker that sit on floor for 10 months. IDS
has asked for me to be given one. After 23 days I was given an x ray
June 25. Nothing done. I went to Galveston hospital in Aug 2018 on
another matter. I showed the doctor my swollen wrist again. Nothing was
done or said on sept 19, I was given a lay in for medical. I was issued
a wrist splint and told I would be going to Galveston hospital. I filed
a grievance only to have it returned the next day stating that my time
to file had expired. I should have filed when the X-ray was done. I was
reassigned to Estelle Unit last Nov to get a hearing aid. This hasn’t
I have been refused brace and limb - citing no medical indication for it
(I have one arm). I have been delayed all services from ADS. I am also
hearing impaired, talking book program, etc. My caseworker states I am
trying to get her fired when I asked for these services after 10 months.
I do want it fixed so she can’t work for city, county, state, or
government again.
Enclosed is a clipping from the Austin American-Statesman (2018
May 3) I thought pertinent and might be of interest.
Not having first-hand knowledge of the University of Texas (UT) course
“MasculinUT,” I found it interesting that the reactionary philistines
again attacked academia for addressing patriarchal oppression. As far as
I’m concerned, conventional notions of masculinity are a societal
conditioning of the psyche, ergo, much like a Black persyn ensnared in a
eurocentric society, a mind fuck. So, yeah, maybe the yahoos are correct
that traditional concepts of what masculinity entails (e.g., violence
against wimmin) is a mental health issue, and as such, men need to be
subjected to re-conditioning via communist transition. Maybe, like the
bourgeoisie under socialism, men will be repressed. Maybe, hell!
MIM(Prisons) responds: The article enclosed, from the
Statesman, talks about the UT masculinity education program,
which is an awareness campaign formerly run by the University’s
Counseling and Mental Health Center. Conservatives attacked the program,
claiming it treats masculinity as a mental health problem.
In response, the MasculinUT program was moved to Dean of Students, and,
in a statement from its website, “the program’s original steering
committee was reconvened and expanded to provide recommendations and
feedback to ensure that the program’s mission is clearly defined and
fully aligned with its original intent of reducing sexual assault and
interpersonal violence.”
We’re with this comrade in thinking it might not be so bad to think
about masculinity as a mental health issue. As long as we’re clear that
this and many other mental health issues are a product of the capitalist
patriarchy. People aren’t born being sexist idiots. They are trained to
believe that wimmin don’t know what they want, to see wimmin as objects,
and to view maleness as a sign of superiority. People will need a lot of
retraining to overcome a lifetime of patriarchal education.
We don’t know what’s involved in the UT program so we can’t comment on
it. But we can say that after the imperialist patriarchy is overthrown
we’ll have a long period of cultural revolution where we need to
re-invent humyn culture and re-educate everyone to see all people as
equal. This is about the patriarchy, but also about the oppression of
all groups of people over other groups, across the strands of oppression
of nation, class and gender. This involve forcibly repressing
patriarchal culture and institutions. We hope that forcible repression
of half the population (men) will not be necessary, but there will need
to be active promotion of feminists into positions of power, and a
careful re-consideration of the appropriate interactions between all
I would like to address the illegal acts by the grievance investigator
Ms. Andersen at Dalhart Unit. I have written a grievance on a staff
member here for discrimination and then I added three witnesses that saw
and heard the incident to my grievance. I never mentioned to any of my
witnesses that I put them down as witnesses. The reason behind this was
so that it was clear it was not a plan nor did I coach them or inform
them to say untrue things. So none of my witnesses knew that they were
going to be called a witness.
When the grievance investigator, Ms. Andersen, called them in one by
one, she never mentioned anything to any one of the witnesses about when
the incident took place. Who put them down as witnesses, what they were
witness too. All they knew is they were witness to an incident and could
they think of anything. Only one of my witnesses had a clue, but was not
100% sure it was me. The other two had no clue on what incident the
investigator was talking about because she said nothing more than “can
you think of an incident”. Because the investigator, Ms. Andersen, did
not disclose to my witnesses anything only that they were put down as
witnesses to an incident and could they think of an incident.
She interfered with the investigation to help her coworker out. I was
made aware of this by my witnesses when I ask them have they been called
as witnesses yet? But all of them stated what I stated above and the two
that didn’t give both stated “That was you that added me as a witness?
Had I known I would have given a statement of what I saw and heard.”
This is why most offender’s grievances get shot down even when you have
proof of discrimination or any other violation by a staff member.
Because the person doing the investigation is most likely going to be
biased or unfair in their finding or investigation when it comes to
“coworkers” and “friends” they work with. This is nothing compared to
what I saw and heard when it comes to the investigator who investigate
the grievances written by offenders. I can only pray that God will bring
things like this to the light to stop this unfair grievance procedure. I
think this could be why I’ve been set off on parole four times already.
All because I choose to fight them over the past 7 1/2 years.
As I write you this letter, I’m sitting in G5 closed custody after
standing up to an officer denying me medical and medication. The
substitute counsel never helped me nor came back to speak with me. The
captain lied and said I refused to attend my hearing. So they ran major
court without me. We have cameras here and I can prove they are lying.
But who do I contact? I’ve written the warden, but they ignore my
letters and I-60. I never receive a grievance back. The law library is
refusing to answer any of my I-60s. The officers have come into my cell
and packed my property only to take some of my legal transcripts,
returned I-60s, and medications, lay-ins and other personals. They went
into my legal manila envelopes and took documents. They threw away my
legal envelopes, combined several containers of legals into other
folders mixing things up and getting them out of order.
What do I do? Who do I contact? No one on this unit will answer an I-60
concerning the issue. I need your help to start me in the right
direction to help myself and my fellow brothers beside me. I don’t have
any outside sources or family to help.
I am approaching from a background of having been held captive in
general prison population where I am aware that at least a few of us
subscribe to The BayView and Under Lock & Key and
agreed the latter’s issue No. 62 is controversial in criticizing a
certain labor union.
One reason for focusing on this outstanding view(s) is because some of
us are unionized with this entity which is the only one of its class
that waves membership dues for prisoners and is also actively involved
in the prison abolition movement. Specifically you allude in your
article to, “Those organizations don’t want low paid prisoners to
replace high paid petty bourgeois workers.”
Further what I think was more shocking is you attributed to outside
support low, selfish motive by claiming, “They would be happy to see
prisoners rot in their cells… it’s higher pay for their class that the
labor aristocracy wants.” Indisputably your position is informative and
generally supported by historical patterns, including Michelle
Alexander’s The New Jim Crow which illustrated how Capitalists
successfully divided White and New Afrikan working class through
granting pay raises and white skin privileges who in turn collectively
advocated us decaying in segregation.
I would like to remain on Under Lock & Key subscription list
because by far, it’s more advanced than a number of other non-mainstream
publications, in that yours boldly challenges general thought trends.
One case-in-point is an Elder had cautioned us to be vigilant on what
Under Lock & Key also affirmed about those who share
sentiments identified as “the mass base behind the prison craze.” We see
clear signs they are present, active and have self-centered agendas.
But in contrast to what you promoted, I don’t think our struggle has yet
nor is on the verge of being co-opted by selfish motives – though
potentially via “Incarcerated Organizing Committees” – provided our
focus don’t prioritize amending the 13th Amendment over acquiring human
rights and Independence, attacking deceptive parole mechanisms. In this
regard, MIM(Prisons) provides a vital source exhorting the prison
movement to re-evaluate the ramification of amending the 13th Amendment.
Perhaps the pendulum will sway away from giving successive energy to the
13th Amendment when factoring that many prison systems already pay money
of account for prisoner labor; but yet, both sides of the spectrum agree
mass incarceration is the core problem.
In ULK 62, among other issue numbers, you criticize massive
prison work strikes. The perspective MIM(Prisons) is herein asked to
ponder upon is the impact of “sustained” general work strikes will have
on the bottom lines of private sectors; namely, commissary stork,
telephone companies, choicey livestock parts that never reaches our food
supply, etc.
MIM(Prisons) responds: First, we must make a disclaimer related
to this discussion. We’ve learned of a recent article in Turning the
Tide by a couple of United Struggle from Within comrades that calls
out IWOC, among other organizations, as “ghost organizations.” This is
NOT the position of MIM(Prisons) or ULK. We will likely address
this in more detail soon. However, we hope our readers can distinguish
our approach here in criticizing the political line of other
organizations and the effects of that line, rather than disparaging them
for not doing anything just because they aren’t working with us. No one
can deny that the IWOC has done a lot to successfully publicize recent
prison struggles and actions.
Overall it seems we have a lot of agreement with the writer above, but
areas of debate are well worth addressing. The main point raised here is
whether labor unions are selfishly pushing their own agenda for higher
wages for the Amerikan labor aristocracy, or if these labor unions can
really be putting the interests of prisoners first in prison labor
As this writer notes, we have plenty of historical evidence of labor
unions in the United $tates promoting the interests of the Amerikkkan
nation at the expense of oppressed nations.(1) And this promotion of
national oppression includes support for the expansion of prisons to
lock up oppressed nations. In fact, those prisons provide well-paying
jobs for many labor aristocracy workers. So the contradiction between
prison employees and prisoners is amplified, as this incarceration is
essential to their livelihood.
Many corporations can’t take advantage of cheap prison labor because
labor unions have put provisions in their contracts and state laws to
force consultation with labor leaders before establishing a contract for
prisoner labor. It is clear the cheaper labor available in prisons is a
direct threat to the high wages paid to people outside of prisons for
work that could be done by prisoners. Many labor unions are quite clear
about their position on this point.
But the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is different from other
labor unions in that it claims to be international and anti-capitalist.
The IWW is the labor union offering free membership to prisoners and
actively campaigning on behalf of prisoners. The IWW also actively
campaigns for higher wages for Amerikan workers. So they are walking a
fine line between progressive work supporting prisoners’ struggles, and
reactionary pro-labor-aristocracy politics. The history of the IWW
includes some clear examples benefiting white workers at the expense of
colonial labor, as is documented in J. Sakai’s book Settlers:
Mythology of the White Proletariat.(2)
This doesn’t mean the IWW is always working against the interests of
prisoners. In fact they have waged some progressive battles. But their
goal of raising wages for Amerikan workers is still fundamentally
reactionary. The Amerikan labor aristocracy is the mass base for
fascism, not a base for revolutionary organizing. They continue to come
down on the side of imperialism, and are well bought off with the spoils
of conquest and exploitation of oppressed nations around the globe.
In all of our prison struggles we need to keep the contradiction between
internal oppressed nations (locked up, killed by police, flooded with
drugs, denied economic, educational, and work opportunities, etc.) and
the oppressor nation at the forefront. Why do we have such a huge prison
population in the United $tates? It comes back to national oppression.
Battles around prisoners getting access to education, or getting paid
for their labor, can be progressive parts of the struggle against the
criminal injustice system. As long as they are framed in the context of
the battle for liberation of oppressed nations. Opportunistically tying
the prison labor battle to the broader Amerikan labor union struggles
will only drag us down into reactionary oppressor-nation politics which
builds up the labor aristocracy at the expense of the world’s
oppressed.(3) The oppressed, around the world and within U.$. borders,
are always the losers in Amerikan labor union wage struggles.
I was sent here November of 2012 to get a hearing aid. Ten months later,
I am still waiting on a hearing test, which is set for October. Until
this happens, I am denied all programs from ADS (Assistive Disability
Services), talking book program, just to name one.
I am amputated right arm above elbow. I am refused brace and limb as no
medical indication that it is needed.
I am also denied a medical floor locker. Again, I have one arm and can’t
use the overhead lockers with the following restrictions, no climbing,
reaching our the shoulder due to aneurysm on the left arm. ADS requested
the box. This was denied by the law library staff. I fell while trying
to place my property in overhead locker on June 2. It took 12 days to
see medical staff and another 12 days to get an X-ray. By that time, my
wrist had healed wrong with a big knot on it.
These issues and other have been addressed by the ombudsmen (unit
captains) which is a cover up in itself. They are not picking on me, it
is like that for everyone here at Estelle Unit.
The Law Library doesn’t have law books on a shelf, it has no shelfs. You
have to know what case law you want. Without the full name and cite, you
get nothing.
The unit/prison that I find myself assigned to now is what is referred
to as a “Red Brick Unit.” Built in the 1960s at the latest where the
cells are a mere 5’x9’ with two occupants, giving a paltry 22.5 square
feet of living space for these two prisoners to share. Unacceptable
dehumanizing conditions. I have found that the feds have ordered such
dual housing to be stopped: yet the TDCJ agency continues and is
(reported to be) paying fines [to the feds, as restitution] to be
allowed to continue this violative, inter alia, 8th amend. treatment of
prisoners. One would not house two 150 pound dogs in such diminutive
Not to ignore the fact that we prisoners are not the only ones suffering
from the de-humanizing conditions disdainfully provided for all, on and
in these TDCJ agency’s units. The COs too suffer the lack of civilized
conditions, which should shock the conscience of the citizenry. For
instance, cooler temperatures afforded the administration, medical,
education, and on Ellis One, a special wing for youths, which too is air
conditioned (an issue for another day). Not to mention that the sewage
systems back up, belching feces laden water up from the toilets,
saturating the cells, and especially first floor walkways, too include
the main hallways: with “one inch” deep bacteriological contamination
residues just left in the cells to fester for two months before
inadequate packets of “bipi” is distributed for clean up of the cells.
While all the walkways are cleaned with bleach. Endangering the health
of all.
All-in-all these prisons are so deteriorated as to sustain these noxious
environs poisoning all who live and frequent them without conditioned
(filtered) air and water. At times the water is orange with
contaminates. Whereas the water supplied by the local municipalities by
way of deteriorated pressure lines, are both so befouled and
degenerated, respectively, with black flake particles of unknown origin
and chemical composition. Prisoners without means have no options but to
ingest this pollution, not apprised of what kinds of future chronic
affliction, malady, infirmity, or complication, such oppressive exposure
overtime will plague us all with. In juxtaposition, those on these units
who are not prisoners can and are provided bottled and/or filtered water
for their safe usage.
In my first newsletter of Under Lock & Key you spoke a lot
about prison labor. Here on Eastham, you can’t get the offenders to
assume their role as the ones being imprisoned. This unit can literally
run itself without the aid of the officers. From the counts, to
disciplinary, to the organization of movement. In the past ten years
they have resurrected the yellow lines. In between the lines they have
waxed the floors and added the states emblem. They also have refused to
write on causes that are structured because of violations on
constitutional rights and even rights that deny us actual entitlements.
I miss the days where K-2 was plentiful on this unit. Why? Because some
of these same individuals who are running the prison were the ones who
helped ruin it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that bad of a race to do
your time. It’s easy time. It’s peaceful all the time. And the programs
here are plentiful. You have to learn how to keep to yourself here, but
besides that we really have a clean plate to eat on.
The same place where you’ll eat better with a stamp, or dress better
with a bag of coffee. Some days I look at these men and I see where they
come from, who they hung around, and what they were focused on. If you
have a noble cause to rally, you’ll fail to grasp the attention of over
80% of Eastham. These men are content with their lives being in
jeopardy, their rights violated, their health threatened, and their
freedoms stripped. If I were to tell every man in white on this unit to
“lay it down” about 10% of the unit would stand strong. All they care
about is making stamps, going to recreation and commissary, rumors and
gossip, and last but not least the craft shop. A sad place to call home,
and a horrible place to start a movement.
I have been subjected to delays, unanswered grievances, and harassment.
After reading over your United Struggle from Within section I realized
that this petition may very well be exactly what these people need. Here
in Texas the grievance process is horrible. I’m currently incarcerated
at the French Robertson unit, and on this unit all Step 1 grievances
come back with the exact same response regardless of what the actual
grievance was about. Which clearly shows a violation of the due process
rights afforded to us due to the fact that no inquiry or investigation
of any sort is being done to validate the response always given. I would
like to join the campaign. I am in need of the petition.
I have recently experienced these very tactics with a grievance that I
filed on a disciplinary appeal. I had made parole and was supposed to be
released but was given a bogus case for fighting an inmate which
resulted in injuries beyond first aid even though I wasn’t involved in
the fight in any way, shape, form, or fashion! To make a long story
short for the sake of time: two people that I knew had already fought
once in the dayroom and were still heated. I was in the cell. I came out
to shower and one of the guys comes and tells me about the situation. I
tell him that a fight wouldn’t change any one of their minds about the
situation (they were fighting about a Euro-Step!) so they should just
agree to disagree. They end up fighting anyway. They aren’t caught
fighting but camera review gets us all locked up. According to them I
was seen conversing with the two prior to the incident so I must have
been involved. The case says that I engaged in the fight by being a
“lookout.” Which is total BS due to the fact that I didn’t engage in
anything nor is being a “lookout” a case anywhere in the TDCJ Handbook.
Of course the case sticks anyway, even though both of the guys admitted
and wrote statement professing that they did fight each other and that I
had nothing to do with the actual fighting, in fact I was the one who
tired to defuse the situation. I still get slammed on the case and lose
my parole as well. I file the Step1 grievance and it is returned a month
or so later without incident with the pre-meditated response as usual. I
file the Step 2 and it disappears. 45 days later it reappears without a
response of any kind due to the fact that it hasn’t been processed. I
resubmit with all the inquiries from me to them questioning the
whereabouts of the grievance. The Step 2 is returned to me in 2 weeks
stating that the grievable time has expired!
I said all that to say this, comrades I feel your pain and struggle.
I’ve lost my chance at freedom (semi-freedom) over a lying vindictive
Lieutenant and a faulty grievance system, well not actually faulty cause
faulty would indicate a mistake. This is done with blatant ill intent!
I’m not discouraged though, just inspired to speak out on the injustice.