MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key 41 is focused on gang validation and step
down programs in U.$. prisons. Gang validation is used as a
justification for locking people in long-term isolation cells, commonly
known as control units. Most civilians would say that controlling gang
violence is a good thing, and that perspective is exactly what the
criminal injustice system is relying on for its gang validation
programs. The assumption is that all groups classified as gangs are
engaged in criminal activity, and anyone in contact with the gang must
be a member.
Let’s put aside for now the reality that the U.$. military and police
force is the biggest gang in world history. If anyone is organized in
criminal activity and terrorism, it’s them. That any U.$. government
agency claims to be against gang activity without being critical of
itself is just a joke.
The entities identified as gangs by the California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) include correspondence study
groups such as the
L. Nolen Mentorship Program. In Texas, Under Lock & Key
as a security threat group, despite actually being a newspaper. The
Gang Crime Research Center recently published a report which
included the Maoist Internationalist Movement as a potential threat to
prison security. It is obvious that the gang label is not used for
criminal, but instead political, reasons.
Often, validation is based on secret evidence that the prisoner cannot
challenge, and can include things like talking to the wrong persyn in
the yard, being
possession of books on history and politics, or even sending someone
a birthday card. In some cases validation is based on a prisoner
receiving an unsolicited letter mentioning the name of another prisoner,
or even just participating in MIM(Prisons) correspondence study groups.
A Connecticut writer describes the difficulty fighting “evidence” about
security risk group activity:
“In August I was taken to segregation because a prisoner got caught with
4 pages of Security Risk Group (SRG) paperwork and the pigz try to say
one of the 4 pages was in my handwriting. Due to this assumption I was
given a class A SRG ticket for recruiting, even though this prisoner
signed a statement explaining the paperwork is his. I never gave it to
him, and I never wrote it. The crazier thing is the prisoner who got
caught with these papers was released back into Phase 3 (back into the
block) and I sat in segregation for over a month till I was transferred
back to Phase 1 in Walker Correctional Institution.”
Once validated, it’s very difficult to get out of isolation without
giving the administration information (snitching) on others; information
that many prisoners don’t even have because they aren’t actually members
of the groups the prison has “validated.” In the article
Process of Validation and Step Down Programs” cipactli gets into the
politics behind these programs.
Some people who are validated are members of lumpen organizations (LOs),
and the prisons use the “gang” label to make them out as scary and
dangerous groups. But lumpen organizations are a natural response to
national oppression, and many of these LOs have the potential to lead
their members in anti-imperialist organizing. The unity and organization
of LOs scares the imperialists and their lackeys. After all, LOs operate
outside of the state-approved capitalist economy and serve a lumpen
population whose interests are not tied up in that system, unlike the
vast majority of U.$. citizens.
Often validation is used to target and isolate politically active
prisoners who speak up and fight the criminal injustice system, whether
or not they are part of an LO. Fighting against gang validation is an
important part of the fight against prison control units and other
methods of social control that target politically active prisoners.
These comrades are the leaders of the movement against the criminal
injustice system behind bars.
The overwhelming response to our call for information on validation for
ULK suggests that a disproportionate number of readers of
anti-imperialist literature are a target for gang validation
half of our readers are in some kind of solitary confinement). This
issue of ULK includes a variety of articles describing the
false justifications used for validation, the targeting of activists,
and the consequences of isolation and torture for those who are
In this issue many writers describe their experiences with validation
programs, and we also talk about ways to fight the validation system.
Building unity among lumpen organizations in the United Front for Peace
in Prisons, campaigning to shut down prison control units, and fighting
the legitimacy of so-called step down programs are all ways we are
attacking this problem from many sides. Prisons serve the imperialists
as a tool of social control, and as is explained in the
Process of Validation and Step Down Programs” article, control units
are a vitally important element of this system. We can use the
contradictions inherent in the system which raises the political
consciousness of those targeted for repression, and often throws
together leaders who can join forces to build a broader movement. After
all, the recent series of California hunger strikes were led by
prisoners locked up in Pelican Bay’s notorious control unit.
The U.$ government won’t give up their tools of social control
willingly. And in the end the criminal injustice system needs to be
thoroughly dismantled, something we can’t do until we overthrow the
imperialists and replace them with a government serving the interests of
the world’s oppressed. But as a part of the work to build towards
communist revolution we battle today to shut down prison control units
and end the targeting of prison activists and oppressed nations.
For the past three years, on September 9 prisoners across the country
have joined in a solidarity demonstration on this anniversary of the
Attica uprising. It was initiated by an organization that was a part of
the United Front for Peace in Prisons. That organization is no longer
around, but new organizations and individuals have carried forward the
The organizers call on activists to take this day to promote the United
Front for Peace in Prisons (UFPP) by building unity with fellow
captives, and to demonstrate resistance to the criminal injustice system
by fasting, refraining from work, engaging only in solidarity actions,
and ceasing all prisoner-on-prisoner hostilities. In some prisons the
demonstrations are big and involve many participants, in others just a
handful of people join in, and in some places only one persyn stands up.
But every action, large or small, contributes to raising awareness and
building unity.
This year we received only a handful of reports from comrades about
their September 9 organizing work. This is in contrast to the reports
from the past two years which showed a growing interest and involvement
in this day of protest. It is also in striking contrast to the
response and organizing around the Palestine petition by United
Struggle from Within (USW) comrades.
We take this opportunity to re-evaluate the September 9 action. The
question for all UFPP signatories and USW organizers: Why was organizing
for the September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity so limited in 2014?
Should we do something different in 2015, either to help promote the
September 9 action, or by focusing on other campaigns and protests? Send
us your thoughts so we can sum up and continue to expand our efforts to
cease prisoner-on-prisoner violence in the U.$. criminal injustice
On 31 October, after weeks of mass protests in which state media
headquarters were stormed and government buildings were torched, the
President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré, was forced to resign and
flee to the Ivory Coast, another French colony. The military seized
power under Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida, who created a committee which
appointed Michel Kafando as transitional president. Elections are to be
scheduled within 12 months. Kafando was formerly ambassador to the
United Nations for Compaoré, among other high posts he held in the
government. This change in leadership is nothing more than a shuffling
of the neo-colonial compradors who will continue to serve the
imperialists while trying to placate the righteously angry Burkinabe
(people of Burkina Faso) masses.
The protests that led to this change in government follow long standing
unrest and anger about the exploitation and oppression of the people in
Burkina Faso. In recent years there has been much civil protest in the
country, especially amongst peasants and miners.
Burkina Faso is a small country located in sub-Saharan West Africa.
Originally called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was
established as a French neo-colony in 1960. Captain Thomas Sankara
became prime minister in 1983 after a military coup, ironically led by
Blaise Compaoré and a group of military leaders who considered
themselves revolutionary anti-imperialists. While not an uprising of the
people, Sankara’s politics were more progressive than previous leaders.
Sankara implemented many programs to serve the people including
nationalizing land and mineral resources, mass-vaccinations,
infrastructure improvements, the expansion of wimmin’s rights,
encouragement of domestic agricultural consumption, and
anti-desertification projects. He also changed the country’s name to
Burkina Faso (land of the upright/honest people). To promote
self-reliance and end the poverty of dependency so common in African
countries, Sankara called for the cancellation of African debts to
Western governments. And setting an example for all Burkinabe, Sankara
refused wealth and luxuries for himself and fought against corruption
and bribery in the government.
Sankara was a revolutionary nationalist. And while we do not oppose
those acting in the interests of the people seizing power from the
imperialists through a coup, we know that it is the support of the
masses and the political education and activism of the people that will
ultimately determine the success or failure of a revolutionary movement.
Burkina Faso provides us with a good lesson on the importance of a
cultural revolution. After the communists took power in China in 1949,
they soon realized that a new bourgeois class was developing. These
individuals may have come from proletarian and peasant backgrounds, but
the culture that encourages individualism and self-serving advancement
did not disappear with the implementation of socialism. And so some
people, once they gained positions of power, abused that power. The
Chinese communists realized the road from socialism to communism
requires political struggle from all the people, vigilant criticism and
self-criticism of and by political leaders and the masses, raising the
level of political education, and a long-term campaign to build
revolutionary culture. This became the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution (GPCR). In the end, even with the GPCR, the capitalist
interests within the communist party managed to take power after Mao
died. This does not negate the need for a GPCR but rather we need to
learn how to start sooner and be more effective in this struggle.
Sankara was murdered in 1987 in a coup d’etat that brought Blaise
Compaoré to power, a man who once called himself a revolutionary ally
and leader alongside Sankara. Before the coup Compaoré held significant
power within the government, and his takeover was supported by the
French who were eager to return the country to neo-colonial status.
Compaoré quickly demonstrated how far he had strayed from his supposedly
revolutionary views, reversing nationalization of Burkina Faso’s
resources, and reentering the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This
year, Compaoré attempted to modify the Constitution to extend his
27-year presidency, which led to the protests by Burkinabe last month.
While we support the uprisings and righteous demands of the people of
Burkina Faso, we also encourage them to make ceaseless efforts to again
increase their general level of political education and organization.
Only with deep revolutionary consciousness and leadership can Burkinabe
take complete control of their nation from comprador dictatorship, and
ensure that it grows with the people’s interests at the forefront.
Due to another prisoner’s actions who I correspond with regularly, I am
being accused of ordering a hit on a prisoner “In an effort to further
my position and recruiting purposes in security threat group (STG)
activity.” In fighting my supermax placement, I was able to get them to
admit that the letter they are using as evidence was written in code. So
they have no way of understanding what is really talked about in this
letter. I went to the extreme of giving them some STG codes to show them
that no hit was made on anyone’s life and that they are making this out
to be something that it isn’t. This led to me being given another
conduct report for possession of STG related material.
Following the advice from an older prisoner, I started using the
grievance process to help fight my case instead of going the way of my
past and becoming aggressive. This led to more harassment including cell
searches in which conduct reports and grievances that I filled came up
missing, making it seem as if I am making all this shit up!
I have been threatened with supermax placement since the day I got off
this bus. Last year I was given 3 months in segregation over an incident
where I was defending myself against another prisoner who attempted to
stab me, and he was given less than a month. I was told that this was
due to the fact that I had to have done something to provoke this
individual! It’s crazy. I used to read about other prisoners complaining
of this kind of treatment and I’m ashamed to say that I used to doubt
them and think that there had to be more to the story until I found
myself facing the same set of circumstances.
Though I am a member of the United Blood Nation (UBN), I am not a gang
member. To many that is hard to understand, but to explain it quickly, I
feel that gang members rep colors and are more focused on ignorance. I
am not concerned with the colors a person wears, the organization to
which they belong or any of that. I am a freedom fighter. I stand for a
cause. I read, study and follow the ideology of the Black liberation
movements of the past. I encourage not only my young komrades but people
who I associate and deal with to find knowledge of self and to study,
build and to better themselves. I am no angel and don’t claim to be. I
still have a lot of work to do but I’m moving at a righteous pace and
setting the tone and paving the way for the masses to follow in a
meaningful and constructive manner.
MIM(Prisons) responds: It is interesting that the very method the
prison uses for social control, targeting specific prisoners for
segregation and other punishments, results in raising the political
consciousness of those targeted. Experiencing this repression firsthand
leads some who were entrenched in the lumpen mentality of fighting other
prisoners to recognize the criminal injustice system is the common
This is an example of the dialectical relationship between repression
and liberation, and is true in all historical eras and oppressive
conditions – oppression breeds resistance. Repression of prisoners in
the United $tates is one cog in the imperialist machine that condemns
people all over the world for the benefit of the oppressor nations. Even
though our struggle can seem overwhelming at times, we can have
strategic confidence in our inevitable international victory over
capitalism and all its devastating consequences. So long as oppressed
people are being politicized and educated on the common enemy, from
prisons in the United $tates to the mountains in Nepal, we will overcome
our common enemy and finally be allowed to eat and sleep in peace. The
more the imperialists oppress people, the more people can be drawn in to
revolutionary activism.
We hope others will take an example from this comrade and work as
freedom fighters to educate and organize others. How quickly and easily
we achieve victory depends on how much political work we do today.
In August 2014, in response to I$rael’s renewed attacks on Palestinians
in the Gaza Strip, United Struggle from Within (USW) drafted and began
circulating a petition denouncing the imperialist genocide of the people
of Palestine. The petition draws connections to the oppressed nations
suffering in the United $tates, and in particular recognized the support
Palestinian prisoners gave to the
hunger strikers. While this round of bombing by I$rael was over
before most could even return their signed petitions, the damage is
still being felt and the imperialist occupation of Palestine continues.
“According to the United Nations, 100,000 homes have been destroyed or
damaged, leaving 600,000 Palestinians – nearly one in three of Gaza’s
population – homeless or in urgent need of humanitarian help. Roads,
schools and the electricity plant to power water and sewerage systems
are in ruins.”(1)
In addition, the Cairo agreement to “rebuild” Gaza after I$rael
bombed it to pieces, will be managed by none other than I$rael, who will
ensure that all the money goes into the pockets of I$raeli construction
companies.(1) The democratically elected government of Palestine, led by
Hamas, will be deprived of any oversight of this process, as they are
further isolated with Egypt closing off the border with Gaza to the
It is not too late to rally in support of the Palestinian struggle! As
of the beginning of November, USW comrades have gathered over 60
signatures to this petition in at least seven different prisons.
Signatures are still coming in and a number of comrades have reported to
still be working on collecting signatures in their latest
While the numbers may not be overly impressive, to date only 17 of those
comrades originally sent the petition have even reported receiving it.
One Texas comrade who gathered 9 signatures reported doing so despite
the prison being on lockdown (no one being able to leave their cells)
and the recent cut off of fishing (sending notes between cells by
string). At least one comrade could not get any other signatures due to
the risk of political repression as a validated “gang member” in the
control unit where he is held. It is no coincidence that many of our
most active and politically conscious comrades find themselves in such
This campaign to support the people of Palestine is significant in that
it is the first USW-initiated campaign around an issue not related to
the immediate conditions of prisoners themselves since MIM(Prisons) has
been around. The campaign was launched without a lot of preparation, and
despite the inherent limitations imposed on those in prison, we got good
participation. As one California comrade recently reported, the petition
was a tool for outreach that
to many political dialogues and lessons learned that will contribute
to the building of the anti-imperialist movement in U.$. prisons. Their
efforts to collect signatures reached beyond just those who signed the
The need for these types of agitational campaigns is one of the lessons
that we can take away from this experience. The barriers among much of
the prison population to supporting the Palestinians’ right to survival
are built on a combination of Amerikan patriotism, misinformation and
apathy. However, to sum up the reports we have received, we’d say that
fear of repression is the number one barrier being faced, which is a
problem USW faces with all its campaigns. One comrade reported setbacks
due to fears around hysteria surrounding the Islamic State.
A number of comrades reported not being able to get any signatures yet,
and one wrote from California:
“My focus thus far has been on the socially conscious Muslim prisoners,
whom I guessed would be the most willing out of everyone to sign the
petition. But I’m starting to see more and more that the overwhelming
majority in Amerikkka just ain’t willing to take a stand against these
racist imperialist idiots in no way shape or form. Not one of the
Muslims, out of the around 25 prisoners I approached, would sign the
thing. The excuses ranged from, ‘We need to worry about fixing ’home’
first…’ to just flat out ‘The Jews have too much control in this country
for me to sign some paper and get on their shit list.’ … so far
everybody but me has been too scared to sign it.”
A few weeks later this comrade submitted h petition with 25 signatures.
This fear of signing is a common problem in prisons where all mail is
read and punishment for activism can be severe. A comrade in Colorado
“I read the last issue of ULK and I want to say that the U.S. policy
against Palestine has long been underrepresented and ignored. Amerikkka
is telling the people of Gaza and Lebanon that it will allow Israel to
murder and justify it in the name of ‘peace.’ I feel that the greatest
threat to world peace is the U.S. foreign policy. As prisoners we all
should stand with the people of Gaza and their right to self-defense and
self-determination. Progress is being made here as far as the petition
goes. Many are in solidarity against amerikkkan imperialism as it stands
with Israel yet many are afraid to sign.”
One letter from Virginia described the difficulty promoting
“I have been having trouble convincing prisoners here to sign the
Palestine USW petition. The fear of institutional retaliation keeps a
majority of them from involving themselves in any type of radical
struggles or demonstrations. Compounding the problem is the fact they
cannot grasp the concept of ‘internationalism.’ The dominant question
was, ‘what do the Palestinians have to do with me?’ I tried as hard as I
could to convince them that all struggles against imperialism abroad are
a reflection of the non-ruling class struggles here in the Empire. So
please do not construe the lack of signatures as an indicator of my lack
of organizing skills.”
This question of “what the Palestinian struggle has to do with me” is a
manifestation of the relative wealth and privilege of Amerikans as a
whole. In reality the Palestinian struggle is counter to the material
interests of the petty bourgeois majority in the United $tates which
enjoys a supply of cheap gas ensured by Amerikan military presence in
the Middle East. Like the struggle of oppressed people around the world,
the Palestinian people’s fight for national liberation threatens
Amerikan imperialism and its ability to control and exploit the labor of
Third World peoples. Any successful revolt against Amerikan imperialism
and its allies/puppets (such as I$rael) will destabilize that power and
may inspire others.
But when building public opinion with the lumpen in prison we can at
least draw some connections to national oppression within U.$. borders
and the national oppression of Palestinians. One researcher has claimed
that Palestinians are the most imprisoned people in the world, based on
the percentage who have been in prison (the United $tates is still #1 in
the number of prisoners it holds at one time). New Afrikans and the
original inhabitants on North America are potential rivals for this
title. In both places, the dominant nation, with the weapons and wealth,
is denying the oppressed nations independence and self-determination.
And the cause of the Palestinian people is allied with the cause of
oppressed nations everywhere in the world; the common enemy is
Another persyn wrote about some more reactionary responses to h attempts
to collect signatures.
“I attempt to discuss issues raised by MIM, but I’m completely lacking
in knowledge. For example, prisoners here state that the Palestinians
deserve the bombing because Hamas fired rockets into Israel. They say
the land of Israel is not occupied by foreigners – that it belongs to
Jews. They (prisoners here – a large number) say that there has never
been a nation called ‘Palestine’ and that the people who today label
themselves ‘Palestinians’ are simply Arabs mostly from the Trans Jordan
area. So what is the correct response?”
These positions raise the important question of how we define a nation.
Stalin gave us guidance on this point, describing a nation as a group of
people with a common language, culture, territory and economy (which is
different than a nation-state). The Palestinian people certainly meet
these requirements. Nations can arise and fall over time, as humynity
evolves and conditions change. While I$rael has evolved into a nation
today, Stalin was correct to argue that there was no Jewish nation in
his day. It was only after WWII and a mass migration of Europeans to
Palestine, and the genocide that cleared the previous inhabitants of
that land, that I$rael began its formation.
As for the question of Hamas firing rockets into I$rael, this certainly
has happened. And we uphold the right of people to defend themselves.
This is simply a question of incorrect facts. The Palestinian people are
righteously defending themselves against a much more powerful oppressor
who is constantly threatening their lives and taking over more of their
land. A cursory study of history shows who is the agressor in this
conflict. Even numbers from the end of July on this recent battle
demonstrate this: while I$rael reported 56 deaths (53 soldiers), in the
Gaza Strip 1,170 had been killed, many of them civilians in their
homes.(3) For those who are serious about studying the history of
Palestine and I$rael we can offer reading material, but for those who
just want to support the imperialists and accept their lies and
propaganda, it’s probably best to just move on and look elsewhere for
supporters. Let them eat their Thanksgiving turkeys and celebrate the
superiority of Europeans over the indigenous people of the lands they
occupy and destroy.
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) needs more activists focused
on gender. MIM had a rich history in work around gender. Today a
gender-focused MIM cell could do a lot to advance the struggle in the
First World. For the majority of people in the richest countries, class
is not an issue that will gain us much traction. But these leisure
societies, dominated by gender oppressors, are concerned with the realm
of leisure time where there are battles to be fought. Yet almost no one
is drawing hard lines in the gender struggle today. Even some who give
lip service to the need to divide the oppressor nations maintain a class
reductionist line that prevents them from taking up revolutionary
positions on gender.
Importance of the Gender Aristocracy
MIM sketched out the gender hierarchy as shown in the diagram below,
with biological males above biological females, but with the whole First
World far above the whole Third World. The line between men (gender
oppressors) and wimmin (gender oppressed) is between Third World
biological males (bio-males) and Third World bio-females. In this
simplified model, the Third World is majority wimmin and the whole world
is majority men.(1)
Near the top we see a small portion of the bio-females in the world are
men of relatively high gender privilege. The term gender aristocracy was
coined to account for this group of people who are often viewed as part
of the gender oppressed, but are actually allied with the patriarchy.
MIM line distinguishes class and gender as class being defined by the
relations of production and distribution, and gender defined as
relations during leisure time. Largely due to their class position, the
petty bourgeoisie, which makes up the vast majority in the First World,
have a lot of leisure time and our culture in the United $tates is
therefore very leisure oriented. Many of the things that are prominent
and important in the lives of the gender aristocracy are not so for the
majority of the world.
While MIM got a lot of push back on the labor aristocracy line, this
came mostly from the dogmatic white nationalist left. The average
Amerikan didn’t get upset until MIM criticized their video games and
explained how all sex is rape. These are things that are very important
to the lives and pleasure of the imperialist country petty bourgeoisie.
Knowing this is helpful in our agitational work. Our principal task
overall is to create public opinion and independent institutions of the
oppressed to seize power. In the First World, dominated by the oppressor
nations and oppressor gender, this requires dividing the oppressor in an
effort to break off allies. Even if we can’t recruit whole segments of
the oppressor groups, dividing them over issues of importance to the
proletariat is a useful strategy.
While we say First World people are men in the gender hierarchy, unlike
economic exploitation, anyone can be the target of gender oppression.
Even First World bio-males are raped or killed for reasons related to
gender and leisure time. This does not make them of the oppressed
gender, but it does make such extreme forms of gender oppression a
reality in the lives of the First World. In addition, the exploiter
classes can benefit from the labor of others without ever having to use
force themselves to extract that value, yet gender relations are
something we all experience. As a result, even in the First World some
people come to see the negative aspects of the patriarchy, with or
without first-hand experience of extreme gender oppression, because of
the very persynal and alienating emotional experiences they have.
A small minority in the First World will join the proletarian forces due
to their own experiences with gender oppression. So it is important for
there to be an alternative to the pro-patriarchy Liberalism of the
gender aristocracy as a way to split off sections of the gender-obsessed
leisure class. Below we take on one example of the gender aristocracy
line in an effort to reassert an alternative.
Comments on the LLCO
We are using an article posted by the Leading Light Communist
Organization (LLCO) as an example below. But before getting into the
theoretical debate, we feel compelled to address the unprincipled
approach of this organization. The article in question demonstrates a
of nihilism and bad-mouthing by LLCO that is akin to wrecking work.
LLCO was born in a struggle to separate itself from MIM, which had
recently dissolved. Two of the main ways they did this was by
bad-mouthing MIM and dividing on gender. The gender divide amounts to
nihilism because they tear down the advances MIM made in building a
materialist line on gender, but put nothing in its place but the Liberal
pseudo-feminism of the past. Humyn knowledge and theory is always
advancing; to tear down advanced ideas without replacing them with
better ones is reactionary.
In the piece in question one of the logical fallacies they use is ad
hominem attacks on people who acknowledge that all sex is rape by
using meaningless buzzwords. Even worse, they go on to claim that those
that take this position might be crazy and out of touch. This is a
common attack used by the imperialists to ostracize radical thinkers. It
is not a productive way to engage a developed political line that has
been clearly spelled out for over two decades.
“All Sex is Rape” Needs a Comeback
Where LLCO actually engages the theory of whether all sex is rape under
the patriarchy, we get a typical critique:
“Setting the bar for what counts as consent impossibly high obliterates
the distinction between, for example, a wife initiating sex on her
husband’s birthday and the case of a masked man with a knife at a girl’s
throat forcing sex. To set the bar so high is completely at odds with
what most people think, including rape victims themselves. Most victims
themselves intuitively recognize the difference between consensual sex
and rape.”(2)
This is completely backwards. We do not have a problem of the masses
confusing a womyn being compelled to have sex with a man because the
patriarchal society tells her that is her duty on his birthday, and a
womyn being compelled to have sex with a man because he is holding a
knife to her throat and threatening to kill her. Rather, we have a
problem of people not understanding that we need a revolutionary
overthrow of patriarchy and a subsequent upheaval and reeducation of
current humyn relations in order to end rape in both cases.
Furthermore, it is Liberalism to rely on the subjective “i’ll know it
when i see it” argument to define rape. This is exactly what MIM argued
against when developing their line on gender. When an Amerikan judge
hears a case of rape charged against a New Afrikan male by a white
female, we can accurately predict the outcome of the judge’s
“intuition.” When the roles are reversed, so is the
And we only pick that as an easy example; we don’t have to involve
nation at all. It is quite common for Amerikan females to admit to
themselves that they had been raped, months or years after the incident.
What it takes is a social process, where rape is defined in a way that
matches her experience. This social definition changes through time and
space. And those who recognize this tend to gravitate towards the MIM
line on rape.
The gender aristocracy is very concerned with distinguishing between
rape and good sex, because good sex is the premise of their very
existence as gender oppressors. For the gender aristocracy the bio-male
provides safe/respectful good sex and the bio-female provides good sex
in the form of a respectable/chaste partner. “Good sex” helps to
distinguish and justify the existence of the gender aristocracy. Good
sex is also a central source of pleasure for the gender aristocracy, to
which they have very strong emotional attachments.
But the opponents to the MIM line on rape cannot explain away power
differentials that are inherent in the patriarchy. They have no
appropriate label for the sex that a womyn has with a man because she
feels trapped in her marriage and unable to leave because of financial
dependence. Or for the sex a womyn has with her girlfriend who is also
her professor and in control of her grade at University. Or for the sex
that a prisoner has with another prisoner because he needs the
protection he knows he will get from someone who is physically stronger
and respected. There are clear elements of power in all of these
relationships. These are pretty obvious examples, but it’s impossible to
have a sexual relationship in capitalism under the patriarchy that does
not have power differences, whether they be economic, physical, social,
work, academic or some other aspect of power. This is not something we
can just work around to create perfectly equal relationships, because
our relationships don’t exist outside of a social context.
One assumption of our critics is that rape cannot be pleasurable to both
parties. We disagree with this definition of rape, and believe that
power play is very tied up with pleasure in leisure time, to the point
that a coercive sex act can be pleasurable to all involved. We expect
this is more common among the gender privileged.
Punishing Rapists
Another theme throughout the LLCO piece is the question of how we are
going to determine who the “rapists” are that need to be punished if we
are all rapists? This is combined with taking offense at being
implicitly called a rapist.
The gender aristocracy cares about labeling and punishing rapists,
again, because it distinguishes their good sex from others’ bad sex. It
is an exertion of their gender privilege. That is why most people in
prison for rape in the United $tates are bio-males from the oppressed
nations, and the dominant discussions about rape in the imperialist
media are about places like India, Iraq, Mali or Nigeria.
LLCO accuses our line of discrediting anti-rape activists. MIM has been
discrediting pseudo-feminism in the form of rape crisis centers for
decades. Amerikan anti-rape activists take up the very line that we are
critiquing, so this is almost a tautological critique by LLCO. Even in
regards to struggles initiated by Third World wimmin, they are often
corralled into a Liberal approach to gender oppression when not in the
context of a strong proletarian movement. The imperialist media and
those pseudo-feminists pushing an agenda of “international sisterhood”
help make sure of this. This is an example of gender oppression and
enforcing the patriarchy across borders using the gender aristocracy to
sell it to the oppressed.
In general, we are not interested in finding the “real rapists” as we
don’t believe there is such a thing. Rape is a product of patriarchy –
that is the essence of our line that all sex is rape. Imprisoning,
beating or killing rapists will not reduce gender oppression in the
context of a patriarchal society. Yet this is the only solution that is
even vaguely implied in LLCO’s critique.
Of course there are those who take the logic of the patriarchy to the
extreme, just as there are those who take the logic of capitalism to the
extreme. And we agree that under the dictatorship of the proletariat the
masses will pick out these unreformable enemies for serious punishment.
Yet, the majority of people who took up practices of capitalism or of
the patriarchy will be reformed. This does not mean these people never
exploited, stole from or sexually coerced another persyn before.
Today is another story. We adamantly oppose the criminal injustice
system as a tool for policing sexual practices, just as we oppose it in
general as a tool of social control to protect imperialism and the
patriarchy. Therefore we find this desire to identify rapists to be a
reactionary one.
Pushing for Gender Suicide
The problem with the ideology of the gender aristocracy is that their
attachment to “happy sex” and the importance that most of them put on it
will put them at odds with revolutionary attacks on the patriarchy. This
is the practical side of “all sex is rape” as a tool to defang the
gender aristocracy who will side with the imperialists on gender alone.
If our critics get sad when we question the consensualness of their sex
that is a good thing, because it challenges their attachments to the
status quo. Truly radical changes must take place in our sex lives, our
gender relations and our leisure time in general. The less resistance
there is to this the better.
The Liberal argument is that by policing individual behaviors you can
avoid being raped or raping someone else. This is just factually untrue.
Yes, we need to transform the way people interact as part of the
overthrow of patriarchy, but because gender relations operate at a group
level, policing individual behaviors alone is just another form of
lifestyle politics.
Just as all Amerikans must come to terms with their status as
exploiters, and must view themselves as reforming criminals, gender
oppressors must come to terms with the ever-presence of rape in the
behaviors that they get much subjective pleasure from. Until they do,
they will not be able to take on or genuinely interact with a
proletarian line on gender.
Recently a new program was launched to further erode the self-esteem and
morale of captives within the bowels of neocolonial Colorado, “the
violence reduction program.” This program claims to target
lumpen-on-lumpen violence by “group punishment.” In essence, if violence
breaks out between individuals or groups, the prison can punish 5 known
associates of those who participated in the violence, even when those 5
had nothing to do with the incident. The administration says this will
help ease tension so all “offenders can live in a safe environment and
take advantage of what DOC has to offer.” Right, that’s bullshit.
Because of our tribal, religious, or political affiliations they will
hold us as a unit responsible for one another’s actions. Wouldn’t
isolation as a group only promote that much more strength of the group
anyway? If we as individuals came in alone and will ultimately go home
alone, why are the staff and administration telling us that we are
responsible for the actions of people we hang out with?
I know a lot of comrades in Colorado read this, so let’s get this
rolling. If they will do this to us it won’t be long until we all live
just like we already do in segregation (Ad-Seg). What more can they take
from us at all level IV places, maximum, etc.? We are only allowed two
hours out a day for showers and recreation. Two hours! With 22 hours of
isolation, we might as well be in Ad-Seg anyway.
I keep thinking of something I once read in MIM literature, that “people
will not live under oppression forever.” I can’t blame my comrades who
wish to resort to focoism, but we must remember violence and premature
acts of resistance will no doubt set us back. If you really care and
want to stop what’s happening, it’s time to bleed those pens. Unite –
fight back.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This practice of punishment of
“associates” is not unique to Colorado. In Washington a comrade sent in
a copy of a memo about the Group Violence Reduction Strategy policy from
Mike Obenland, Superintendent of Clallam Bay Corrections Center dated 22
October 2014. It states, in part,
“If a prohibited violent act occurs, restrictions are imposed on the
offender who committed the prohibited violent act (perpetrator) and the
offenders who interact with the perpetrator on a regular basis (close
associates). Information provided by staff teams is used to identify
perpetrators and close associates. This group of offenders is subjected
to a cell search and up to six of the following restrictions for
30-days: [list of restrictions].”
This comrade from Colorado raises a good point about the contradictions
inherent in the prison system and the repression against prisoners. On
the one hand this new policy gives the prison the opportunity to punish
and isolate anyone they want just by claiming they are affiliated with
someone who engaged in violence, even if they never broke any rules
themselves. But on the other hand, this repression will breed greater
resistance, both by solidifying the unity of organizations that are
punished as a group, and by incurring the righteous indignation of those
affected by this arbitrary punishment. We can use this repression to
build the revolutionary movement. As this writer says, we need to
educate and write about what’s going on, and we cannot be pushed into
premature actions that bring down more repression.
The good old boys are at it again. These slipper suckers, who feed off
other people’s misery, are upset about the closing of
Supermax in Illinois a few years ago. Rather than let Tamms sit
unoccupied, Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) officials have
devised a plan to put pressure on the legislature to open up the 500-bed
hell hole again.
Suddenly they claim we have a major gang problem here in Illinois. IDOC
officials are rounding up all the Latinos who they can claim are a part
of a security threat group (STG) and sticking them in administrative
detention (A.D.).
Some guys haven’t caught so much as a disciplinary ticket in years and
were quietly toiling away in the kitchen or some other form of
servitude. Next thing they know they’re on a bus and sent to A.D. Some
guys, after serving their segregation time for disciplinary tickets,
found themselves in Phase 1 of A.D.
The common thread that binds these guys together seems to be that they
are alleged members of an STG. It doesn’t take much to validate someone
as an active member these days. Most guys were members as kids, and
their record preceded them to the joint. Some were identified by gang
tattoos. And of course there is always that elusive confidential
informant (CI), and only the gang intel officers seem to know for
certain if the CI even exists. Personally I believe the correctional
officers (COs) make up the CIs because the COs know that all they have
to do is say the CI’s identity is being withheld for the safety and
security of the institution, and no one can or will inquire further.
These brothers sit with no recourse in the courts, stuck in limbo
waiting in administrative segregation for some sadist to stop using them
as a means to obtain a bigger piece of the tax dollar pie so they can
re-open Tamms Supermax, and give themselves a pay raise for a job well
done while they are at it.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Tamms Supermax opened in 1998. As 2008
approached many who opposed the torture chambers in Illinois formed the
Tamms Year Ten campaign to bring attention to it and get it shut down.
By January 2013, the unit was completely closed. This campaign was one
of a handful demonstrating that the closing of control units is a
winnable campaign under imperialism.
That said, almost as soon as Tamms was closed we are getting reports of
increasing use of control units in Illinois again. This is why our Shut
Down the Control Units campaign uses a
definition of long-term isolation rather than just counting the
prisons officially labeled as “supermaxes” as many bourgeois press do.
The above example of pushing false gang validations for more or higher
security prisons should not surprise us because prisons are a tool of
social control for the imperialists, and that social control includes
long-term isolation cells for anyone who challenges the system. The
oppressed must organize to build power to change this.
This situation also provides a good example of how we know prisons are
not run for profit. The government regularly uses funds to open control
unit prisons, which are more expensive to run than lower security
prisons. In 1999, MIM Notes reported “Tamms’ budget works out
to well over $34,000 per year to control each prisoner, not including
the $73 million the state reports spending on building the dungeon.
Tamms’ cost per prisoner is more than three times the $11,006 estimated
cost of living for a University of Illinois student at the
Urbana-Champaign campus.” The employees (COs and other staff) make out
with nice high salaries (totaling $17 million at Tamms when it first
opened), but these salaries, and everything else in the prison, is
funded by the government, with prisoner labor offsetting some of the
costs. The imperialists don’t mind spending money to sustain their
system of social control. It’s money they got from the exploitation of
workers in the Third World, and they will spend it freely to maintain
their way of life and position of power.
At this point Leavenworth Detention Center has no gang validation or
step down program. Actually it seems that the administration does very
little to address gang violence. This is a detention facility housing
mainly pre-trial prisoners but it seems more like a war zone. No effort
is made to separate rival gang members or to place people in a safe
environment. For example it is common for the pigs to house a white
supremacist with a Muslim.
They pit us against each other and sit back and enjoy the show. We must
look beyond the tip of our noses and begin to see the bigger picture.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Recently we had a major victory! The food here is substandard at best
but the meatloaf in particular is undercooked and rancid. White, Black
and Latino all stood together and refused to accept trays and refused to
lockdown until we were fed. The pigs brought in tear gas canisters to
try to intimidate us but we simply refused to go to sleep without food.
Finally we were brought sack lunches and they took meatloaf off the
menu. If we stick together and stand up for what’s right peacefully
anything is possible.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This writer reminds us that prisons can play
lumpen organizations both ways. On the one side we oppose the validation
of people as gang members because this is used to punish and isolate and
it is used to target activists and leaders. On the other side we oppose
prisons throwing rival organizations together to try to create conflict
and violence, which is further used as justification to isolate and
lockdown whoever is perceived as a leader, activist or troublemaker.
None of these actions are for the purpose of promoting safety or
security of the prison population.
It is good to hear about people coming together in spite of the pigs
attempts to foment conflict. Winning one change in food is a small
battle, but it gives people the chance to see what is possible through
unity, and hopefully will lead to greater unity in the future. Those
conscious comrades in Leavenworth should take this opportunity to spread
political education, and try to unite all against the criminal injustice
system. If everyone is on the yard together, this is a good opportunity
to start study classes. Write to MIM(Prisons) for help getting a study
group started in your prison.
One of the most damaging aspects of U.S. prisons today is the control
units. Control units and solitary confinement are the state’s biggest
guns in their torturous arsenal. Control units are called SHU, SMU, CMU
and a variety of other names depending on what state one is in, but they
all work to employ torture on the captives held therein.
When we look to the history of the U.S. prison system we find that the
oppressed nations held within have always suffered greatly at the hands
of Amerikkka. Prisoners in the United $tates have suffered unpaid labor,
lynchings, beatings, floggings and assassinations to name a few.
Although much of this still continues – at times more concealed and
shrouded than in the past – there are other new methods of national
oppression which are employed in this new era of United States
domination. I suspect that post-Obama (so-called “post-racial
Amerikkka”) we will continue to see more of these concealed forms of
oppression which inflict the same harm, but which slip through under the
radar of the average First World citizen. This makes liberals feel warm
and cozy and allows them to believe “progress” is obtainable in the
imperialist center.
One such method employed on prisoners in dungeons within the United
Snakes is the use of the control unit. The control unit is a modern-day
torture chamber, but it cannot be advertised as a lethal killer of
mostly Brown or Black minds because the liberals might even turn their
noses up at such a revelation. Instead the public must be told that
control units are only used on incorrigibles, savages, foreigners, gang
members or the sensationalized terrorists.
Who is Locked in Control Units?
Like our ancestors who may have been asked what got the shackle around
their ankle, what got them branded with their owner’s name on their
face, or what got that noose wrapped around their necks, our answer,
like theirs, is that it is the nature of our oppressor to seek to
eliminate all rebels and revolutionaries who oppose the oppressor
nation. This is ultimately what places one in a control unit.
Of course we are up against a sophisticated oppressor nation and the
placement of prisoners in control units is wrapped in flowery language.
We are told it is for “gang activity” or a “threat to the safety and
security of the institution.” I am sometimes given a chrono stating I’m
“actively engaged in a criminal conspiracy that threatens the
institution, staff and other prisoners.” This to the untrained mind may
sound like justification for torture. Not only is this character
assassination not true, but nothing justifies torture, absolutely
It was only after I began to write articles that spoke up for prisoners,
and began filing appeals and lawsuits on behalf of all prisoners, that I
was targeted for placement in the Secure Housing Unit (SHU). In short,
when I began to resist state repression was when I was isolated in
solitary confinement. I was allowed by the state to commit minor crimes
and fight other prisoners, until I started to become politically
conscious. I am not alone.
Most who work to advance and organize their nation, speak up on behalf
of others, or engage in jailhouse lawyering will end up in a control
unit. This is a common practice in colonized society: those who resist
and who are politically influential are imprisoned under a colonial
Why Does the State Have a Validation Process?
Our oppressor must devise ways of placing us in control units, and in
California it uses the validation process. The validation process
attempts to lend a legal aura to torture and national oppression by
claiming to undergo a fair and unbiased process to validate someone as a
“gang affiliate.” This process is about as unbiased as asking the fox to
guard the henhouse.
The fact that the validation process continues to use things as
ridiculous as a birthday card, an Aztec drawing, or a book written by
George Jackson as evidence of gang activity proves that there is nothing
unbiased about this validation process. The kourt cases which supposedly
stopped the prison from using these items show how much of a joke the
injustice system is and how much it really is an extension of an
oppressive state. Our victories will never come from massa’s kourthouse.
The validation system helps pacify prisoners into thinking that there is
a legitimate process they are undergoing to end the torture. That
somehow if we are patient and do as we are told that we might get out of
the SHU. This of course is ludicrous. We will stay in SHU until our
oppressor feels we no longer resist, until they feel we are broken.
Sometimes they want to train their agents and attempt to capture all who
associate with us out on the mainline, as if we were live bait. But so
long as we remain resistant to their oppression, we will not be allowed
to freely associate with others. The validation process only works to
uphold our national oppression.
The Step Down Program is More Repression
When we go to committee in California SHUs we are given a form called
the “CDCR Advisement of Expectations.” This form gives a list of
supposed STG behavior which includes “participating in STG group
exercise, using gestures, handshakes, possession of artwork with STG
symbols.” Note that we are not informed what STG symbols are.
We basically cannot socialize with anyone, or we might be accused of STG
behavior. We are not told who is validated as part of a STG or given any
information about STG behavior. We are simply told we better not
associate with STGs or engage in their behavior. The state will decide
if we are behaving properly and allowed to proceed in the Step Down
Program. They claim they are the experts.
I have heard of some being put on this “Step Down” Program, but the
state is picking and choosing who they put in the program. In my opinion
it is a pacification program and I am not going to participate in it.
Participation masks the oppression of the state while also allowing them
to attempt to coerce me and any participants of being guilty, of
confessing guilt, even if only guilty of what they deem to be incorrect
Recent news of a federal class action lawsuit challenging policies and
conditions at the Pelican Bay SHU is welcome and something we all should
be following. Ashker et al. v. Governor of California et al., No. C
09-05796 claims that being held for more than ten years in SHU is
cruel and unusual punishment and that the validation process is a
violation of due process.(1) But here’s the kicker: if you have joined
the Step Down Program you are not included in this class action. So
already we see how the new Step Down Program is serving the state by
making it more difficult for prisoners to challenge their conditions.
My behavior is no more incorrect today than it was the first day I was
captured and housed in the SHU. The state will not be let off the hook
and I refuse to step down from resisting oppression. The Step Down
Program continues the same oppression that the validation process
started: it attempts to justify what the state is doing to the oppressed
What will End the Validation/Step Down Program?
The Step Down Program is not only similar to the validation process, but
here in California many prisons are still using both methods, so we need
to end them both.
From the beginning I saw the need to struggle for closing the SHU. From
the first hunger strike I knew that if we don’t close the SHU
altogether, the state will just have us fighting the same problem under
new names for decades via strikes/lawsuits. This will never accomplish
our goal. We need to keep all justifications for the use of solitary
confinement in our scope. No matter why someone is held in solitary
confinement, it is always torture and it should always be opposed.
At the same time we have made improvements in many prisoners’ lives and
some have gotten out of SHU, and I am happy for this. However validation
and Step Down Programs will keep us locked in the SHUs until we can make
resistance to oppression a hip and common thing. When hunger strikes
occur more often than once every ten years, and peaceful protests are as
frequent as spring cleaning, then maybe we will finally end
validation/step down programs.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Most civilians would say that controlling gang
violence is a good thing, and that perspective is exactly what the
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is
relying on for its gang validation and Step Down Programs. The
assumption is that all groups classified as gangs are engaged in
criminal activity, and anyone in contact with the gang must be a member.
Let’s put aside for now the reality that the U.$. military and police
force is the biggest gang in world history. If anyone is organized in
criminal activity and terrorism, it’s them. That any U.$. government
agency claims to be against gang activity without being critical of
itself is just a joke.
Lumpen organizations that are not necessarily revolutionary are also
targeted as gangs, whether or not they break U.$. laws. The real threat
is not the activities that the lumpen are engaged in, but that they have
any level of unity and organization. STG labels and Step Down Programs
criminialize the association, not actual crime.
The U.$. government will do everything it can to protect its
international hegemony. Controlling any potentially subversive
population within its borders, especially the internal semi-colonies, is
a high priority, no matter how much they dress it up with fancy titles
and administrative process.
In New York what you call “gang validation” is called “gang
intelligence” and every prison has at least one sergeant who works on it
full time.
Alleged gang members are very often self-identified by foolish displays
of colors, flags, and wacky writings found on cell searches. Sadly, many
are not real gang members in any substantive sense, but foolish young
wannabes who are horribly manipulated by “gang leaders.” In New York,
and likely everywhere, nearly all “gang leaders” are really
collaborators of the worst, most manipulative kind, and they are nearly
all rats. It’s pretty easy for the “gang intelligence sergeant” to look
good when the leader gives him a written membership list! Which doesn’t
have to be at all accurate, of course.
The biggest gang intelligence tool is the phones – New York State
prisons record 100% of phone calls on digital hard drives. Obviously,
there are not enough ears to listen to 80,000+ prisoners all the time,
so they just sample or review a particular prisoner’s calls. Or they may
review calls to a certain phone number by multiple different prisoners.
And the authorities are very careful. They rarely make direct use of
recorded calls to nail minor offenders. I know about the extent of the
monitoring because I double-bunked with a guy whose ex-girlfriend’s new
boyfriend was beaten up very badly. My bunky was questioned harshly and
almost charged based on calls going back two years. Another man, who I
worked with, a defrocked politician, got six months in the box, when
“they” had it in for him, based on year-old recorded conversations.
A technical note: hard drive voice recording costs about 1 cent per hour
once the system is set up. Put another way, it would cost more to have
someone periodically erase old recordings than it costs them to keep
them indefinitely.
From snippets of phone conversations I’ve overheard while making my own
calls, nearly all prisoners are lulled into complacency and extreme
carelessness by the authorities letting little transgressions slip by
while they wait for the really useful information.
In New York, men identified as gang affiliates go to the most miserable
prisons which have the fewest educational and remedial programs (nearly
zero). Young, generally terrified, totally uneducated men get no help. I
call them “five centers,” just empty recyclable cans. Recidivism is good
for job security. Just like a hotel or restaurant, prison employees make
real money on repeat customers.
Another method is to record the information on the outside of mail. I
happen to know Green Haven Correctional Facility was doing that big time
(probably related to Muslim prisoners). Authorities look for multiple
prisoners written from or writing to the same address. Same game with
phone numbers. It’s not likely ten guys have the same wife or grandma.
Regarding the petitions advertised on page 12 of Under Lock &
Key, please be very careful. Petitions from prisoners are
completely illegal in New York. A clear constitutional violation which
has, unfortunately, been allowed by every level of New York and federal
courts. Please find another word, at least, and please don’t encourage
more than one signature on any piece of paper, or multiple letters
mailed together. Anything considered a petition in New York is a quick
bus ride to a six-month box stay.
I do not mention anything in New York out of admiration. It’s the worst
and sometimes the best because they spend (waste and steal) the most.
The real fixes are real pay, real freedom, not the phony kindness of the
dictator. The most distressed prisoners must get the most help, not the
least. The gangs exist mostly as a tool of domination and manipulation –
in the larger view they are created by and for the system, not combated
by the prison system. The only usefulness to my mind of somewhat better
practices in New York prisons or elsewhere is that New York’s practices
may temporarily help men’s arguments in other states.
MIM(Prisons) responds: There are people out for themselves in all
prisons, who will sell out their fellow prisoners to the guards. But we
would not categorize all so-called “gang leaders” as collaborators. No
doubt some are, but some are working with lumpen organizations that have
a genuine interest in the anti-imperialist fight. We need to judge each
individual for their own actions and political line. Similarly we judge
each organization in the same way.
This comrade correctly points out the many difficulties prisoners face
with secure communications and general security of self-preservation. As
we’ve written in the past,
communications are a critical part of self-defense at this stage in
the struggle. Everyone needs to be conscious of the many ways the
imperialist state can monitor our work and communications. The Amerikan
public knows that all its communications are being monitored now, and
prisoners should be under no illusion about theirs.
Along those lines, comrades in New York should take heed of this warning
about petitions. At the same time, we should not be scared into
complacency. Petitioning the government is a basic right guaranteed by
the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which
reads, “the right of the people… to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.” So while we should be strategic about using
petitions in conditions where they have been used as an excuse for
political repression, we must fight these battles for basic civil rights
for the imprisoned population in this country. MIM(Prisons) will work
with comrades in New York to push this battle further.
For decades looting has been one form of rebellion in response to police
killings. It is a product of capitalist values and the destruction
of any leaders among the oppressed that provide better solutions. In
turn, Amerikans use images of New Afrikans looting as a reason to
further justify their oppression and their disregard for them.
“We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of New Afrikan
people. We believe that the police of the colonial government acts as an
occupation force to maintain control and order for the benefit of the
colonial government. We believe that the motives are in the best
interest of the capitalist class who have businesses and own property in
the New Afrikan community. We call for the immediate withdrawal of the
occupation police-army from Our communities, and for New Afrikans to
establish Our Own security system. We also maintain the right of
self-defense against racist police repression and brutality, to bear
arms and to organize self-defense groups to preserve the security of the
New Afrikan community and Nation.” - #7 What We Want – What We Believe,
Ten-Point Platform & Program, Black Order Revolutionary Organization
Once again, we see the scene playin’ out before our very eyes: killer
kkkop slays un-armed New Afrikan teen. The violence of the state is not
a coincidence or accident. It is a direct result of Our colonization in
this country.
The people are outraged and are asking, “Why did this happen? Why does
this continue to happen?” The Black Order Revolutionary Organization
(BORO) asks, “How soon before it happens again? And when will we take
the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again?”
The violence of the oppressor never ceases until it is stopped with
violent force. Am I advocating or promoting random, unorganized violence
and looting? No, I am not. I am simply stating an hystorical fact. Never
in the hystory of humynkind has an oppressor ever stopped oppressing
until those who were being oppressed stopped them, using structured and
protracted violence aimed at replacing the powers that be and totally
changing the system before them.
If New Afrikan people and all poor and nationally oppressed people want
to see an end to police brutality and murder, then we must be
disciplined, conscious and organized. We must demand and fight for
complete freedom and total liberation. This starts with first
controlling the communities that we live in.
The type of organization that we need is not simply to organize a rally
to have a killer kkkop fired and arrested. It is the entire system that
must be changed. Violence against and murder of our people is as
amerikan as apple pie. It is part of the culture of this society.
Organization means commitment to a long, protracted struggle against
this system of oppression. As you have learned from your current
experience, change won’t happen overnight. It will take time and many
mistakes will be made. Some of our own will betray us like they did
Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner. But we must handle our own.
If you are ready to commit to this struggle, then take up the Ten-Point
Platform & Program of the Black Order Revolutionary Organization
(BORO), and become a material force capable of changing society and the
To the youth in the streets: you are the future of our nation. You are
the lifeblood of the movement we are building. You must overstand that
at the heart of every great social revolutionary movement is the urgent
need to transform people into a new and more advanced humyn being by
means of struggle.
The u.s. doesn’t want New Afrikan and other oppressed people to
recognize that we can count on Ourselves – and Ourselves alone – for
solutions to the problems of violence, inadequate housing, inadequate
health care, unemployment, etc.
“The police and those that they truly serve and protect, do not want us
to glimpse through our youth, the power that lies within each of us. If
the Crips and Bloods can bring peace to our communities, and the police
can’t or won’t, then why do we need the police? If the Disciples, Vice
Lords, Cobras, Latin Kings and other street organizations can serve and
protect Our children and Our elders, and the state demonstrates that it
can’t or won’t, then why should we continue to depend upon it and
profess loyalty to it? If the power to end violence exists within our
communities, then We should be looking for ways to increase Our power,
and We should be looking for ways to exercise it.”
Ours is a fight to become masters of Our Own destiny. We struggle so
that We can seize the power to freely determine and fully benefit from
Our productive capacities, and to shape all productive and social
relations in Our Own society.
The onus is on Us if We want to solve any problem in Our communities. It
ain’t on Our enemy to solve Our problems – even though they created
them! So by appealing to the Mayor, Governor, and President with the
belief they will satisfy Our needs, We end up hampering the development
of the self-confidence of Our people. When We call upon the oppressive
state to solve Our problems, We promote the idea that it is not
necessary to struggle against it to replace it. However, none of this is
to say that demands should not be made upon the state. It is only to say
that we should have no illusions, and We should allow none to be cast.
In order to gain the power that We need – we must first respect each
other, love each other, educate each other, protect one another and
allow no harm to come to any member of our community – whether that harm
be from inside or outside of our community.
Be smart. Be strong. But most of all during these intense days of
struggle, be safe. Intensify the struggle for self-respect,
self-determination and self-defense. This is your brotha and comrade
from inside the belly of the Amerikkkan beast.
Unite or Perish!!
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade lays out correctly the
importance of self-reliance and organizing for independence to liberate
the oppressed nations. We cannot rely on the state for salvation; the
state is our enemy. We agree with this comrade on the ultimate need for
force to take power back from the imperialists who control the state:
they will not give up their power peacefully. This is why communists
call for armed revolution, and also why we go further and say that after
taking power we will need a dictatorship of the proletariat for a period
of time. This is a government acting in the interests of the proletariat
(the formerly exploited class), and using force to keep the bourgeoisie
from returning to power. In the case of the United $tates we recognize
the need for a joint dictatorship of the proletariat of the oppressed
nations over the oppressor Amerikan nation.
The capitalists won’t just go away after a revolution, and the culture
of capitalism that is deeply ingrained in Amerikans won’t disappear
overnight either. We have seen in countries where revolutions happened
that this government of force, the dictatorship of the proletariat, is
an essential tool. Further, we require a revolution in the culture to
change the education and indoctrination we have all endured under
capitalism, which teaches individualism, greed, racism, sexism and white
supremacy. This Cultural Revolution, as they called it in China, will
not only re-educate people in a way of thinking that serves the people,
but also empower the masses to criticize their leaders and guard against
restoration of capitalism.
All this starts with organizing ourselves now, under capitalism, under
the banner of a communist movement.
along with MIM(Prisons), is one of many small organizations doing this
in the belly of the beast. BORO is also a part of the
United Front
for Peace in Prisons, working closely with MIM(Prisons) and United
Struggle from Within, the MIM(Prisons)-led mass organization. Existing
prisoner organizations should join and work within the UFPP, individuals
should join USW, and experienced comrades should work to build vanguard
organizations in their areas. Get organized!
Things have been pretty rough here at Kern Valley State Prison (KVSP). A
prisoncrat-orchestrated racial riot has put me in administrative
segregation since July. KVSP’s “A” yard (the only general population,
non-honor yard) has been, more or less, on a constant lock-down since
the beginning of the year. This lock-down is due to racial tensions that
have been exacerbated by the prison’s state-sponsored security threat
group, also known as the goon squad, or simply the gooners.
The best way for the prison oligarchy to remain in power and thwart any
organizing or political dissent is to keep us all fighting amongst
ourselves. Of course this is nothing new for many of us, but for some
reason we all find ourselves locked down time and again, pointing
fingers (and unfortunately, knives) at one another instead of using our
minds of reason to see that clearly this whole war/mess has been
instigated by the very pigs that always have the most to gain. It’s
extremely frustrating to sit here watching the same pattern of senseless
fighting and rioting occur while the pigs laugh, crack jokes, and
generally play us against each other for their sick jollies and
political agenda.
This madness on “A” yard at KVSP and elsewhere in the state is
definitely part of a much bigger political agenda. One of the results of
the 2013 general hunger strike is that, slowly but surely, a lot of
those guys have been returning to the main lines after spending ten,
fifteen, or twenty years back there in the SHU. Well, CDCR can’t just
let those beds remain empty so we’ve been seeing the gooners dropping
fallacious gang validation packets on people for all kinds of erroneous
reasons. And the best way to “prove” gang conspiracy or activity is to
run us all into these stupid racial riots. The fucked up thing about it
is that it’s working. Every time we all go out to the yard and fight
each other is another victory for the pigs, and another bus load of
“gang members” heading to the SHU torture units and thus, the very
“evidence” CDCR points to as justification in keeping those control
units open and full.
This white vs. Black violence needs to stop for the benefit and health
of both our people. Let’s stop and remember that it should always be
blue vs. green! It’s time for peace on these yards. Don’t forget who the
real enemy is.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This comrade’s call for peace on the yards
underscores the importance of the
United Front
for Peace in Prisons. We need organizations to come together behind
bars to stop the pigs and the imperialist system in general. A United
Front is comprised of groups with different views and goals, that have a
common enemy. It doesn’t require everyone to agree on everything, and in
the case of the UFPP there are just
key principles around which groups have unity: Peace, Unity, Growth,
Internationalism and Independence. If your organization is interested in
putting an end to the fighting amongst the oppressed and ready to take a
stand against the oppressor get in touch for more information about the
For the past 19 months I have been locked down in solitary confinement,
all because of a gang validation. In February 2013, I was taken from my
cell and locked down in the hole, for nothing. I haven’t broken any
rules of the prison or given them any reason to punish me. Without a
hearing or a proper investigation I was thrown in the hole and labeled
“Goodfellas” (G.F.). They put a label on me and several others, and we
are “guilty by association.” No matter if you are G.F. or not, Smith
State Prison will label you G.F. if you are from Atlanta. And the
Goodfellas are the only group of people in this prison on lockdown.
Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) started this new program called
the “tier program.” From my understanding it was designed to treat us as
individuals instead of as a group. It’s supposedly a 9-month program,
and when you complete the program you are supposed to get out of the
hole. But that only applies to those who are not validated Goodfellas.
If you are validated G.F. then you are stuck in the hole even after you
complete the 9 months.
I have the Standard Operating Procedures of the administrative
segregation Tier 2, and it states that Tier 2 program is not a
punishment measure. Why do I feel that I’m being punished for no reason?
All my privileges have been taken away. I can’t go to the store for the
same things as general population. I can’t order a CD player, radio,
books, magazines, etc. By being in the hole I have no access to a TV so
I’m lost on what’s going on in da outside world.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This system of labeling people as members of
an organization based on where they are from is well documented in
California as well, and we’re sure it’s going on in other states. While
this practice purports to address regional disputes that may turn
dangerous behind bars, this practice actually forces people who may not
have identified with a lumpen organization to become affiliated for
self-defense. It does help promote one goal of the prisons: to fuel
disputes between prisoners and expand gang validations to justify
locking up more people in long-term isolation, just like this writer
explains is happening in Georgia where people labeled Goodfellas aren’t
let out of the hole in violation of the prison’s own rules. We have
that some G.F.s have been held in isolation for many years.
Front for Peace in Prison is taking this validation and turning it
against the prisons by calling on all organizations and individuals to
come together and fight together against the criminal injustice system.
Whether or not you are actually a part of a lumpen organization, if you
are put in a unit with others you can use this opportunity to promote
peace and unity. And together we can fight to shut down control units,
and build a movement that can defeat the imperialist system that needs
prisons and long-term isolation units for social control.
I am a POW in the state of Tennessee and in these narratives I am
providing exposure about this wicked prison system and Derrick Shofield,
who came from Georgia. This dude is constantly applying new rules, with
the latest being called
management – something straight outta Georgia prison system. Of late
all of Tennessee prisons are run like Georgia. This is the same Shofield
who was instrumental in causing the
sit down in the state of Georgia. On an I-team investigation on
channel 4, Nashville, TN, it was reported that Shofield ordered two
former wardens in West Tennessee to alter incident reports on assaults
on staff.
As I write they are building security threat group management units at
Riverbend Maximum security plantation in Nashville, Tennessee. This is
the big sister of tier management. Both are part of the larger policy
agenda regarding U.$. prisons. One of the standards that the federal
government sets in order for the state to receive construction subsidies
is to mandate the building of supermax units, security threat group
units, such as the ones at Riverbend: steel and stone sensory
deprivation cells.
In Georgia they have this tier 2 program of gang control for long-term
lockdown. This same situation is being played out in Tennessee. The
prisoners in Tennessee should take a page from Georgia, sit down and do
nothing in a silent protest. It’s some wicked shit going on in
Tennessee, it has to be said that for all the men and women trapped in
the wretched crime and punishment morass, especially in the Tennessee
system, we have to determine our fate. We got the power.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade gets at the truth of prison
control units, and in fact the broader prison system in general: it is a
system built for social control. Prisons in general house the oppressed
nation lumpen in disproportionate numbers, and for those who speak out,
organize or otherwise challenge the system from behind bars, there are
long-term isolation cells for even further control. These control units
are torture and we must demand they be shut down. Part of this battle is
documenting their existence, a project that we need help with from
anyone who can complete our control unit survey about prisons in their
We offer the example of prisons in China while it was still
Communist-led and Mao was alive, in stark contrast to the Amerikan
criminal injustice system. In China prisoners participated in education
classes with others where they studied politics and discussed the nature
of their crimes and why their actions were harmful to the people.
Prisoners were allowed to participate in productive activities of work
and learned cooperative practices. Many who went into prison for actions
like theft or even spying, came out dedicated to serving the people and
grateful for a second chance. The example of Adelle and Allyn Rickett,
two Amerikans who worked as spies for the United $tates until their
imprisonment, wrote an inspiring book Prisoners of Liberation
detailing these progressive practices and what they learned from years
in prison in China.
I am housed at Suwannee Correctional Close Management Unit, which is the
Florida Department of Corruption’s equivalent of the SHU or AdSeg. On 4
August 2014, myself and several other political prisoners on my cell
block were targeted for repression during a shakedown which was
conducted by the pigs. This shakedown was in retaliation for several
grievances/complaints being filed about the corrections officers denying
us outdoor yard access and indoor day room activities, including access
to the phones.
During the shakedown the pigs read some notes I had written down from
studying politics, history, and communism. These notes contained some
commentary that wasn’t very patriotic or friendly toward the Amerikan
imperialist regime. When the pigs ordered me to explain the notes I told
them that “I like to take notes on politics and current events,” and “I
like to keep tabs on what’s going on in the outside world.” The sergeant
then held up one of the notes referring to “sovereignty” and said “so
you’re a sovereign citizen?” To which I replied, “No, I’m just a normal
human being.” Then he told me to explain why I had notes on weapons. I
told him how I was in the U.$. army and developed a fascination for
firearms, and he responded by saying, “so now you’re a domestic
terrorist?” I then told him that the average Amerikan citizen is more
likely to be terrorized by their own local law enforcement than by
so-called “terrorists.”
Myself and three other prisoners were placed in confinement after the
shakedown and we were charged with the disciplinary infraction of
“Possession of Gang Related Paraphernalia.” They tried to validate me as
a member of a Security Threat Group (STG) on the basis that in the notes
I made a reference to “Popular Sovereignty” and that therefore I was in
possession of documents related to the sovereign association, which the
imperialist bureaucrats view as a STG because sovereign citizens are not
compelled to abide by U.$. laws.
When I went to my disciplinary hearing I told these pigs that the
so-called evidence they have against me (the “gang paraphernalia”) is
merely a bunch of notes I copied from social studies. I explained that
“Popular Sovereignty” is (supposed) to be one of the five basic
principles of Amerikan government and that anyone who claims to be a
patriotic Amerikan citizen should at least know this.
I used this argument to beat this charge and I also presented my own
evidence as a defense – part of a social studies assignment on Amerikan
government from FDOC’s very own educational department which explains
(what is supposed to be) the Five Basic Principles of Amerikan
Government; 1) Federal System, 2) Popular Sovereignty, 3) Separation of
Powers, 4) Checks and Balances, and 5) Limited Government. In real life
these “principles” hold no valuable meaning, just as the U.$.
constitution is merely a piece of paper.
It seems evident that anyone making an attempt to educate themselves is
viewed as a threat by the imperialist bureaucrats and anyone who is
against oppression and imperialism is a “domestic terrorist.” As
revolutionaries, it is imperative that we educate ourselves and our
fellow comrades and expose the true terrorists for who they really are:
the terrorists in pig clothing, masquerading as those who “protect and
serve” and provide “care, custody and control.”
We shall prevail in our struggle against imperialist oppression.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We have heard from some comrades that even
writing to MIM(Prisons) or participating in our correspondence study
groups can be used as evidence for STG validation. We know there is a
risk to corresponding and working with MIM(Prisons) but the education
and organizing opportunities are great. We hope others will take this
comrade’s example to fight false validation attempts made against them
and stay active in political work and study. For those not yet involved
in political study, write to us to join our next introductory study
On 5 August, President Obama announced plans to send $12 billion in aid
to support an electrification program for six sub-Saharan countries in
Africa. This is in addition to U.S. firms investing $14 billion in
banking, construction and information technology in Africa.
Are these efforts really about helping the African nations, or is it
just to protect the stake certain parties have in the region? I can’t
help but remind myself of the economic consequences that will befall an
already impoverished nation. When it comes to the class divisions, I
think this new effort will only push the proletariat into deeper
starvation and exploitation. As I’ve read in MIM Theory 12,
investment from an imperialist country like the United $tates usually
comes with dire consequences. Funny, not once did I hear the U.$.
imperialist president speak of self-determination of all African people.
This is either lip service paid to the petty bourgeoisie or when it’s
all said and done the “pound of flesh” which the United $tates will
eventually get will come at a greater cost to those held in oppression.
The puppet governments of southern Africa gained a large victory today,
but as we all know, no amount of policy or investment will really
benefit the most oppressed people. This is true until all peoples’ needs
are met, not just profit gained for a few. It looks like more economic
imperialism to hold the already poor people in bondage with the illusion
of expanding the Amerikan dream. Raise! Fight! Stop U.S. imperialism!
The solution should be what can be done to empower and enable the lower
class and proletariat into rising up and controlling their own
destinies. Only when this is pursued will conditions improve. People
from the proletariat need to understand that they have the power to
educate and engage in armed struggle to gain their rights.
Recientemente me encontré con algo que puede ser de interés para usted.
Estaba yo hiciendo algo de investigación dentro de esta organización
propagandista reaccionaria pro-prisión conocida como Centro de
Investigación Nacional de Bandas Criminales (National Gang Crime
Research Center NGCRC). Este es dirigido por un inflexible defensor para
este sistema, nombrado Dr. George W. Knox. El Dr. Knox y el canalla que
trabaja para NGCRC habitualmente conducen encuestas para el sistema
gulag para ayudarlos a identificar y neutralizar alguna potencial
“amenaza.” Yo fui hábil de meter mis manos en uno de estos informes y
reportes de resultados preliminares que fueron conducidos dentro de 148
gulags en U$A representando 48 estados y aproximadamente 150,000
prisioneros. Ahora, la parte del informe que yo pensé puede ser de algún
interés para MIM(Prisiones)es lo siguiente:
Bajo nivel de contaminación de MIM.
Algunos tipos de grupos políticos extremistas tratan de reclutar
internos y prisioneros en America, ellos pueden hacer esto a través del
Servicio Postal del EEUU. Estos grupos frecuentemente tienen
sofisticados sitios en la web también. El Movimiento Internationalista
Maoista (MIM) subsiste para difundir ideología comunista entre internos
encarcelados en prisiones y cárceles Americanas. Esto busca radicalizar
internos de la prisión y darles un programa para organizar resistencia
contra el gobierno Americano. Si tus internos están mantiendo
correspondencia con MIM, podrías tener un problema cociendose.
La encuesta incluía la pregunta “¿Tiene alguno de los internos en sus
instalaciones correspondencia con el Maoist International Movement
(MIM)?” Únicamente 4.6 por ciento de los encuestados indicaron que sus
internos han estado en contacto con MIM. Así, esto parecería que MIM no
esta efectivamente alcanzando la inmensa mayoría de prisioneros
Americanos. Al menos no todavía. Alternativamente, quizá tal contacto
con MIM esta yendo bajo el radar de oficiales de la cárcel y de las
MIM(Prisiones) responde: Este reporte en “Grupos y Bandas de
Amenaza a la Seguridad (Gangs and Security Threat Groups)” no incluye
mención de algunos otros grupos comunistas, asi que veríamos nuestra
inclusión como una indicación del éxito de MIM(Prisiones) en alcanzando
activistas de la nación oprimida y la exactitud de nuestra linea
política en amenazando al imperialismo y dominio Americano. En realidad,
como la encuesta admite, ellos no pueden realmente juzgar este numero
basado en encuestas solo de administradores de prisiones. Nos gustaría
alcanzar la inmensa mayoría de prisioneros, pero en la practica estamos
enfocados en estos quienes están interesados en políticas
anti-imperialistas o de mente abierta buscando aprender. Sin embargo,
tomamos esto como una llamada de acción para los lectores de Under
Lock & Key; Necesitamos incrementar el porcentaje de personas
en contacto con MIM(Prisiones)!
A few years ago, former Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PA DOC)
Director Jeffrey Beard relocated to the California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). Director Beard was known for his
tyrannical style of utilizing confinement and isolation for more
sadistic than safety purposes, by increasing constantly the number of
prisoners placed on the restricted release list (RRL). Once on this
list, the only persyn who can finalize your release back to general
population is the Governor of Pennsylvania. Beard, after seeing the
practice of the California STG program, informed current PA DOC
Director, John Wetzel, of these tactics of oppression, suppression and
repression. In the summer of 2012 the Pennsylvania security threat group
(STG) unit was started.
In Pennsylvania, a security threat group is any group of persyns who
continuously ignore the department’s administrative rules, i.e. any
unauthorized group activity. The word “group” is the concealing factor
of the oppressive practices in place in the PA DOC. Members of religious
“groups” such as Muslims, Jews, Moors, Nation of Islam, Nation of Gods
& Earths, etc., are placed on the list of documented STGs violating
the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and freedom of
association. Members of political “groups” such as the New Afrikan
Communists, New Afrikan Independence Movement, Black Liberation Army,
etc. are placed on the list of documented STGs, violating the first
amendment right to freedom of political identification and freedom of
Of approximately 175 captives brought to the Pennsylvania STG program,
95% (166) are of oppressed nation heritage. Out of this percentage,
about 20 were actually told why they were abducted for the program,
i.e. why they were labeled STG members, although the reasons were mostly
untruthful and unjustifiable. There is no appeal process in place to
combat placement in the program. There is no validation/assessment
hearing or procedure in place to present your side of the alleged claims
or bring forth any evidence or witnesses on your behalf. Those who do
attempt to refuse this assignment are placed on RRL. In order to be
released from there you have to agree to do the STG program (the same
program you refused in the first place!).
The tactics employed here are quite surely the same as any other STG
unit. Obstruction of correspondence (incoming and outgoing), no visits
(unless earned through advancing in the program), no phone privileges
(unless earned through advancing in the program), inadequate legal
services and materials (unless earned through advancing in the program),
thought police/Orwellian indoctrination and debriefing systems disguised
as cognitive restructuring. Those who hold firm the belief this is an
injustice are labeled as “in denial and unwilling to give up
participation in group activity.” Those who express their opinions are
titled as “thinking criminally” or using a “gang mentality.” The
guidelines, procedures and policies governing the programs are
restricted to the public. Instead a prisoner supplement handbook is
issued to each captive which quite surely differentiates from the
restricted policy.
Exercise, food, commissary and restraints are used as an enticement
method as well as punishment. For example, you may hear a pig say “if
you program, you won’t have to wear handcuffs.” Or “if you don’t
complete the assignments you won’t be able to order commissary.” To
increase the allure of these “privileges” they make contrasting
practices as hard and uncomfortable as possible. They feed you next to
nothing to increase hunger and craving for commissary. They make all
movements restrained to add to the uncomfortability. This is all done in
hopes of breaking your spirit or to make you “give in to the
inevitable,” to quote a pig.
These are only a few of the ever-changing, ever-occurring issues here
for myself and the komrades. There is a resistance to struggle not only
for our liberties but for those who would come after us as an example of
unity, komradery and solidarity in struggle.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We are seeing this STG classification used to
target activists in
as well as
and no doubt many more states. While the development of STG programs is
a sign of the strength of the oppressed nation organizations and
political activists, it is also a dangerous tool of repression that we
must expose and fight. Targetting prisoners for “group” or “gang”
activity has long been an excuse to bring down oppression on those with
the greatest interest and organization in fighting the criminal
injustice system.
I recently came across something that may be of interest to you. I was
doing some research into this reactionary pro-prison propagandist
organization known as the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC).
It’s run by an adamant apologist for this pernicious system named
Dr. George W. Knox. Dr. Knox and the swine that work for NGCRC routinely
conduct surveys for the gulag system to help them identify and
neutralize any potential “threats.” I was able to get my hands on one of
these surveys and preliminary finding reports that was conducted within
148 gulags in the U$A, representing 48 states, and nearly 150,000
prisoners. Now, the part of the survey that I thought may be of some
interest to MIM(Prisons) is the following:
Low Level of Contamination from the MIM
Some types of political extremist groups try to recruit inmates and
prisoners in America, they can do this through the U.S. Postal Service.
These groups often have sophisticated websites as well. The Maoist
International Movement (MIM) exists to spread communist ideology among
inmates incarcerated in American jails and prisons. It seeks to
radicalize prison inmates and give them a platform for organizing
resistance against the American government. If your inmates are
corresponding with MIM, you might have a problem brewing.
The survey included the question “have any of the inmates in your
facility corresponded with the Maoist International Movement (MIM)”?
Only 4.6 percent of the respondents indicated that their inmates have
been in contact with MIM. Thus, it would appear that MIM is not
effectively reaching out to the vast majority of American inmates. Not
yet at least. Alternatively, maybe such contact with MIM is going under
the radar of prison and jail officials.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This report on “Gangs and Security Threat
Groups” does not include mention of any other communist groups, so we
could see our inclusion as an indication of MIM(Prisons)’s success in
reaching oppressed nation activists and the correctness of our political
line in threatening imperialism and Amerikkkan rule. Communism is our
goal: a society where no group has power over another group. This
threatens the imperialist criminal injustice system for sure. In
reality, as the study admits, they cannot really judge our reach based
on survey of prison administrators alone. We would love to reach the
vast majority of prisoners, but in practice we are focused on those who
are interested in anti-imperialist politics and/or open-minded and
looking to learn. Nonetheless, we take this as a call to action for
Under Lock & Key readers: we need to increase the
percentage of people in contact with MIM(Prisons)!
I ask that you embrace the tides of the times We are no longer
confined with binds on the mind Once we embrace united front,
scientific thought and study for line the long arm of
imperialism’s law is no longer strong When through theory and
practice we arrive at the decision to take up arms which is a
must if we are to defeat imperialism’s parasitic lust with
too much greed for that which we don’t need We fail to
heed even the most basic of humyn needs As the Third World
suffers because of our greed So turn the tides of
the times Study for line and overthrow imperialism… Hystory
is on our side.