Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Texas Prisons

Got a keyboard? Help type articles, letters and study group discussions from prisoners. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Abuse] [Medical Care] [McConnell Unit] [Texas]

Promotions for abusive guards; medical neglect for prisoners

Sorry that I haven’t written in a while. But I’ve been sick with a severe bout of sciatic nerve pain. Talking about pain, it’s very very painful!

Well, I’m writing y’all this letter to let y’all know what’s been happening here at the McConnell Unit.

First of all, to get the proper treatment for this sciatic nerve pain it took, of course, the involvement of my family. Because even though I had been to the hospital and I’d been prescribed some medications by a medical doctor, a P.A. was refusing to give me or prescribe me the medications. Why? Because she felt that I didn’t need them. And this is because I could barely walk. Even with the crutches I had a lot of trouble walking. But once my family started to call things started to change.

It’s so sad that in order to get treated properly we prisoners have to bother family members to call the unit and demand that we’re given the required medical attention. Taxes that they pay so that we inmates do get that required medical attention when it comes that we need it. They sure are very quick in collecting the $100.00 co-payment when it comes to collecting it, but when it comes to treating the inmates we all go through hell getting the proper medical attention. It is how the injustice system works all around the United $tates.

Another thing is that about 2 or 3 months ago I filed a grievance and a Citizen’s Complaint (through a family member) against a Lt. (Guevarra) for cussing at me. He went as far as to tell me that for me to remember I’m just a fucking number and nothing more. You won’t believe what happened? What his punishment was? He was promoted from Lt. to Capt!

[Medical Care] [Wynne Unit] [Texas]

TB outbreak at Texas Wynne Unit not being prevented

I am incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Correctional Institutional Division (TDCJ) at the John M. Wynne Unit. I damaged my left lung because I contracted tuberculosis here at this faculty. I had complained for over a year because I was seriously ill. It is apparent that I contracted the active disease here. Before Feb 26, 2016, all test results were 0.0, until Feb 28, 2016 it was 0.3 and then in March 3, 2017 it read 0.8.

I remain in day to day contact with people with the active disease cough infecting anyone who breathe the germs into their lungs. There are at least three other people in the last twelve months, that I have seen the TB germs multiply and cause illness here at this unit. Each of these individual had been tested, as I prior too and had not tested positive for TB. I was given test upon test and complained many times that I felt I had been exposed to TB and was not properly diagnosed until I went on bench warrant that it was confirmed, certainly.

I possibly exposed many for undoubtedly mine was indeed active. It is not being addressed and my most sincere concern is that this is allowed by the prison failing to properly respond to tuberculosis exposure. Outbreak of the disease is not being prevented. The latest incident was on March 9, 2018 in which a prisoner became so ill from TB he passed out and was brought to medical then taken to the hospital. I told a LWN nurse Latasha D. Franklin that he had TB and he caught it from me a year ago. The next day she thanked me for the info because they didn’t know what was wrong with him.

[Abuse] [Terrell Unit] [Texas]

Assaulted, Grieved, Charged with Assault

I would like to keep getting the Under Lock & Key issues so I could keep up with all the prison problems with drugs, gangs, and medical issues, and assault on offenders from TDCJ employees.

I know about the assaults on offenders by TDCJ employees because on 1-19-18 I was assaulted by physical force by a TDCJ employee from the C.T. Terrell Unit in Brazoria County, Rosharon, TX. I’ve done letters, grievances, I-60s, and even a 1983 and I get the case of a assault on an officer!

The Captain on the C.T. Terrell Unit said “My Officers do not lie.” The case was fabricated to make it look like I was the assaulter, but I was without a case for over 12 years.

[Abuse] [Dalhart Unit] [Texas]

No Bathroom for Jailhouse Lawyers in Texas

I would like you to know, not to long ago this unit stopped offenders from being able to use the restroom during our session. I am in the law library every day up to 3 hour a day M-F without being able to use the restroom. But in this same building they allow offenders from GED, Cognitive Intervention, and Changes to be able to use the restroom. Its not right when you have offenders in the law library fighting criminal appeals, civil cases, grievances etc. and not able to use the same restroom the other offenders use who are not in the law library. Would you know if there anything that I could do to be able to get this unit to allow us to use the restroom without them ending our session?

[Abuse] [Wynne Unit] [Texas]

Organizations ignore fight against Texas corruption and abuse

I’ve received your January/February 2018, no. 60 ULK magazine which I feel is one of your best issues yet, full of very good information which I’ll definitely let out to others to read and then send out to a friend later on. As I’ve told you before, I am a Euro-Amerikan, Indian-Amerikan mix, 62 year old retired US military, 90% VA disabled retiree presently at the TDCJ nazi concentration camp Wynne Unit in the Oppressive/suppressive slave state of Texa$$.

Back in September, apparently at the direction of the Administration, the local Doctor, one Theodore R. Hall, began a campaign of removing people’s medical restrictions. In my case, without even having seen me. And then he retaliated on me after having me tossed from his office by removing even more of my restrictions. I immediately did an Informal Resolution to the UTM Health Care Administration Ms. Jaime Williams. No help there! I did a step 1 and step 2 Grievance with the usual predictable results and I’m certain the step 2 never left this unit as it only had a completion date with no signature and no ID No. of an investigator on it.

I wrote numerous offices, organizations, VA, Texas Vets, TIFA, Texas Civil Rights Project, and several lawyers for help. The only one that wrote back was Texas Vets and he was confused as to my predicament and so I got absolutely no help. I’m convinced TACJ is intercepting and destroying a lot of my mail seeking legal helps and to the Dept. of Justice.

I wrote the ARRM Administrator and Health Services Division who told me to use the Grievance Procedures even though I’d explain it doesn’t work and that I already had, the main Grievance office in Austin told me the same thing. I contacted the Texas Disability Rights Protection and Advocacy Agency who told me they could do nothing to help me, the International Humanitarian Law Institute in St. Paul, MN too. You name it, I’ve more than likely written to them as I wrote to at least 25 different places, no help at all. Not one lawyer or law organization has ever returned any sort of answer to me in years, nor have the DOJ, nor have any of the ACLU offices.

It seems that no one will take on the TDCJ or their very corrupt Parole Board. Speaking of which, I firmly believe it is because I am a very outspoken prison activist that I have not made parole yet, the first 3 times I received a 3 year set off. This time I got a 5 year set off until January, 2023. I think they will try to keep me and let me die in here due to their sleep deprivation, bad food, neglect, contaminated water and their “Health Care” routines. I haven’t been beaten or threatened or harassed by the Administration. Oh no, they do treat me very politely, it’s what goes on that I can’t be made privy to that worries me behind the scenes that they do in their paperwork and records.

On my parole denial they cited reason 2D in all 4 of my denials as being a threat/danger to society. You ought to see me, I hobble around on a cane and lose my breath in less than 50 yds, and I’m slow, everything hurts too. I have to lever myself up any time I get out of bed, onto the toilet, or off the seat in the chow hall and I can barely keep my food tray steady. This place is full of DANGEROUS old men :), pfffft! I definitely do not recommend this gated community and old folks home of Texa$$ to anyone, and the way we got treated and abused, well if you did it on the outside, they’d put them in prison. That’s exactly where ALL the pigs deserve to be put anyway!

I’ve also shared out to several people the Texas Grievance Pack you sent me and I’ve written for and given at least 6 Jailhouse Lawyer handbooks to likely inmates that will use them of all races of our apparently lower classes of our great ’Merican society of the have-nots and poor and with any power to protect us from the Upper Elite Ultra Wealthy who actually run (ruin) our country.

[Abuse] [Campaigns] [Mountain View Unit] [Texas]

Dirty tricks frustrate grievances in Texas

I would like to participate in the grievance petition campaign for TDCJ in the state of Texas. I am tired of their dirty tricks, underhanded attempts to frustrate the grievance procedure - and render the “vehicle for review” ineffective.

Please send me several copies of the petition so that I can get on board. I have been locked up 10 yrs and I never had a major case. I was written 2 major cases 1 week apart (both are false) and sent to cell block for 6 months, good time taken & 2 lines taken. I want to raise attention to these tactics. I personally quoted policy to warden Kazmierczak, Major Holmes, and Captain Whitney Bruton on 3 different occasions to let them know this was wrong. All that happened was they got more angry and even our health care provider told them my medication was all legitimate. Thank you for your attention and help with this issue. Please send me up to date info that might help.

[Abuse] [Telford Unit] [Texas]

Telford gives arbitrary riot cases after peaceful protest

On the 9th of Feb a peaceful protest (sit in) was staged to protest early “rack up” because TDCJ was short staffed. The unit has been short staffed for awhile. So some prisoners protested, and TDCJ officers responded by “tear gasing” the whole pod. Thoses who were in their cells were gassed as well as the “sit in” group. They put the peaceful, non-violent protest group away in their cells.

The next few weeks some people received riot cases and some didn’t. My cell mate was in the cell with me. He received a riot case. We thought that once they checked the cameras he would be shown not guilty. Well that was wrong. He got a case for rioting and we all got a case for rioting, because… well I don’t know why. Just a report from Telford Unit.

[Abuse] [Connally Unit] [Texas]

Texas shipping prisoners around to cover up protests

Well, once again I’m writing to you so that it becomes known that Texas is at it again. The prison system is shifting its inmates around once more. Recently I wrote letting you know that 300 plus inmates had gotten shipped off to Pack 1 unit from Connally because they needed to fill it up due to inmates battling the conditions of heat related deaths who got shipped off that unit to try and stall or and disrupt the unified civil act that was filed. So in saying these units from Texas; Connally, Smith, Gibb Lewis, Eastham, Stevenson etc. sent inmates to fill in the bunks at Pack 1 Unit in Navaosta, TX.

Now we’ve been shipped back to our original units due to this civil act being won in the courts and those inmates having to be sent back to their original unit as well! The crazy thing is that the prison system tries its hardest to escape the responsibilities it has towards its subjects. This is a known practice! The bus ride to and from was no easy trip. Cramed like sardines and cuffed to each other and then having to endure the shifting and bouncing on the bus ride for for plus hours is not only annoying but dehumanizing as well!

Most of us who got shipped to Pack 1 have been on Connally unit over a decade and never experienced such circumstances and so it was confusing to go thru this situation. Now, the thing is that there is a rumor that some of us will go back as well once TDC puts in the AC units that those inmates won thru the courts. Sometime in April. But this only serves to encourage other inmates on other units to file suits as well and get this party going with the whole system statewide to put AC units in every prison.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Michael Unit] [Texas]

For That Matter

The free, I see, living and existing, without me
They lock man away in a cage, while the birds fly free & away
In this kennel for days, awaiting my day to escape the chains
a long time coming, awaiting for change
deserted in a dry desert, awaiting the rain
to wash me away, back on my way, where the road is paved
This system can’t feel my pain
This system can’t understand my brain
My soul, my heart, nor my spirit, or mind for that matter

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Michael Unit] [Texas] [ULK Issue 62]


Yesterday, I was a sleeping victim
victimized by class segregation
Yesterday, I was comatose, to
those who inflicted economic degradation
These Imperialist weapon of mass Destruction
is capitalism smoked screened by spiritual materialism
The irony is that of a materialist in prison
Yesterday, I was unconscious, to the drugs
and guns that they sponsored
Yesterday, I was out cold, to the bold
manipulation, out-of-control of my own
Yesterday, I dreamed the Amerikkkan dream
thinking living free, was greed
Today I have awoken, Eyes wide open
Betita, Corky, Che, Zapata, and Poncho have spoken
The spell is broken
