MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
Thank you for the book MIM Theory 2/3 on Gender and Revolutionary
Feminism – this is exactly the kind of reading material I want and
I do want to briefly comment on a recurring phrase I see in some of
your theory: “white worker”. Does this mean white collar worker as in
labor aristocrat or is this a prejudice that labor aristocrats are white
skin color? If you mean privileged as in white collar then why don’t you
say collar?
I have not read much of the book yet, just a few pages. However, I
can agree that much of the working class in amerika is labor aristocrat,
where you lose me is that when I think of labor aristocrat I see a face
like Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, who is constantly calling
for more police and more oppression.
Here in California we have a lot of Brown faces, perhaps 50% Brown.
The point is whenever I talk to a Brown or Black person about socialism
the response is mostly the same. Black & Brown people in amerika
love their privilege, they enjoy exploiting 3rd world workers, there the
labor aristocrat is Brown and Black in the face and white in the
I think MIM Theory agrees with me that First World working class has
no use for revolution and is impossible to recruit or even harmful to
the movement, as bourgeoisie in any dictatorship of the proletariat is
only there to revive capitalism. However, as MIM states the majority of
First World working class is labor aristocrat, then I would assume MIM
is considering the demographics of the First World as a whole and means
“white collar worker” and not merely a racist jab of “white worker.” All
of the cops here have Brown faces.
In Solidarity,
a California prisoner
Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons) responds: Sounds like we have
a high level of unity on the class structure in this country, and the
world. The truth is the analysis has evolved since the 1980s, when it
was more reasonable to talk about a proletariat in the internal
semi-colonies (by which we mean New Afrika, Boricua, Aztlan, and the
First Nations). So back then writers like MIM and Sakai would talk about
a Black or Chican@ proletariat, while seeing the white workers as an
enemy class. And yes, by white we mean white people, though we use it to
talk about nation, rather than race, which is a myth. Therefore today
we’ll often use Amerikan instead. And many “non-white” people have
integrated into Amerika today. Euro-Amerikan is a term for the
oppressor nation, but white is still a valid term that is
understood by the masses today.
In the introduction to our pamphlet, Who is the Lumpen in the
United $tates, we wrote:
“If we fast forward from the time period discussed above to the 1980s
we see the formation of the Maoist Internationalist Movement as well as
a consolidation of theorists coming out of the legacy of the Black
Liberation Army and probably the RYM as well. Both groups spoke widely
of a Black or New Afrikan proletariat, which dominated the nation. MIM
later moved away from this line and began entertaining Huey P. Newton’s
prediction of mass lumpenization, at least in regard to the internal
semi-colonies. Today we find ourselves in a position were we must draw a
line between ourselves and those who speak of an exploited New Afrikan
population. If the U.$. economy only existed within U.$. borders then we
would have to conclude that the lower incomes received by the internal
semi-colonies overall is the source of all capitalist wealth. But in
today’s global economy, employed New Afrikans have incomes that are
barely different from those of white Amerikans compared to the world’s
majority, putting most in the top 10% by income.”
The above quote is referring to the MIM Congress resolution, On
the internal class structures of the internal semi-colonies. Even
since that was written we’ve seen the proliferation of what you talk
about, Chican@ prison guards being the majority in much of Aztlan, and
New Afrikan prison guards being the majority in many parts of the Black
Belt. This of course varies by local demographics. Regardless, it makes
one question whether there are even internal semi-colonies to speak of,
or at what point we should stop speaking of them? The massive prison
system in this country is one reason we do still speak of them.
So we agree with you that the term “white worker” has kind of lost
its meaning today. However, we still see the principal contradiction in
this country as nation. Despite the bourgeoisification and integration
of sectors of the oppressed nations, and the subsequent division of
those nations, we still see nationalism of the internal semi-colonies,
if led by a proletarian line, as the most potent force against
imperialism from within U.$. borders.
A couple more minor points. We’d probably say Eric Adams, and high
ranking politicians like em, are solidly bourgeois. Whereas the labor
aristocracy would be those Brown guards overseeing you. In addition, we
do not use labor aristocracy and white collar synonymously either, as
white collar work has always been petty bourgeois or at best
semi-proletariat by Marxist standards. So the real controversial issue
is to say there are “blue collar” workers who are not exploited.
Organizations for Whites
Another comrade wrote saying that ey had no organization to join
because ey is white. They had mistakenly thought that we think people
should only organize with their own nation. We do not take a hard line
on this question. And it is obviously related to the above.
MIM(Prisons), USW and AIPS are all multinational. Yet in our
understanding of nation as principal, it seems necessary for there to be
nation-specific organizations to play that contradiction out between the
oppressed and oppressor nations. We certainly have supported
single-nation organizing, and in another resolution we put out, we cite
that as one of the handful of legitimate reasons
to start a new organization instead of joining MIM(Prisons) or
But there may be situations where multinational organizing in this
country is actually more effective. At this stage our numbers are so
small that it should be strongly considered just out of necessity to
begin building our infrastructure. And when single-nation organizations
do exist, the united front exists for them to work with others outside
their nation.
Printing Anarchist Content
Finally, we had a discussion with a comrade who submitted an article
that was favorable or uncritical of anarchist organizing strategy. The
comrade wanted to know why we asked em to change eir article, because we
claim we will print articles form anarchist allies.
Just because we will print content from anarchists, even content we
might have disagreements with, it doesn’t mean we always will. First,
our goal is to win people over to the Maoist line. So if you submit
something that disagrees with that, our first response will often be to
struggle with you over that line with the goal of gaining a higher level
of unity.
Now some comrades are avowed anarchists. For them we do not need to
keep having the same debate. Nor do we need to have that debate in
ULK. When we say we’ll print material from anarchists we’re
talking about material that actually pushes the struggle forward. Not
material that is debating issues we think were settled 100 years ago.
This is similar to a critic
complaining about us not printing eir piece in ULK when we
responded, because we weren’t showing both sides of the debate over the
labor aristocracy. Again, this is a debate that was settled decades
On top of this there are many comrades and organizations we work with
that aren’t in the camp of the international communist movement such as
the Nation of Gods and Earths for one example. While many aspects of the
Supreme Understanding taught by the NGE certainly goes against the
Maoist worldview, we are able to find solidarity in practice and in a
united front. We don’t necessarily have to battle out whether the
Supreme Understanding or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is correct in the
newsletter. We encourage line struggle on the ground.
In summary, this is a Maoist newsletter, edited to represent the
Maoist line. We get to pick and choose when to print stuff that
disagrees with Maoism if we think it is useful to advancing the
struggle. Sure we find it important for cadres to be able to commit to
line struggle scientifically and principally, and communists in general
should have the ability to look at sources that challanges their
viewpoint and uphold their line while analyzing what’s wrong/correct
during line struggle. There is infinite non-Maoist material out there;
and we advise our readers and comrades to go to those materials if they
want to see what our critics are saying. We certainly won’t expect our
critics to use space in their newsletters publishing entire polemics
that we wrote against them, nor would we say that’s unfair to us.
“When prisoners come together around an issue that does not directly
reflect their own narrow self-interests, then that is when there will be
a real prisoners movement again. Until prisoners understand that simple
lesson they are doomed to live with an increasingly heavy boot on their
neck…” - Ed Mead
Greetings Comrades,
I had to write to you all to let you know that Under Lock &
Key has taken root & blossomed in an area or shall I say a
plantation here in Memphis, TN.
When I first arrived here there were five conscious souls here.
However, after sharing and expounding on the five principles of the
United Front for Peace in Prisons, with emphasis on Unity, the members
of different street organizations have now agreed to observe Black
August, including the Spanish brothers.
Betrayal of one’s comrades: what in prison is called “snitching”, is
an aspect of capitalism. Capitalism creates the myth of an isolated
individual. “Snitches” and “informants” are people who are convinced
that they are acting in their own best interest at the cost of breaking
their social ties. “Prison create snitches” not only because they want
information to use against others, but because it is a proven method of
“breaking” people.
Denmark Vessey, who was betrayed before an 1822 slave uprising,
warned against trusting a slave who accepts gifts from a master. These
gifts represent attaching values to “things” and not one’s bond with
other human beings. They reflect the “fetish” of commodities; putting
values into possessions at the cost of your human relations is cruel
& deadly. Prisons found that snitches become a lot more violent,
animalistic, & don’t care who they hurt – just to survive for the
moment. Prisons had to create special yards just for them, which even
according to their own data, were most violent, where new gangs were
created as the snitches attempted to create some semblance of
The Pelican Bay hunger strikers overcame the idea the system
perpetuated. It re-established human solidarity across gang & racial
lines. As opposed to the snitches the system used to keep people in
perpetual solitary confinement. The idea of solidarity caught on with
tens of thousands of state & federal prisoners, and many times more
out on the streets nation-wide…(wake up) we can no longer allow the
imperialists to use us against each other for their benefit!!!
Collectively we are an empowered force. The People’s Commission,
consisting of: the Almighty Black-P-Stone Nation El Rukn Tribe, the
Almighty Latin King Nation, & the Almighty Vice Lords Nation have
been united in solidarity & nation building for 75 years. We call
upon all street organizations in the American western hemisphere to do
the same.
Within the prison movement there is much talk about ‘political
education’ and ‘raising consciousness’. Truthfully, even when We reflect
on recent and distant episodes in Our collective struggles against the
bourgeoisie, many of us often lament upon the fact that a key ingredient
that has always been lacking from Our movements, parties, organizations,
and the unorganized masses, is the lack of a systemic and organized
framework to political education. Assata Shakur expressed her criticism
of the Black Panther Party for the same reason. Veterans of the Chican@
movement i’ve spoke with have expressed the same criticisms, stating
that had more deliberate, organized approaches been given back in the
days it may have progressively altered the cultural nationalist
tendencies of the movement towards a revolutionary nationalist praxis.
Yet and still, today We’re still stressing, and rightly so, the
paramount importance of political education. However, the question has
become, must become, what is political education, how do we apply it,
and why is it so important?
Political education takes many forms, and phases, and the correct
application of it, or what is paramount for a persyn to know is
dependent upon the conditions one finds themselves in. Thus i begin with
“It is commonly thought with criminal flippancy that to politicize
the masses means from time to time haranguing them with a major
political speech…But political education means opening up the mind,
awakening the mind, and introducing it to the world…To politicize the
masses is not and cannot be to make a political speech. It means driving
home to the masses that everything depends on them, that if we stagnate
the fault is theirs, and that if we progress, they too are responsible,
that there is no demiurge, no illustrious man taking responsibility for
everything, but that the demiurge is the people and the magic lies in
their hands and their hands alone.” (1)
Now as i was saying conditions will determine quite alot. So it is
the line of USW, and many others, that amerika is a settler-neo colonial
imperialist empire, and as such holds actual nations of people
subjugated, meaning their/our self-development is thwarted, within its
borders as well as in the Third World.
Hystory indicated that this line is right and exact. When We recall
the process of how amerika was established we understand that it (nation
of euro amerikan settlers) settled upon this land, removed, and
committed genocide against the native nations of people, some of which
are still among us today. So those (the indigenous) are just one group
of nations within the borders of amerika, which We call the First
Nations. Of course We all know about the forced migration of millions of
Africans, and We know they underwent slavery at the hands of those same
settlers, as did some Natives. What We often fail to analyze is that
slavery, is only an economic system, it is a mode of producing social
value, however, to describe the plight of the African people in amerika
by mere economic lingo alone is highly insufficient. What is the term
that would encapsulate the experience of the economic exploitation,
social and political repression that the African people in amerika
eventually triumphed over? Slavery? No, servitude? No. That one word
which encapsulates that struggle is COLONIALISM.
Well, what the heck is colonialism? Quoting from the Black Liberation
Army Political Dictionary;
Colonialism - foreign domination of a country or a people, where the
economic, political and military structure is controlled and run by the
occupying force. (2)
So African people residing in the United $tates are not merely the
offspring of enslaved people, but a colonized people, and because of
that diametrically opposed nature of a colonized people to its
colonizer, the African people residing in amerika developed organically
into a nation, that is a people distinct from the settler by its
culture, its language, its land, and thus We call this nation today New
Afrika, but others call it Black Amerika, or Black nation, or a host of
other titles. No matter the title New Afrikan people are deep down aware
that they’re distinct and separate, but the reality of a nation within
an empire doesn’t register to some, to most, after a substantial time
frame of this reality being obscured from the public consciousness.
Having roots in, but eventually developing distinct from the First
Nations, there is the Chican@, and Puerto Rican nations/colonies.
Overtime all these domestic colonies subjugated by the settler amerikan
empire have developed thru struggle, and have reached a new and
different phase of colonialism, called neo-colonialism, which can be
characterized by the power structure now formally allowing
representatives of these oppressed peoples to integrate into the
economic, political and military structures, and in many ways act as a
buffer between the ruling class and the masses of neo-colonized
This brings me back to Our discussion on organizing, and political
education. See, depending on what We organizing for, one will require
different political understanding. Fanon says,
“A political informed [person in a colonial situation] is someone who
knows that a local dispute is not a crucial confrontation between [them]
and [the system]”
“It is the repeated demonstrations for their rights and the repeated
labor disputes that politicize the masses.” (3)
So basically what Frantz Fanon is saying here is that first one must
understand they are indeed colonized, and this understanding disallows
them from settling for any ol’ concession that can come from a ‘local
dispute’. And here when he says local, We can put it in Our immediate
context and understand it to mean, ‘prison struggles’.
What does this mean? It essentially means that We utilize, and in
fact manufacture these ‘repeated demonstrations for their/our rights’ as
a means to politicize the masses. However, if We are organizing the
masses utilizing such demonstration alone We run into a few pitfalls.
The one which i’ll deal with here can be understood by the old saying,
“Be careful what you ask for you just might get it.” So in Our context,
in the prison movement, what happens to the momentum of the masses, of
the people as a whole if We as organizers manufacture a or a few
demonstrations and the administration actually concedes? If the masses
don’t understand the complexity of Our situation, that We’re colonized,
dehumanized, an alienated sub-class, the dregs of the society, and that
not only must these realities change, We must change within Ourselves,
and We must take part in changing these realities, then the masses the
people will quit the struggle after what they’ve perceived to be
success, and they’ll resume their normal ways of existence. This pattern
is counter-productive to the cause of revolution. We must at all times
possible keep the masses active, and that activity pertaining to the
struggle. Fanon said, “The colonized subject is at constant risk of
being disarmed by any sort of concession.”(4)
So an understanding of what Our issues are, colonialism,
neo-colonialism or racism, or individual wrong decision making, will
determine the strategies and tactics We take moving forward. If We begin
Our study of literature proceeding from the perspective that We’re
colonized nations of people, We study how anti-colonial struggles have
developed, failed and triumphed around the world. Furthermore We realize
that unless an action fundamentally eradicates Our colonial existence
than it is only a reform and does not solve Our fundamental problem(s)
which stem from Our thwarted development under neo-colonialism. Thus We
don’t even seek certain reforms, or concessions, and the ones We do are
to advance Our strategic goal.
The question now becomes again HOW to maintain the masses attention
before, during, and after demonstrations? The answer leads us to
ORGANIZATION. Those who have a study level of political vision must take
the initiative in forming real organized organizations. Within these
organizations leaders should allow for activities to be carried out by
the rank & file and must be sure that activities assigned to a
comrade are in alignment with the talents, interests, and abilities of
said comrade. In this way one keeps the masses involved and engaged. If
able weekly or bi-weekly meetings should be established. Minutes should
be kept of the meetings, meaning, write down what you’re doing, what
you’re talking about, what are the plans going forward, etc. At said
meetings each comrade should have a progress report, which entails what
they’ve been doing since the previous meeting.
If a comrade can draw, they should be assigned something to draw. If
a comrade can write, they should be assigned something to write. If a
comrade has a typewrite they should be tasked with typing up the
documents of the group. In fact it is good to take up one project that
the entire collective can attribute to. Say a pamphlet, of course you
need writers, We need art work, and We’ll need a typist, We’ll need some
donations of stamps to circulate it to publishers, and in this way every
one not only feels involved, but more importantly feels that
immeasurable feeling of accomplishment. In understanding the
complexities of Our class (lumpen) We must understand a lot of us have
not accomplished much of anything in the way of real world
accomplishments. A lot of us have been caged, stagnated in a state of
arrested development, since Our pre-teen and teen years, and thus are
persynally under-developed in many ways. This feeling of accomplishment
motivates and inspires one to continue to chase that good feeling, and
particularly when the feeling is derived from doing something
productive, it overtime alters a persyn internally, and this is what We,
as revolutionaries especially within the lumpen class want most.
Organizations in their many varieties are the vehicles of the people
and their struggle. Vanguard elements must seek to organize all aspects
of the people’s struggle, all aspects of the people’s lives under their
leadership and influence. This doesn’t mean everyone has to or will be a
member of a particular leading organizational body. What it means is
that organization must make itself seen & heard & felt in each
aspect of the people’s lives. The musician they listen to should be
expressing some theme derived from the organization. The farmer should
have the organization’s line on collectivizing agriculture and land. The
prisoner and their family should know that the prisoner, if deemed
capable can/will have a place of refuge, work, and re-humanization with
the organization. The womyn must know she has a group trustworthy and
capable to care for her kids collectively, and ensure her access to safe
abortion if necessary. Those in the LGBTQ community must feel at one
with the organization, enabled and empowered.
In a nutshell the proper organization will galvanize the popular
masses of the people, educating and organizing the most capable from
every and all sectors, and from there synthesize the aspirations, and
ambitions of the people’s struggle with practical and concrete measures
to realize these objectives.
With the formation of Texas T.E.A.M.O.N.E., the Texas USW re-branded,
We have formed the vehicle for the Texas prisoner’s struggle. We have
thus far established multiple wings which can/will be used to activate
the stored away genius of the masses. We have the legal wing for those
writ-writing jailhouse lawyers, a space for like minded cats to put
their heads together to attack certain aspects of the system that can
help us better build the movement. We have established, in its early
stages, a wimmins & LGBTQ wing, which is again an avenue for certain
people to step up and utilize what they already know how to do, in
concert with the rest of the organized body to get what We want. We’ve
established the Worker’s wing a lane where people around the state can
collectively struggle for worker’s rights, and incorporate those
struggles with the others and in combination gain bigger gains…We’ve
established and/or influenced the establishment of numerous committees
with the members therein playing roles in the ‘wings’ mentioned above.
In all this We’ve done well in applying lessons learned from
MIM(Prisons), and some of Our own experiences, thus synthesizing theory
& practice.
It must be said however that We have made many mistakes. We began
organizing as Fanon said, around demonstrations. We learned in practice,
some of us without ever having read Fanon, that the masses, and
Ourselves could easily get complacent after concessions are made. The
mistake came by not initially focusing on ideo-theoretical questions. We
had to learn that the truth of the matter that prior to any organization
the people in question must sit down and individually intake
information, after a certain amount of information has been accumulated
they must come together and discuss their findings and thoughts,
establish their points of unity, modes of organization, and other such
matters. Of course this isn’t to say that all organizations come
together like this. Many take on a more spontaneous approach to
development and this approach is observed in their style of work.
The re-occurring theme will always be political education, the need
for it will never cease, and the need to bring all the people to an
active level of consciousness, that is a level where they can be/are
active in the struggle.
In Our campaign to end RHU, it was selectively chosen for a multitude
of reasons. One of which is to show & prove We can shut it down if
& when We organize Ourselves and the people correctly. Because of
conditions that prevail in long-term isolation, many of the most radical
and politically astute people are in or have been in long-term
isolation, if We could multiply those types of elements, and then get
them out on the pop city We can make conditions more conductive to
politicizing more and more prisoners sending more and more of these to
the outside. To illustrate the contradiction that despite the various
levels of illegality present within the solitary confinement apparatus,
it still continues, and yet We’re the so-called criminals. There is of
course the fact that if We can eliminate the punitive answer for dissent
then We leave the enemy with little recourse once Our collective
resistance picks up. In this way We take a tool out of their tool kit.
However, the underlying goal is simply to shut seg down, what if they
just capitulated and gave us what We wanted? What becomes of the
struggle then? IF that was Our actual GOAL and not a MEANS TO AN END,
then Our entire struggle would have been defeated, at least temporarily,
not by bullets, or bombs, but by sugar-coated bullets, by concessions,
by reforms, which weaken the intensity of contradictions rather than
increase them. Mastering this delicate balance will determine the
successes and failures of Our organizing methods.
“At first disconcerted, they then realize the need to explain and
ensure the colonized’s consciousness does not get bogged down. In the
meantime the war goes on, the enemy organizes itself, gathers strength
and preempts the strategy of the colonized. The struggle for national
liberation is not a question of bridging the gap in one giant stride.
The epic is played out on a difficult, day-to-day basis and the
suffering endured far exceeds that of the colonial period. Down in the
towns the colonists have apparently changed. Our people are happier.
They are respected. A daily routine sets in, and the colonized engaged
in struggle, the people who must continue to give it their support,
cannot afford to give in. They must not think the objective has already
been achieved. When the actual objectives of the struggle are described,
they must not think they are impossible. Once again, clarification is
needed and the people have to realize where they are going and how to
get there. The war is not one battle but a succession of local
struggles, none of which, in fact, is decisive.” (5)
We’ve articulated previously that one’s method to organization is
logically dependent upon one’s goals, and also one’s circumstances or
conditions. It is Our view that the conditions and circumstances being
what they currently are in North amerika, the lumpen-prisoner class is a
highly dynamic entity. This class, Our class is also a vacillating
class, meaning its members can be like see-saws, moving from one side
(revolutionary) to another (reactionary) as their emotions and whims
take them. However, We assert that the other classes of North amerika
have become so bourgeoisified that the social vehicles for social
revolution are so slim to none that the last objectively repressed class
in amerika, the class that still has little to no stake in the bourgeois
democracy, is the lumpen.
We’ve reached this conclusion by analyzing the social forces and
classes within North amerikan society. Observing their material benefits
of being cozied up to their bourgeoisie. We’ve observed how and why
social movements only advance so far, being largely unwilling, or
sometimes unable to carry the struggle to higher levels, due to a
certain level of comfort in the status quo. And We logically look to Our
own class and see that these factors, though still present are vastly
diminished. Therefore, arriving at this class analysis We say that it is
most conductive to Our goal of social revolution to invest time and
resources into the lumpen in order to politicize them, and that
investment should be in proportion to the classes potential to lean
towards a revolutionary line and practice.
Now We reach the basic question, how do we maximize the dynamic
potential of this vacillating lumpen class? How do We ensure that the
majority of lumpen are progressive, neutral, or all the way
revolutionary and not objective enemies of the people? The answer again
points to ORGANIZATION. The only way to maximize the people’s initiative
in general and the lumpen in particular is to formulate them into
tightly organized units/groups. The lumpen struggle is a class struggle,
and thus We must organize the First World Lumpen on a class basis.
What does this mean, what does this look like? What is a class? There
is often mention of the prisoner class, or a particular class of
prisoners. However, very rarely do comrades utilize class in a Communist
A ‘Class’ 1) shares a common position in their relation to the means
of production; common economic conditions, relative to their labor and
appropriation of the social surplus; 2) that they must share a separate
way of life and cultural existence; 3) that they must share a set of
interests which are antagonistic to other classes; 4) that they must
share a set of social relations,;i.e. a sense of unity which extends
beyond local boundaries, and constitutes a national bond; 5) that they
must share a corresponding collective consciousness of themselves as a
‘class’, and; 6) they must create their own political organizations, and
pursue their interests as a ‘class’ (6)
We must also clarify that Marx differentiated between a ‘class in
itself’ and a ‘class for itself’. The difference between the two can be
summarized by saying that a class in itself simply shares a common
economic position but lacks the other listed criteria. Whereas a class
for itself is an entity fully organized and meeting all listed
Therefore, what We are saying here is that We must organize in a
manner that will bring the lumpen from the level of class in itself, to
the elevated level of a class for itself. Our organization should be
modeled in a way to obtain the collective mobility, ingenuity, and
potential of the lumpen as a whole. We must ‘nationalize’ these
structures, meaning expand them state-to-state, with each one developing
its own relative strength locally.
The next question is how do We get there? How do we reach this point
of mass participation and organization? We’ll quote Fanon here:
“The duty of a leadership is to have the masses on their side. Any
commitment, however, presupposes awareness and understanding of the
mission to be accomplished, in short a rational analysis, no matter how
embryonic.” (7)
Here he stresses the basic conscious political education of the
people. We continue:
“The people should not be mesmerized, swayed by emotion or
confusion. Only [under-developed people] led by a revolutionary elite
emanating from the people can today empower the masses to step out
onto the stage of history.” (8)
I’ve put the above in bold to illuminate certain mistakes We often
make. We often capitulate to the weaknesses of the masses in Our good
intended desire to win them over. One of the weaknesses of this sort is
the masses never-ending desire to be entertained. This desire almost
always precedes from a desire to escape reality, and when done too much
establishes a state of complacency with oppression and exploitation and
undermines revolutionary or productive/progressive activity. When We
reach out to the masses We often make the mistake of trying to move them
into immediate action with a fiery speech, with the showing of the video
of the latest police killing, or whatever We believe may move them.
Although We have good intentions this method has hystorically proven
inadequate for carrying out revolution. Instead, because it relies on
emotions, which fluctuate, the activity it renders, if it renders
activity at all, is necessarily fluctuating, and vacillating.
We can see this in real time if We observe the ebbs and flows of
social movements in North amerika. George Floyd’s taped murder shook
people emotionally. It awakened pent up anger and frustration from many
sectors. People took that, and nothing else, no political education, no
political organization, no political vision, only anger and frustration
into their protests, and rebellions, and uprisings. Soon, the only
people left in the streets were politicized people. Anarchists,
Socialists, Abolitionists, and this sort. The masses however, had long
since retreated back into the comforts of their amerikan life of escape,
and leisure, isolating what was then allowed to be percieved as
extremist/terrorist elements.
This what Fanon calls the ‘weakness of spontaneity’ showed its face.
We must learn from this. In the quote above the ‘under-developed people’
are those masses of North amerikans. They reside in the land of excess,
material excess, but the land of political sleep-walkers. These are the
people Fanon says must be led by a REVOLUTIONARY elite. Now what does he
mean by this? Because of the under-developed state of the people’s
sociopolitical consciousness, those cadre elements who’ve struggled to
grasp the complex concepts of political-economy, and revolutionary
theory, although not desiring to be perceived as an elite, meaning above
the rest, they actually do represent a higher stage of development, and
in that context ONLY are they ‘elite’. The key phrase of the quote is
the necessity that these ‘elite’ emanate from the people, meaning they
must be one of their own, or perceived as such. The cadre-organizer must
take care to balance its level of understanding with the level of the
masses. There will be a contradiction between these masses and the
politicized persyn, there should be, but this should not be an
antagonistic contradiction. The people should be able to look to you for
example, not look at you in disdain. As one might do to someone who
thinks their shit don’t stink. Now we move to exactly HOW does these
“…On the condition that We vigorously and decisively reject the
formation of a national bourgeoisie, a caste of privileged individuals.
To politicize the masses is to make the nation (or class) in its
totality a reality for every citizen. To make the experience of the
nation (or class) the experience of every citizen.” (9)
“Only the massive commitment by men and wimmin to judicious and
productive tasks gives form and substance to this consciousness.”
“No leader, whatever their worth, can replace the will of the people,
and the national government, before concerning itself with international
prestige, must first restore dignity to all citizens, furnish
their minds, fill their eyes with human things and develop a human
landscape for the sake of its enlightened and sovereign
inhabitants.” (11)
It is Our intention as USW leaders in Texas, as Tx T.E.A.M.O.N.E.
cadre, to have Our organization act as a vehicle to organize and
mobilize and educate the masses of lumpen in North amerika. We hope you
will be inspired to join us.
1) Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon, pg.138,
2) Black Liberation Army Political Dictionary,
3) Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon, pg.63
4) ibid, pg.90, chapt.2
5) ibid, pg.90, chapt.2
6) see; Karl Marx, The 18th Brumaire; also Karl Marx, The
Holy Family;also, Meditations On Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth,
James Yaki Sayles, pg. 286
7) Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon, pg.140,
As imperialist crisis deepens, national liberation grows. The right
for national self-determination is gaining mainstream discussion with
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The imperialists are boycotting Russia to
support Ukraine, when they punished those boycotting I$rael for denying
the self-determination of Palestine. Meanwhile, here in occupied Aztlán
comrades are engaging the Chican@ movement on this topic, which has
forced the largest reformist parties to discuss national liberation in
the current political climate.
Before the next issue of Under Lock & Key comes out we
have two events that we are asking you to support. One is our second
annual Fourth of You-Lie fund drive. Thanks to all who donated already
this year, we are off to a good start rivaling last year’s steady
increase in donations. If you haven’t donated yet this year, we’re
asking every reader to send us 7 stamps or more by July 4th. We just
received notice that, like most things, printing costs will be
increasing this summer.
And more importantly, June 19th marks the boycott
Juneteenth Freedom Initiative. The campaign is centered in Texas,
where comrades are organizing a general strike in prisons across the
state. Different custody levels will be organizing different forms of
action leading up to and continuing after June 19th. We will be sending
updates to USW comrades in Texas over the next month. Campaign demands
End Solitary Confinement!
End Restrictive Housing Units!
End Mass Incarceration!
Transform the prisons to cadre schools!
Transform ourselves into New People!
Speaking of transforming ourselves, we released the Revolutionary
12 Step program this winter as promised. USW leaders should have
that in their hands already. The Power to New Afrika pamphlet
is almost done, and should be out shortly after this ULK. The
new The Fundamental Political Line of the Maoist Internationalist
Ministry of Prisons however, is not on schedule and we do not know
when we will be able to complete that. For now our introductory study
program will continue using the old version. We are also very behind on
responding to comrades in the intro study program. As always, we need
more outside supporters to help with basic tasks like transcribing,
editing, lay out, and promoting prisoner-led campaigns. We just don’t
have enough comrades out here to keep up with everything comrades need
in there. Thank you to our newest supporters who helped with this issue,
we hope to have a long and revolutionary relationship!
This is your newsletter, as evidenced from the vast majority of
articles, reports, poetry and artwork coming from prisoners in every
issue. In the last year comrades inside really came together to support
our fund drive and our distribution drive as well, and we are making
steady progress on both. 2021 was a good year for us overall and we hope
to build greater things in 2022, some
of which are outlined in this issue of ULK.
Our MIM(Prisons) annual review meeting in December was focused on
re-prioritizing tasks in order to expand our outside support base,
increase subscribers inside and support the growth of a broader Maoist
movement. To increase subscribers inside we’ve been slowly increasing
our list of ULK distributors who receive extra copies of
ULK to distribute to others in their prison. We’ve reached the
point where almost 10% of the newspapers we’re sending into prisons are
going to distributors, but we want to see that number much higher in
2022. If you’d like to receive extra copies of ULK to
distribute let us know how many you can use and send us reports on your
distribution efforts each issue.
Because of the decrease in frequency of ULK and the decrease
in subscribers, we are sending less than a fifth of the number of
newspapers into prisons we were sending in some years ago. The main way
we think we can improve our numbers is by increasing ULK back
to every other month. However, we will need to recruit much more outside
support to make this happen as we are barely pulling this together every
3 months. Issue ULK 76 was almost delayed, and much work was
rushed together at the last minute because we don’t have enough steady
In spring 2021 we announced we would be doing an annual Fourth of
You-Lie fundraiser drive among the readers of ULK. We told you
that 7 stamps would cover the cost of your 4 issues for the year. Below
we’ve graphed the contributions we received from our readers in prison
for the whole year. In Q1 and Q2 we removed the contributions of one
particularly generous comrade who contributed over $200 in Q1 because ey
was skewing our results so much. By excluding em, we see a steady growth
in contributions coming in, and more importantly a steady growth of
individuals sending contributions. While we welcome our comrades to send
in $200 that can, it is by increasing the number of donations that we
know our mass base is growing. Looking at our numbers for the last
quarter of 2021, we see about 8.5% of the people receiving ULK
75 sent a donation during that quarter. While we didn’t do the math
to track this over time, we believe this is probably one of the higher
contribution rates we’ve ever had!
The line on the graph above represents the number of people
contributing funds over the four quarters of 2021. The bars represent
the money coming in as donations or payments. (All numbers include
prisoners only.) ‘Payments’ means people sending money for a specific
book or document. In some cases the difference is not important.
However, if we get 100 people ordering copies of the TX Pack next
quarter, that would shoot up our contributions but none of that money
would be going to ULK or other projects, it would just pay to
print and mail TX Packs. So it’s better to see the donations portion
increasing. If we look at just the donations on the graph, prisoners are
covering 18% of the cost of printing ULK! This level of support
will make it much easier for us to increase the frequency of
ULK, but we still need outside comrades to help do the
We hope you will be a part of ULK’s success in the coming
year by doing any of the following: donating 7 stamps or more,
sharing/distributing ULK, sending in conditions reports,
writing articles, creating anti-imperialist artwork and promoting
MIM(Prisons) work with your contacts outside prison. Of course,
ULK exists to serve the anti-imperialist prison movement, and
anything you do to build that movement is why we are here.
TX Pack and book orders
For those of you who are sending payments (no checks/money orders)
for books or resources, please expect about 2 months between the time
you mail out your request and you receive your item. For TX Pack
requests, you must pay 7 stamps or $3.50. We do not have anyone working
on the TX Pack, so the 2020 edition is all we have.
In this article I-self will be building with ya’ll in unity,
criticism, unity on the ongoing discussion on organizing strategy that’s
been going on in the last 3 ULKs. But where my focus is going
to be on are the questions that the comrade Wiawimawo stated at the end
of Comrade S. Xanastas’ “An
Ongoing Discussion Organizing Strategy Pt. 2” in ULK
No. 74. Also, a little on the redefining words that are used to
villianize WE from Comrade Triumphant’s article “Forever
Protecting the Community: We Are Our Own Liberators” in ULK
No. 75.
The questions posed by our comrade Wiawimawo are stated below:
“can building the Re-Lease on Life and University of Maoist Thought
programs mobilize and reach the masses in the same way as the campaigns
making demands from the state?
“…Isn’t a campaign exposing the widespread use of torture in U.$.
prisons an undermining of U.$. imperialism regardless of the maneuvers
the various states make to cut back on or hide their use of long-term
isolation? Or should we focus solely on the Third World neo-colonies and
expose U.$. meddling in Ethiopia, Cuba and Haiti?”
To answer the first question: can building the Re-Lease on Life and
University of Maoist Thought programs mobilize and reach the masses in
the same way as the campaigns making demands from the state? I would
have to say yes, and I also think that the Re-Lease on Life and the
University of Maoist Thought Programs will aid and assist with the
campaigns making demands from the state. Reason why is that the
University of Maoist Thought programs and the Re-Lease on Life will give
the de-imperialization study groups, programs, or classes, etc. Plus the
most right and exact educational class WE can bring to the masses so WE
can liberate ourselves. Which will in turn not just promote these
campaigns, but these individuals who “over”take these classes will have
a sense of duty to not just self, but the whole commune to start up
campaigns that are making demands from the state. In turn, this will
open the opportunity to capture the minds of more of the masses from the
imperialist reigns of control to be re-directed to our
de-imperialization study groups and/or classes, and then that situation
repeats until the masses are overwhelmingly pushing S.O.P.s in these
koncentration kamps and communism to the outside free world.
Next question is: Isn’t a campaign exposing the widespread use of
torture in U.$. prisons an undermining of U.$. imperialism regardless of
the maneuvers the various states make to cut back on or widen their use
of long-term isolation? I knowledge that these campaigns that expose
widespread use of torture and long-term isolation, with the many
campaigns to teach the deaf, dumb, and blind of our First World lumpen
class to see, be mindful, and more nationally, internationally,
revolutionarily conscious, and be able to discern the difference from
what is revolutionary and what is not. This will breed the revolutionary
souljas which is needed to topple U.$. imperialism and imperialism as a
whole. Souljas like those in the Ayiti (Haiti) revolution (Aug. 14, 1791
- Dec. 1803) the first and only successful revolution of Afrikans where
General Francois Capois yelled this battle cry at the final battle:
“Grenadye, also! Sa Ki Mouri, Zafe a yo! Nan pwen manman. Nan pwen
papa. Sa ki mouri, zafe a yo! Grenadye, aloso!”
Which translates to:
“Soldiers attack (or to the front and move forward)! Those who die,
so what! There is no mom. There is no dad. Those who die, so what!”
WE have to come with this mindset while in this realm of revolution,
and if WE are not there yet then WE better hop-scotch into a Usane Bolt
sprint to it and lock it in for eternity. For this is the mindset which
is going to get us to the transfer of power from imperialism to
communism. WE gotta be expecting that the imperialists are going to try
to hide their dirty laundry after WE show how filthy their ways are. So
in saying that we ALL have to become counter-attack masters and
specialists just as much as WE ALL ARE to be ready to become future
leaders of the revolutionary struggle.
Which is also answering the following question: or should we focus
soley on the third world neo-colonies and expose U.$. meddling on
Ethiopia, Cuba, and Haiti? Now just stating that WE ALL have to become
counter-attack specialists and be ready to become future leaders, the
comrade with the most knowledge gets to speak on either of the three. If
WE don’t have any of the comrades or leaders who have that knowledge,
then WE gone get into that study hall classroom and get some knowledge,
wisdom, understanding, and elect a cadre to each country.
So the focus that is needed to build campaigns that will undermine
the imperialists here in the U.$. and the world abroad, will be there in
full discretion. WE gotta become the monsters that the beast is scared
to death of. Since everybody has or had a monster that they was afraid
of, why not BE the monster(s) the imperialists shit and piss in their
pants every time they think of WE. Then die of heart attack when WE
manifest in the flesh.
Because WE as revolutionaries and FW lumpen have been villainized by
the imperialists already right? It’s either now that WE redefine these
words or abandon words like “monster,” “demons,” “gang,” “criminal”, and
etc. Just how the comrade Triumphant stated in their article “Forever
Protecting the Community: We Are Our Own Liberators,” I see and
knowledge that this task is going to be a difficult one. First,
redefining these words to the point it’s worldwide spread that even our
opps – the imperialists – knows the redefinition of word that they use
to villainize WE and use the new definition their damn selfs. Example:
How many knows Tupac Amaru Shakur’s redefinition of the word ‘NIGGA’?
Which is “Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished” or does the first
thing a persyn think about is a New Afrikan individual? And this leads
into part two: WE have to remember our leaders and souljas locked away
like Larry Hoover Sr., Iman Jalil Amin, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Bomani
Shakur, and many others’ lives are dependent on WE and if WE fail to
redefine correctly and get it worldwide recognition; WE’ll do more harm
to WE then forward progression of the movement. This will push us back
like Gang injunctions and R.I.C.O. acts. Just something WE should keep
in mind as we progress forward in these stages of organizing
by a North Carolina prisoner September 2021 permalink
On 15 September 2021 twenty four prisoners declared hunger strike at
Foothills Correctional Institution in North Carolina. By 2PM the
administration locked up 3 comrades. Me and another comrade stayed
They only give us phone once a week; no yard in a month; and less
than 2 hours of recreation per day. Basically we’re in segregation for
no reason. I reflect on these b.s. measures, then I asked myself why and
how does this opre$$ion end?!
“Why are the battles endless?! Why the Us vs. them?! Why is the Earth
When my brother first articulated the vision for the new venture,
Forever Protecting the Community, and his general desire to uplift Our
people, We were in a supermax prison, in the middle of nowhere. He
himself had just days prior been released from a similar prison and had
come to visit me. It was Our first time seeing each other in six years,
since my trial, in which i was unjustly sentenced to life without the
possibility of parole.
Thick, shatter proof glass separated Us in the visitation booth. i
expressed through the phone, between static, my approval and tipped my
head in acknowledgment of the self-development and maturation process
that i knew had led up to this point in his life. i knew the process
intimately, as i myself have undergone it as well in my own way. It is a
process of social and mental growth that many before us have gone
through. It is a process that sees one evolve from a state of self and
socially induced ignorance, towards a state of a more completely
functional humyn being, one who is engaged with the community and world
around them, being productive therein. It is this way which We were
meant to live among each other, but through the process of
social-economic development, from a communal economy, into a hyper
capitalistic society, We’ve become a mutation of Our true selves.
Individualism dominates collectivism, greed has taken the place of
contentment. Being as We are born and bred in such a world it takes a
process of re-education and re-commitment in order to shun these
counter-productive characteristics and act in the furtherance of
productivity and communal upliftment.
Sometime later after Our visit, Prisoner A asked me to make a
contribution to a collection of short stories that he wished to publish
under the banner of Forever Protecting the Community. He stated that his
vision was to correct those of Our homeboys behind enemy lines with the
movement that was/is in process in the streets. As it is, when Our
people are held captive by the state they’re often forgotten about, or
merely become just another hashtag, as the world moves on. Additionally
he figured, and i agreed, that brothers such as myself who are living
the effects of social alienation, political disengagement/dependence,
and economic insecurities, the combination of which has led to lives
tarnished by and through captivity, should have much to express in
regards to the direction of Our communities and Our nation (that is the
nation of Black people in Amerika which i refer to as New Afrikans).
In responses to my brother’s request i consciously refused to
contribute a ‘short story’. Reason being, short stories are fictional,
while the subject matter surrounding the necessity of Forever Protecting
the Community is far from fiction. It is real life that drugs and STD’s
have ravished Our communities. It is real life that millions of New
Afrikans – Black children, wimmin, and men are currently in captivity or
under the ‘supervision’ of the state. It is real life that the public
school system is failing Our youth, not providing the necessary tools to
live a self-sufficient life but only to enter the ranks of the wage
slaves. It is real life that in areas which We call ‘Our community’,
property ownership among New Afrikan people is less than 5%, this number
includes homes, commercial real estate, and ‘essential infrastructure’.
These property relations are significant, as it is this factor which
creates ‘social alienation, political dis-engagement/dependence, and
economic insecurities’, so it is real, very real, that many of us live
and die without having owned Our living spaces, and under the rules of
Amerikan settler-colonialism and imperialism, it is increasingly
difficult to own Our very identities, both collectively and
So because this is Our real life, and has been for sometime, i felt
what was/is needed more than mere entertainment is some ‘real talk’ as
it pertains to ‘us’. Therefore i’ve offered up this place to shed light
and open much needed communal discussion.
The word ‘protect’ means ‘to guard’; ‘to secure’; ‘to hold in safe
keeping’; all these definitions imply that there is a force, or forces
which seek to bring destruction, in whole or in part, to whatever entity
needs guarding, security, safekeeping, or protecting. In Our context We
are alluding to the need to secure Our ‘communities’, which are
essentially semi-colonized territories dependent upon and occupied by
outside forces.
It follows that if and when there is an entity that seeks the
destruction of Our territory, Our community, Our nation, Our family, Our
people, and Our self, that said entity is an avowed enemy to Our cause
and Our interests. So therefore i pose the question, ‘who are Our
enemies and who are Our friends?’ 402 years ago with the advent of the
Maafa (African slave trade; tragedy) an unresolved contradiction arose.
This contradiction has been characterized by the colonization of New
Afrikan Black people, first as slaves, a nation of slaves, and oppressed
and exploited free people, until now, where Our colonization is
characterized by the forced dependence upon the United States,
settler-imperialist neo-colonial empire, for the basic functions of
modern nationhood. That is free development of independent political,
social, and economic production and advancement.
During the last 402 years, what it means to be a New Afrikan in
Amerika has been tied to Our ongoing collective struggle to express
Ourselves in the full extent of Our humynity, to cast off the old forced
colonial relationship, which saw us as completely dependent pawns in the
‘game’ of world affairs, and to exercise a role and position which has
been guaranteed to almost all other peoples of the world, that is to
determine for Ourselves who We are, what We are (a colonized nation),
and how We wish to organize Ourselves for the daily survival of Our
For the settler-empire’s part in this contradiction they’ve sought to
undermine Our natural, independent, development at every turn. All the
empire’s actions towards Our people, whether they be in the field of
military intimidation (police terrorism), propaganda, political
policies, and all other matters, they have all been to further the
relation of dependence upon their governance and economic structure.
Due to these simple truths and the multitude of ramifications that
they produce, it shouldn’t be lost on the reader that the enemy of New
Afrikan–Black people is the system of economic and political power that
has been FORCED upon us. This system is called capitalism-imperialism,
and the u.s. government at both federal and local levels is the world
leader of this system which is the cause of not only Our collective
misery, but that of the majority of the world’s people.
We, as a people, must come to understand that, ‘yes’, ‘protection’ is
needed and it is needed from the forces of power. Our enemies are not
those of another block, set, or turf who not only look like us, but more
importantly, are victims of the same systemic oppression and alienation
as us, which has fostered Our like conditions. Our enemies are not those
whom the real enemy has told us are the ‘gangs’ and ‘criminals’. These
We must begin to see as Ourselves, Our siblings, Our allies, in this
struggle. Allies whom have not yet been awakened to their place and
position within the ranks of Our New Afrikan Independence Movement.
Forever Protecting the Community, as many of you reading this already
know, has grown out of the legacy of the Forum Park Crips, in
particular, and that of New Afrikan-Black street organizations in
general. Modern street organizations within Our colonies (communities)
have for a long time possessed the tendency to re-imagine their
identities and the role in which they intend to play in the development
of Our people, that of destroyers or builders.
Prior to the creation of the original Crips of Los Angeles in 1971,
there were other street organizations. During the mid-1960’s as Our
nation was on a collective march to determine for Ourselves Our own
destiny, several Black Power organizations began to recruit effectively
within the class of people in Our colonies that were or would likely
become members of street organizations. These Black Power
revolutionaries impressed upon the sisters and brothers that the most
effective way to combat the mistreatment they all faced was to unite on
the basis of nationhood, and the shared quest for
On the West Coast, the main Black Power groups leading the shift in
social philosophy and participation among the ‘street class’, were the
Black Panther Party, and the US organization. The former would succeed
in consolidating ALL of the New Afrikan Black street organizations on
the West Side of South Central into one mass body. This effort was led
by Panther deputy chairman Alprentice Bunchy Carter: a former leader of
the ‘Slausons’ street organization, and convict, turned political
revolutionary while in California’s San Quentin Concentration Camp.
Bunchy Carter would help politicize most of his former ‘gang’ buddies,
recruiting them into the Panther organization and more importantly,
re-install the sense of common-unity (community) among the working class
of the surrounding area, with the former ‘destroyers’, the ‘gang’
element. This was only possible once the people could see that the 5,000
strong Slausons had made themselves a vehicle for productivity in
opposition to the people’s REAL enemies instead of assisting the enemies
of the people in the destruction of the people and Our areas of
residence. Forever Protecting the Community, if it lives up to its
calling, will follow down this same path of self-liberation, utilizing
the examples set by the Slausons and others to build upon the
advancement of Our nation in Our quest for self-determination and
“The time is NOW for a total refocusing of Our efforts, away from
non-productive distractions and other elements of temptations, and focus
towards those disciplines that will make us real [contributors] in Our
communities. We must stop the gangbanging and drive-bys. Our [nation] is
being destroyed by the killing [drugging and imprisonment] of Our own
youth. We must stop hating one another because of the block, hood, turf,
and color We represent, these actions only continue the cycle of
“And finally, in my sincere appeal for peace and unity: Those of us
that have experienced being Our brother’s keeper – We must educate Our
members around Us. Education brings about awareness. Awareness generates
the ability to think. Our youth must know the end result of crime is
shame, disgrace, and imprisonment to themselves, as well as the
community. We must come to the point of outlawing those who willfully
disrupt Our communities and Our call [to Forever Protect the Community].
Crime must not be accepted as the normal way of doing things.” – Larry
Hoover’s 1993 ‘Call For Peace’
As articulated previously, there has been a tendency among New
Afrikan-Black street organizations to re-imagine their identities and
the role in which they play, or intend to play in the development of Our
people, that of destroyers or builders. Larry Hoover leading the
transition of his organization from ‘Gangster Disciples’ to ‘Growth and
Development’ is one of the most noteworthy and informative examples that
We can/should take lessons from. Yet before We delve more into the
lessons We can take from this grouping, it is important that We
illustrate the hands of the enemy in regards to the growth and expansion
of today’s street organizations and the sanctioned culture of
Going back to the mid-60’s, as the Slausons and other similarly
situated groups began to cast off the self-destructive, and
counter-productive behaviors, they consequently began engaging in the
socio-political battles Our people faced at the local, ‘national’, and
global levels. Once it became clear to the masses that Our oppression
was/is political and economic and that the political reinforced the
economic, it became evident that the interests of Our people had to be
represented, by Our people, in the political sphere, and subsequently
political bodies were formulated. The Black Panther Party, along with
the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika, were two of
the foremost leaders among these such groups. On a national level, the
‘street class’ began to be involved in the development of themselves,
and their people on an objective basis, as such naturally their
priorities began to shift, instead of clubbing, slanging and banging,
this class of people, many of Our predecessors, began to initiate
community political education classes, free health clinics, community
‘face lifts’, and clean up programs, free busing to prison for visits,
and a host of other ‘survival programs’.
It was during this time, because Our people had clearly drawn a line
of demarcation between themselves and the enemies of the people,
furthermore the same elements of the New Afrikan-Black Nation which had,
by force of circumstance, been most dependent upon the u.s. federal and
local governments couldn’t and/or wouldn’t. Such a development signaled
to the people that they themselves had the necessary power to liberate
themselves, hence the popularity of the phrase, ‘Power to the
Much of the oppressors continued rule depends upon the people’s
belief that they’re utterly helpless without the structure of the
settler-colonial imperialists. Once this illusion is unmasked and the
essence of the establishment is exposed, the oppressive state apparatus
must solely rely on brute force to maintain its illegitimate rule upon
the people, Our people. The establishment seeks to bypass such a
reality. Overt violence for the sake of political repression usually
swells the ranks of those in opposition to the illegitimate governmental
It was this exact situation which saw the federal government
intensify the contradiction which began in Black August 1619 to the
level of a domestic war between two opposed and contradictory entities,
through the FBI’s declared war on the various organizations and people
within the Black Liberation Movement, by way of the Counter Intelligence
The u.s. government’s carrying out of COINTELPRO in order to prevent
the self-developed expression of the New Afrikan-Black experience as a
colonized nation held captive for centuries by the u.s. government,
resulted in numerous political assassinations of New Afrikan-Black
liberation combatants, the political/false imprisonment of various
souljahs and activists of Our cause, and the subsequent obliteration of
what has been up until this point the most progressive era of Our
collective struggle in 402 years (the Black Liberation Movement).
The defeat of the movement is important to this discourse on FPC,
because it was in the wake of the defeat of the movement that the Crips,
Bloods, Folks and Peoples established themselves. The establishment of
these street groups was facilitated by the war initiated on the
movement, and the subsequent elimination of progressive, productive, and
revolutionary leadership in the colonies which We call communities.
Ajamu Niamke Kamara (Stanley Tookie Williams), co-founder of the Crips,
said the following:
“i’m convinced that had the Black Panther Party still been recruiting
- uninterrupted by the duplicitous COINTELPRO… Huey Newton and Bobby
Seale would have salivated over the untapped youthful potential We
“Throughout this state and country, We embodied only a small divided
body within a multitude of reckless, energetic, fearless, and explosive
young Black warriors. Though we were often seen as social dynamite, i
believe We were the perfect entity to be indoctrinated in cultural
awareness and trained as disciplined soldiers for the Black
Unfortunately for the original Crips and Bloods, and the many
multitudes who have since followed in their foot steps, in 1971 while
Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington were establishing the teenage
clique that would become an international menace, the Black Panther
Party was enduring a major split within its ranks, which was caused,
partially, by the assault(s) of COINTELPRO, that would be the beginning
of the end for the Party and the movement.
In the wake of the defeat, the establishment initiated a wide variety
of methods to ensure that the widely dispersed wave of righteous
rebellion and the desire of an internal colony to free itself from the
forced yoke of imperialism and neo-colonialism, would never happen
again. To insure that Our people would remain collectively divided and
conquered, and sleep, the enemies invented and distributed crack
cocaine, and military grade weapons throughout the mid 1980’s and into
the 1990’s, allowed for the AIDS/HIV epidemic, created laws and policies
that would hold millions of Our youthful and vibrant siblings in
captivity based on fabricated and over-exaggerated portrayals of Our
colonized territories and peoples, and Our responses to Our colonial
While the movement for self-determination was brutally crushed by the
u.s. government, that same government, wherever it could, assisted the
growth and expansion of the street organizations. The very industry that
was factually created by the CIA (the Crack Trade) was the vehicle which
drove Crips, Bloods, Folk, and Peoples factions in their growth across
the u.s. empire. This subsequent growth and expansion led directly to
the formation of the street organization, Forum Park Crips, an
independent Crip faction in Houston, Texas, along with countless other
similar factions and groups. What could have been the u.s.
establishment’s motive in instigating the growth of parasitic groups,
while murdering and torturing the productive organized bodies? The
answer can only possibly be the intended destruction of Our nation and
With this realization that We have been manipulated, on a large
scale, to act against Our own interests and that of Our nation, the
formation of Forever Protecting the Community, though not the solution
within itself, surely takes a step in the correct direction.
“… Our women and children are suffering greatly at the hands of an
oppressive, dominant, racist political system… We can no longer afford
the forced luxury of non-involvement or non-participation. The question
remains: How can We contribute within Our limited capacities? .. i say
to you: If We accept a partial responsibility for the plight of Our own
people, then We must take an active role in the game of POLITICS.” –
Larry Hoover’s 1993, “Call to Action”
Where Do We Go From Here? As stated above, the formation of Forever
Protecting the Community is not a solution in and of itself, and it
remains to be seen whether or not this formation will live out its full
potential. What has already taken place however is the necessary act of
determining for ones self what your identity and purpose will be. There
will be naysayers who will point to all sorts of negative aspects of
those who are or become active with the new FPC movement. They will, if
hystory is any indicator, deter the general public from supporting and
identifying with the movement of Our people and colonies.
In order to get out in front of this foreseeable roadblock to Our
progress, We must do one of two things. 1) Abandon the words and
personification of ‘gang’, and ‘criminal’, to those who have defined
them (Our enemies) so that now they will have purely negative
connotations; 2) redefine those words/personifications - or create a new
word or phrase to describe organized groups within Our oppressed
colonies (communities).
Whichever choice is made, NEW concepts must be developed that
reinforce NEW forms of activity that should begin to appear on the basis
of the NEW concept. Forever Protecting the Community is the NEW concept,
and now what the leaders of this organization must act towards is
organizing a wide variety of people of the community to work
collectively to transform the ‘gang’ into a progressive organization of
New Afrikan people, which struggles and works in the interests of Our
people. The problem within Our colonies (communities) isn’t that there
are ‘gangs’, but it is the real problems which all peoples under
capitalist domination face, it is capitalism itself, and the social,
economic and political alienation it creates, which indirectly gives
birth to ‘gangs’ and ‘crime’.
Forever Protecting the Community has taken one step towards
empowerment – one critical step closer to a new sense of collective
identity, purpose, and direction – by using the power that We already
have, to define Ourselves, name Ourselves and speak for Ourselves –
instead of being defined and spoken for by others. The next step
consists of leading all the people of the community to share in the
responsibility for providing a NEW broader sense of collective identity,
purpose, and direction – for Our children and Ourselves. It is time now
to promote NEW ideas about the life We wanna live and the society We
wanna live in. Its time to promote NEW definitions of Our problems
(e.g. ‘racism’ or capitalism/colonialism) and the real solutions to Our
problems (e.g. ‘empowerment’ or genuine independence). We must begin to
promote among Our people the idea that Our purpose isn’t to simply own a
nice car, jewelry, a house, or even to quasi control a few city blocks,
but to share in Our control of entire cities, entire states, and
eventually, to share in the control of Our independent nation.
The task is to begin to formulate a community coalition behind the
idea/motto/slogan of Forever Protecting the Community. By a coalition i
mean connecting with a variety of people who identify with and support
the cause of the organization. Particularly, the following elements
within the community should be sought out for support and
“What We have to do is get together the conscientious progressive
thinkers within these [street] organizations that know that they have to
make a change in order to survive… We have to put together a concerted
effort by all segments of Our community– clergy, business, activists,
and progressive thinkers within street organizations [local elected
officials, educators, health care providers]. You have to go within
these organizations to change them… You can’t just write off a
generation… It is time for [New Afrikans] from all over the country to
realize what has happened to Our people, and that while much of it can
be attributed to outside forces We have to begin to take responsibility
for Ourselves.” – Larry Hoover
As a politicized prisoner, and activist, co-founder of the prison
activist organization Texas T.E.A.M.O.N.E., i extend my hand, and that
of my comrades and supporters on both side of the walls, in support and
solidarity of the Forever Protecting the Community organization, and
more importantly i look forward to workin with my brothers, the 10’zzz,
on concrete actions both FPC and Team One can collab on that will suit
both Our missions.
We of TX T.E.A.M.O.N.E. believe the current United Struggle from
Within movement which We support, along with the general prison
resistance/abolition movements, align perfectly with Forever Protecting
the Community’s mission. As such, We humbly ask that if you are a part
of or support the mission to FOREVER PROTECTING THE COMMUNITY, that you
also contact and actively support the souljahs behind enemy lines within
the TX Team One formation fighting against legal slavery in Texas
prisons, and the inhumane use of indefinite, and long term solitary
confinement, as a toll of social and political repression.
Dare 2 Struggle Dare 2 Win; 1 Love 1 Struggle for LAND AND
“Look you a Blood, i’ma Crip, but i figure we can get back to that
Black shit, instead of killin and bangin for crack shit, is n****z too
stuck in they ways? i know We long overdue, but is We ready for change?
Stand under one flag like an ARMY brigade. Time to put the deuce-deuce
down and pick a ‘K’, and if We bangin on sum Black shit. Let’s ride for
the dead homies and get the burners for Malcolm and Nat Turner. Talkin’
to them other n*****z, my so called enemies We don’t own one block but
We live and die for these city streets. Even though the pain runs deep,
REAL n*****z know its time to make PEACE so We can FOCUS ON THE
PAYCHECK.” – Nipsey Hussle
“Now if We wanna live the THUG LIFE and the gangsta life and all
that, okay, so stop being cowards and let’s have a REVOLUTION. But We
don’t wanna do that, dudes just wanna live a character. They wanna be
cartoons, but if they really wanted to do something, if they was tough
alright, lets start Our OWN COUNTRY, lets start a REVOLUTION, let’s get
out of here [prison], let’s do something.” – Tupac Amaru Shakur
TX T.E.A.M.O.N.E Co-founder
New Afrikan Independence Movement
To contact/support/learn more about TX Team One:
113 Stockholm, #1A
Brooklyn, NY 11221
To receive the NEW TX Team One Primer write a request to:
This is in reply to the article “An
Ongoing Discussion on Organizing Strategy”, which appeared in
ULK 73. In it, the author labels the following statement as
incorrect and unscientific:
“From an organizers perspective, [struggling for quality-of-life
reforms such as increased phone access] are not battles which we can
effectively push anti-imperialism forward, much less MLM…”
The author cites a failure to apply the materialist dialectic, or the
‘science’ behind scientific socialism, to the situation at hand. When
viewed in isolation and out of its proper context, the conclusion that
they have reached would certainly be a commonsense position to take. And
as they write a little further on:
“How can we then deem that prison struggles aren’t aligned with
Yet if the quote being critiqued were analyzed in its totality, we
can begin to see more nuance and why such a statement was made in the
first place. So to continue where the partial quote left off:
“…without veering into reformist practices of little tactical or
strategic value. I am aware that arguments of principle can be
mounted to the contrary, but absent a practicable, totalizing
strategy for revolution domestically being put forward by an MLM
organization that is actionable in the here-and-now, we cannot
effectively utilize many of these prison struggles as a proper
springboard to corresponding actions in other areas, actions which do
not translate into long-term pacification which benefits their prison
administration in an objective, cost-to-us, benefit-to-them analysis. If
we cannot muster the resources and external manpower to mount a facility
or state-specific campaign for a tactical reform to push our agenda and
continually imprint firmly in the minds of all incarcerated that we have
their best interests in mind, it may be advisable to abstain from
participation lest credit for the reforms go elsewhere and become
politically-neutered, or, worse yet, the system co-opts the struggle as
its own and touts its successes (ie. The First-Step Act). Otherwise, we
are gaining no more than sporadic traction amongst those we are
attempting to revolutionize, and then only of a transient nature.”
(emphasis added)
As mentioned earlier, there is a nuance to the position I have taken
that is obscured in comrade Triumphant’s approach to mounting an
argument on principle, and that in itself constitutes an incorrect and
unscientific approach to proper discourse. Quoting someone out of
context may buttress a particular argument or agenda, however arguments
begin to lose their strength when quotations are re-situated in their
proper place. You ask, ‘how can we then deem that prison struggles
aren’t aligned with anti-imperialism?’, but who has or where has such a
view been advocated in the first place for this allegation to be made?
As you can see, the position put forth in the original commentary
advocated not an abandonment of revolutionary struggle within prisons
but rather its placement within a more explicitly revolutionary
framework. Refining our approach does not imply an abandonment of all
struggle just to focus on study.
It is agreed that the materialist dialectic can be applied in all
manner of social phenomena, and the Amerikan injustice system and the
struggle between prison staff and the captive population are no
exception. But the real question is, should it be applied in
this particular instance in the manner which the Team One Formation,
K.A.G.E. Universal and others have done thus far – that is, pushing for
minor reforms largely divorced from a wider revolutionary
anti-imperialist agenda resulting in pacification once concessions are
made? I would argue that advocating for these various minor reforms to
address the prison masses immediate needs can be classified as
(presupposing these formations desire revolution or claim communism as
their goal) right opportunist deviations.
Right opportunism is an error in practice that occurs when an
organization attempts to embed itself in the masses and in doing so
gives up a clear revolutionary program in the interest of fighting for
immediate demands. This leads to economism/workerism (or in this case
‘prisonerism’), which is the purview of reformism: solely focusing on
economic demands (economism), or the demands of prisoners.
You write that “quality-of-life reforms are connected to the strategy
of cadre development.” Now can experience be gained in how to train
cadre and organize people while doing this? Sure, but similar things can
be argued about improving one’s marksmanship and related skills acquired
while employed as a cop too. While a rather extreme analogy, what I am
getting at is that productive skills can technically be derived from
incorrect practice. Yet the question for both scenarios remains the
same: Is there a better methodological approach to training cadre?
It is a laudable desire to want to avoid being all ‘study’ and no
struggle, but if ‘struggle’ leads a group to avoiding, obscuring or
watering down their politics in order to attain their demands, then that
is not getting us any closer to our desired results. As MIM(Prisons)
“We can also say that only focusing on the reformist campaigns,
without the larger goals, is not going to change anything in regards to
ending oppression and injustice.”
It is encouraging to see that in consequence of previous organizing
experience comrade Triumphant has pledged to focus on “reorganizing of
the TX Team One under a clearer program and a better understanding of
what our strategic and tactical goals are.” This statement also aligns
with what this comrade wrote in the November 2020 USW organizing update
in reference to the reformist practice of the Prisoner Human Rights
Movement (PHRM):
“unless anti-imperialist, revolutionary nationalist and/or communists
take hold of this movement and see it as a tactical operation instead of
a be-all end-all and thereby re-center the movement, it may only further
‘Amerikanize’ the (only) vastly-proletarian revolutionary sector of
society we have (lumpen in prison). That could occur if cats become
pacified with all these tokens and reforms that have been struggled
But just because we re-center a movement along these lines and dress
future demands to the state in sufficiently ‘revolutionary’ language to
avoid the perception of reformism does not mean that we are actually
avoiding these same pitfalls.
Here I will argue that even with an explicitly revolutionary program
guiding us in the struggle for tactical reforms, we can still be
susceptible to a sort of unwitting crypto-reformism if our struggles are
not chosen very carefully and with the correct tactical,
strategic and narrative approach. In the original commentary I wrote
“we should not be trying to ‘improve’ Amerikan prisons, much like we
should not be attempting to cut a bigger portion of imperialist profits
from Third World super-exploitation for the lower class, yet still
relatively privileged, citizens of empire.”
This statement meshes with your desire not to have strictly-reformist
campaigns “further ‘Amerikanize’ the (only) vastly-proletarian
revolutionary sector of society we have.” Of course our current approach
differs strategically from the reformists but, noble intentions aside,
it is still having the same overall effect in practice: we are
inadvertently pacifying individuals, making them complacent sleepwalkers
again. You may probably think: ‘Bullshit. We are teaching the masses
not to fall for any old reform, that these are ’tactical
maneuvers’,etc. And you may very well be able to indoctrinate a core of
cadre to hold strong to a political line which promotes this view.
However, if we view matters through a historical lens, when concessions
from the state were achieved via a revolutionary stage of struggle these
victories largely blunted the sympathetic masses desire to seek further
redress by way of revolutionary means. Whether that be (to cite a
non-Maoist, yet anti-capitalist example) during the peak of IWW
organizing a century ago, the transient successes of the
anti-revisionist New Communist Movement era or our current campaigns to
‘Abolish the SHU’ and ‘Release the Kids in Kages.’ Our ‘successes’ end
up serving as a pressure-release for many and creating a ‘kinder,
gentler machine-gun hand’ for our opponents to use against us, akin to
replacing the arrogance and political incorrectness of Trump for the
soothing reassurances of Biden.
From the commentary of the same USW organizing update from November
2020, you write that
“from an anti-imperialist perspective, the PHRM is only a tactic, a
means to an end. That end being, sharpening the contradiction between
oppressed and oppressor nations, and advancing the oppressed aspect of
that contradiction.”
But how do we really expect to sharpen the contradiction between
oppressed and oppressor nations and advance the oppressed aspect of that
contradiction if we are actively participating in the lowering or
resolution of the contradictions which heightened tensions in the first
place? There is a periodic ebb and flow of the revolutionary tide in
this country; why do we by way of our current tactical, strategic and
narrative approach inadvertently help turn an upswing into a downturn?
Of course the inherent contradiction in (note:their) Amerikan
society will never truly go away absent revolution, but we are in the
meantime attempting to apply balm to their societal problems
and in effect delay its arrival.
Circling back to the arguments put forth in ‘An Ongoing Discussion on
Organizing Strategy’, you bring up a good question when you write
“the real crux of the issue, as it pertains to linking a totalizing
revolutionary strategy, lies in practical experience gained by the
masses in asserting their collective power. For, how will we seize state
power if the people lack the strategic confidence to assert their
As my position does not advocate pushing for more quality-of-life
reforms even if there happens to be some positive by-product in cadre
development, my reply to this question is that we should re-orient our
tactics, strategy and narrative approach to the masses by
over-emphasizing self-reliance and independence-mastery on the
road to communist revolution. Therefore we should largely abstain from
trying to prevent erosions of their bourgeois legal rights such as
affirmative action, LGBTQ rights, abortion access, etc. and, if we are
to engage in any tactical reforms to begin with, instead focus on
opposition to proposals to place limits on magazine capacity, bans on
assault rifles and other perceived or actual threats to their 2nd
Amendment and other measures which will aid in our ability to maneuver
and take them down when the time comes. This of course does not
mean that we don’t support LGBTQ rights or abortion access, but fighting
for their (re:Amerika’s) civil liberties and other bourgeois
rights keeps many, including some well-meaning comrades, from seeing the
bigger picture: Let their country go to hell. The Amerikan
government will not become any less imperialist by advocating for more
rights for more people within U.S. borders and it is debatable that we
are contributing to anything more than a temporary weakening of
imperialism domestically. If anything we are contributing to its further
consolidation under the guise of new exploiters with more varied
genders, orientations and skin tones.
Our cadre and the masses will gain practical experience and strategic
confidence in their power by continuing to focus on construction of
independent institutions, not making demands of an illegitimate
government to provide redress. In the prison context, I repeat: “if we
are to engage in any prison organizing, then censorship battles
concerning our political ideology, the UFPP and the Re-Lease on Life
programs should take center stage… As for our comrades who do not have
the luxury of a release date, or have sentences which essentially
translate into the same, their best hope for release lies not in reforms
but with an all-sided MLM revolutionary organization planning their
release through eventual People’s War.”
Bypass the reforms which do not help us either strengthen our
party/cell formations, build independent institutions for the people or
hasten People’s War.
Say ‘NO’ to negotiations; focus on revolutionary-separation and
Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons) responds: I want to thank
Triumphant and S. Xanastas for their thoughtful articulations on this
topic. And i hope that printing these in ULK are helpful to
others in thinking about how to organize effectively under the United
Struggle from Within banner or on the streets.
In my many years of working on this project i would say this two-line
struggle is really at the heart of what we do. Of course, how we walk
the line between ultra-left and rightism is always at the heart of those
deciding strategy for a communist movement. But these comrades address
this question in our context today in the United $tates and in the
context of organizing the First World lumpen and engaging in
prison-based organizing.
In all contexts, going too far left means isolating ourselves from
the masses and going too far right means tailing the masses and
following them into dead ends. Therefore finding the correct path also
requires determining who are the masses in our conditions. If we did not
agree on who the masses are then we could not have this discussion in a
meaningful way. Since we do agree, this is a two line struggle within
our movement. With that frame I want to quickly address a couple points
brought up here.
First, I think the strength in Triumphant’s argument is not in the
skill-building of the individual cadre leaders as organizers, which
arguably could be found elsewhere, but rather “in practical experience
gained by the masses in asserting their collective power.” Triumphant
also talks about the importance of the tactical battles in “increas[ing]
the collective practical experience of contesting the state as a united
S. Xanastas’ suggested program echoes closely to what Narobi Äntari’s
calls for comrades to do upon release. And they echo much of
MIM(Prisons) focus, especially in more recent years. Yet, i pose the
question: can building the Re-Lease on Life and University of Maoist
Thought programs mobilize and reach the masses in the same way as the
campaigns making demands from the state?
And one final point, is that MIM always said the principal task was
not just to build independent institutions of the oppressed, but also to
build public opinion against imperialism. Isn’t a campaign exposing the
widespread use of torture in U.$. prisons an undermining of U.$.
imperialism regardless of the maneuvers the various states make to cut
back on or hide their use of long-term isolation? Or should we focus
solely on the Third World neo-colonies and expose U.$. meddling in
Ethiopia, Cuba and Haiti?