MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
I would like to ask your staff a question. I recently received ULK
60 and it made a statement that solitary confinement was abolished
in Texas in 2017. When I seen that, it floored me. I say that because
i’m writing this letter FROM SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. So did I miss
something? And if so, how can I fight from here to rectify the
I let others read that and we all was stunned. I mean stunned. Are we
reading this statement in your newsletter wrong?
Also we would like to know what is the Texas Pack and how can I obtain
one? Your newsletter has shed light on a lot of things that are helpful
for us in this place, and I just would like to say thank you and keep up
the good work.
MIM(Prisons) responds: In September 2017, TDCJ announced it would
no longer use solitary confinement for punishment, or as a method to
encourage good behavior. It would “only” use “Administrative
Segregation” (totally different from solitary confinement, right?) for
“gang members, those at risk of escape, and those who are likely to
attack other inmates.”(1) That month, 4,000 people were still held in
isolation on these grounds. Consider that only 75 prisoners were
actually released from solitary confinement after this policy change.
We appreciate that this writer spoke up, because this is a very common
practice. The Department says “we’re not using it for punishment,” while
holding many, many people in isolation. The claim of gangs and security
threats is often cited as the justification for the “exception” to their
superficially-humanitarian publicity stunt.
Some examples include the Tier 2 program in Georgia, and the indefinite
solitary confinement in California prisons that led to the hunger
strikes in 2011-2013 and the Ashker settlement.
No matter what you call it, or what “justifications” are given for why
it’s used, solitary confinement is always torture, and
never necessary. We have no doubts that solitary confinement can
and should be ended, for everyone, today.
As for the Texas Pack, we are still updating and mailing this out. It’s
one of our more expensive projects, so we’re asking for subscribers to
send a donation of $2.50, or work-trade, to get the Texas Pack. This
packet contains all our campaign info relevant to TDCJ, including on the
grievance process, medical copay, and indigent mail restrictions. Send
your donation to the address on p. 1, and tell us first if you want to
send a check or M.O. so we can send instructions.
Más de 2 millones de personas se encuentran encerradas en prisiones y
cárceles en los Estado$ Unido$. Estos encarcelamientos representan sólo
1% de la población. Casi 7 millones de personas han estado bajo la
supervisión del Sistema Correccional para Adultos (incluyendo libertad
condicional y probación) a finales del 2015. (1) Y en el 2012, los
últimos datos disponibles del Departamento de Justicia de E.E.U.U., el
total de la cantidad de dinero gastado en el sistema de Injusticia
Criminal entre los gobiernos Federal, Estatal y local fue de
$265,160,340,000. Estas prisiones son responsables de $80,791,046,000.
2) Estas prisiones son increíblemente costosas para el estado y estos
prisiones cuestan mucho más que lo que producen. 3) La pregunta es,
porqué el gobierno, en todos los niveles, continúa gastando tanto dinero
para mantener tanta gente encerrada? Y porqué los Estados Unidos tienen
la tasa de encarcelamiento más alta que en cualquier otro país del
El mito del complejo industrial de prisiones
El meme del complejo de la Industria de Prisiones (PIC) se ha convertido
efectivamente popular en Estados Unidos. Detrás del concepto del PIC
está la creencia que hay grandes intereses de parte de grandes
corporaciones y por eso hay encarcelamiento masivo en los Estados
Unidos. Esto representa la política Amerikana que aparenta ser
“anti-corporativa”, mientras niega la estructura de clase de un país que
está formado casi completamente de una clase de gente que sigue siendo
Mientras que si hay algunas corporaciones están, ciertamente, ganando
dinero gracias a estas prisiones, la mayoría de las prisiones son
operaciones que hacen perder dinero al gobierno. Básicamente, el
gobierno subsidia las ganancias e ingresos de varias corporaciones y
muchos de los así llamados “trabajadores” individuales (vea el artículo
de Costos de encarcelamiento). Si nosotros examinamos las estadísticas
de las prisiones, ondas económicas, prisiones privadas y la “diversidad”
de la población de prisioneros, entonces si nos queda claro que las
prisiones son fundamentalmente para el control social sobre naciones
opresoras dentro de las Kkkulebras Unidas (Estado$ Unido$). Esto nos
lleva a unas conclusiones importantes sobre cómo funciona el sistema de
prisiones y cómo debemos de luchar contra estas.
Baja la tasa de encarcelamiento
En general, la población en las prisiones y cárceles en los Estado$
Unido$ ha estado disminuyendo en estos años recientes, junto con el
ritmo de encarcelamiento. El número total de gente en prisión y cárceles
empezó a caer en el año 2009, después de décadas de incrementos estables
prisión y cárceles empezó a caer en el año 2009, después de décadas de
incrementos estables.
En realidad los incrementos en el año 2008 no pudieron mantenerse con el
incremento de la población en los Estado$ Unido$, puesto que el nivel en
el año 2007 estaba con 1 en cada 31 personas estando bajo alguna
supervisión correccional (incluyendo cárceles, prisiones, libertad
condicional y periodo de prueba-probación). La población en las
prisiones tuvo su pico en el 2006-2008 con un 1% de la población adulta
encerrados tras las rejas. Esto cayó al .87% al final del 2015. (4)
La crisis financiera reciente se alinea con la caída de encarcelamiento
empezando desde el año 2008. Parece ser que el gobierno de Estado$
Unido$ sí tiene límites en su voluntad de gastar dinero en un sistema
criminal injusto. Si encarcelar a gente fuese una manera de aumentar las
ganancias, entonces el número de prisioneros aumentaría cuando hubiese
una crisis financiera, no descendería.
Prisiones Privadas
El desarrollo de prisiones privadas en el sistema criminal injusto de
Amerika son un peligro. Estas prisiones son operadas y son propiedad de
corporaciones con fines lucrativos. Estas prisiones privadas toman
posesión de cualquier reo de cualquier Estado que les page por su
servicio. En los Estados donde hay sobre población, mandar gente a una
prisión lucrativa es una buena opción de negocio. Estas corporaciones
también tratan de vender sus servicios como más baratos y eficientes,
básicamente reduciendo los servicios de nivel ya peligrosamente bajo a
los prisioneros, a fin de ahorrarse en costos, porque como hemos visto,
las prisiones son extremadamente costosas de mantener.
A los finales del 2105, El Buro de Prisiones Federales y 18 Estados
estaban saturadas o excedían la capacidad máxima de las instalaciones de
las prisiones.(5) Hay que esperar esos contratos de parte de prisiones
hacia prisiones privadas. Pero el actual porcentaje de prisioneros en
prisiones privadas es relativamente bajo. En el 2015, solamente el 8% de
prisioneros estatales y Federales ocupaban complejos privados. Y este
número bajo 4% desde el 2014. 6) Esta caída es mayor que la disminución
del 2.2% en cantidad de presos entre los años 2014 y 2015.
Si las prisiones privadas fueran tan exitosas, entonces deberíamos ver
estos números aumentar, y no disminuir. Y si fueran tan influyentes con
los políticos, entonces tendrían un mayor valor en el mercado.
Claramente, las prisiones privadas no son la parte principal de algunos
“complejos de prisiones industriales.” Hasta ahora, las corporaciones no
han descifrado cómo generar ganancias, de forma exitosa, de las
prisiones, aparte del bajo subsidio limosnero que reciben de parte del
gobierno y la comisaria. Y además de todo esto, los gobiernos estatales
y federales están perdiendo dinero al tener que pagar por prisiones.
Hay mucho activismo opuesto a las prisioneras privadas. Esto
generalmente viene de gente que entiende que la privatización de una
institución usualmente no tiene un buen resultado para los oprimidos. El
activismo influye al gobierno. Es posible que las voces en contra de
prisiones privadas ayudó a empujar a la administración de Obama para que
implementara las pólizas de facetas fuera de las prisiones privadas para
reos Federales. La administración de Trump ha repelado esa política
desde entonces.
Pero no creemos que esta pregunta sea políticamente partidista. El
gobierno de E.U. ha mostrado que no parará hasta implementar políticas
que empujen ganancias industriales capitalistas. Los ataques violentos
contra activistas que protestaban por la destrucción de la Línea de
Tubería de Acceso de Dakota es un buen ejemplo. Esto no es una lucha
contra corporaciones capitalistas, esto es un debate sobre qué grupo de
gente recibe un subsidio del gobierno: corporaciones de prisiones
privadas, o empleados de prisiones públicas. Alejarse de las prisiones
privadas no es doloroso para el gobierno, porque esto no requiere una
disminución de prisiones, sólo un cambio hacia donde se va el dinero.
Opresión Nacional
Entonces, si no para ganancia de dinero, porque Estados Unidos encierra
tanta gente? La repuesta a esta pregunta es obvio cuando vemos a los
presos y al el historial de encarcelamiento en este país. Es imposible
hablar de prisiones sin mencionar la tremenda desigualdad en que el
sistema de injusticia criminal trata a Chican@s, Primeras Naciones, y
Nuevos Afrikanos, dentro de las fronteras de Estados Unido$. La tasa de
encarcelamiento es ridículamente alta, particularmente para los hombres
de estas naciones mencionados, es la desigualdad más obvia.
Aproximadamente el 12-13% de la población de Estados Unidos son
Afrikanos Nuevos, pero los Nuevos Afrikanos hacen alrededor del 35% de
prisioneros. (7). La tasa de encarcelamiento de las Primeras Naciones
también esta desproporcionadamente alta. En Dakota del Sur, por ejemplo,
la población Indígena forma el 8% de la población en ese Estado, pero
forman el 22% de la población masculina, y el 35% de la población
femenina en prisiones de ese estado. Mientras, que las Chican@s son
encarcelados a una escala mayor que los Euro-Amerikkkanos.
Cualquier estudio del sistema de injusticia revela la misma evidencia:
La mayoría de prisioneros son de naciones oprimidas. Aunque la realidad
es que hay más Euro-Amerikkanos en E.E.U.U. que todas las naciones
oprimidas combinadas.
La desigualdad empieza en las calles con los policías encargándose de
las comunidades oprimidas, y continúa en las cortes con sentencias
desproporcionadas, representación legal inadecuada, y un jurado sin
conciencia o con consciencia pero prejuiciosa. Para cuando llegamos a la
prisión, podemos ver con claridad el resultado de la opresión
sistematizada nacional en las tasas de encarcelamiento.
El uso agresivo de prisiones que se utilizan como herramientas sociales
de control empezó en Estados Unidos en respuesta a las organizaciones
nacionalistas revolucionarios que ganaron una tremenda popularidad a
finales de 1960s y 1970s. Y para mantener control de las masas de este
movimiento revolucionario, Estados Unidos optó por utilizar policías y
Entre los años 1961 y 1968, la población de reos disminuyó al punto más
bajo desde los años 1920s. Del 1968 al 1972 el ritmo de encarcelamiento
subió despacio. Sin embargo, a principios de 1974 después del punto más
alto de la organización revolucionaria en este país, hubo un aumento
increíble en las tasas de encarcelamiento. COINTELPRO fue dirigida
contra las organizaciones revolucionarias, como lo son las Panteras
Negras (Black Panther Party) y los Estado Unidos empezó sistemáticamente
a encerrar o a asesinar a gente que trataba de pelear en contra de la
opresión. Casi 150,000 personas fueron encarceladas en sólo 8 años –
esto demuestra que el gobierno teme a los revolucionarios.(10)
Al mismo tiempo, hubo un movimiento anti prisión que crecía y el
gobierno se aseguró de erradicar y desaparecerlo. El libro “Soledad
Brother”, de George Jackson, que salió en el año 1970 fue un gran
acusación en contra de la opresión hacia las colonias internas. Al
siguiente año fue asesinado.
El arresto desproporcionado, el encarcelamiento y persecución de las
naciones oprimidas no paró en los años 1970s. Hoy continua. Las semi
colonias internas están posicionadas para sostener su estado de
subyugación. Y es cuando las naciones oprimidas se juntan y se organizan
el gobierno Amerikkkano ataca como un perro rabioso.
Lecciones Para nuestro trabajo
Entender el sistema de injusticia es de mucha importancia para
desarrollar un método y la estructura para resistir la red de prisiones.
Por eso, es tan necesario entender que las prisiones son operaciones de
pérdida de dinero para el gobierno, y localizar la política de
encarcelamiento en masa, sólo para poder controlar a las naciones
Si, nos enfocamos en el rol de las prisiones para tener control social,
podremos darnos cuenta de la verdadera razón del porqué existe el vasto
sistema de injusticia criminal Amerikkkano. El exponer esta información
ayuda a que la gente entienda que tan desesperado estaba el gobierno de
U.$. en los años 1970s cuando encaraban el gran movimiento nación
revolucionario. Y el gobierno aún le teme a alejarse de esta solución de
Esto nos dice que aún le temen a las naciones oprimidas, y que no les
importa llevarse entre las patas a cuanta gente blanca, en esta locura
de encarcelamientos.
Como el control social está manejando el sistema de prisiones
Amerikkkanas, deberíamos enfocarnos en organizar nuestro trabajo
exactamente alrededor de lo que el gobierno teme::Organizar a los que
están siendo controlados. Hay que escoger nuestras batallas para exponer
las partes del sistema que sabemos que son vulnerables: le temen a la
educación revolucionaria (censura, prohibición de grupos de estudio), le
temen a la organización (reglas en contra de grupos), y le temen a la
unión pacifica más que todo (por eso provocan peleas, grupos en contra
de grupos). Nosotros podemos construir esta unión propagando nuestro
análisis sobre la raíz y meta del sistema de injusticias criminal. Todos
esos que somos el objetivo del control social deberíamos inspirarnos y
juntarnos para ir en contra de este sistema.
When state-level petitions fail, we now have this petition to appeal to
the Department of Justice. This federal level appeal may help put
pressure on the state corrections departments ignore our appeals
Mail the petition to your loved ones and comrades inside who are
experiencing issues with the grievance procedure. Send them extra copies
to share! For more info on this campaign,
Prisoners should send a copy of the signed petition to each of the
addresses below. Supporters should send letters on behalf of prisoners.
Section Chief – Special Litigation Section, Civil Rights Division,
U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
ACLU National Prison Project, 915 15th St NW, 7th floor, Washington
DC, 20005-2112 (for those ready to bring class action
Office of the U.S. Attorney General, 1425 New York Ave. NW,
Washington DC 20530-0001
Director/Commissioner/Secretary of Corrections (for your
Agency or Facility Grievance System Director or Coordinator (for your
And send MIM(Prisons) copies of any responses you receive!
MIM(Prisons), USW PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140
I have served nearly 25 years prison/jail time in the United States. In
fact, all but a small portion of my adult life has been spent behind
bars. My California tour includes Chino, Soledad, Solano, Calipatria and
Donovan. In Nevada: Southern Desert, Lovelock, Ely and, yes, Hight
Desert State Prison (HDSP). As you can probably imagine, violence and
drugs are common fare in most of these institutions. And while a few of
these places were just plain filthy, others simply stagnate with the
decay of deliberate indifference. I’ve done “hole-time” in all of them
and certainly thought I’d seen it all.
Boy was I wrong.
Let me spell it out for you: B.M.U. (Behavioral Management Unit).
Described by COs, Medical Staff and other institutional employees as the
“Zombie Unit,” the “Weirdo Pod,” the “Freak Show,” the “Psych Ward,” and
“Behavioral Mismanagement” and affectionately referred to by the
prisoners as the “Beat-a-Motherfucker-Up” Unit at HDSP.
Absolutely and without a doubt, the worst of the worst. In the short
time, 90 days, that I’ve been here within this restrictive unit I’ve
witnessed unchecked violence, coercion, extortion, drug abuse,
overdoses, 3 attempted suicides and “senior” officers feeding prisoners
food which had fallen on the filthy unit floor before being placed on
the serving trays and given to prisoners.
The most disturbing incident, by far, occurred on 24 December 2017, this
past Christmas Eve, when an emotionally wrought prisoner, was locked in
the shower for approximately 4 hours after stating to staff that he was
having suicidal thoughts. During this time the prisoner was slamming his
own head against the metal grating. I witnessed the COs laughing and
encouraging the prisoner to bang his head harder and advising him to use
the tiled wall at the back of the shower stating, “Bang it against the
tiles, they’re harder.” By the time medical staff did arrive the
prisoner was a bloody mess.
According to the HDSP BMU Manual: “The Behavior Modification Unit (BMU)
will house inmates who have been housed in segregation for 90 days or
longer, to assist in the reintegration into a lower custody level.”
How I ended up here isn’t much of a mystery. About 4 weeks after
arriving at HDSP, while I was still in the “Fish Tank” I made the
mistake of telling the case worker that I was appealing my jury
conviction and needed request forms for the law library. At which point
I was advised that I was being “sent to BMU.” From that moment on, all
access to the legal materials I require for my case have been denied
despite numerous verbal and written grievances. In fact I spent the
first 9 weeks in BMU confined in my cell without so much as a book to
read. My only contact with the administration was the initial interview
with the token mental health worker who advised me that “this
rehabilitation program is the warden’s baby.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that as a person who struggles with PTSD, the
constant and continuous confinement to a cell without any mental
stimulation whatsoever can be devastating to an person’s mental health
and psyche. While confined in this unit I have experienced an increase
in PTSD symptoms, ten times the frequency that is usual for me.
Furthermore, I found it extremely unsettling that after completing the
program, as a “graduation present,” I was escorted into a small room
filled with BMU staff members where I was threatened, berated, belittled
and finally told to just “Get the Fuck Out.”
I’m not sure what to expect next. The lack of access and communication
with the outside, the restricted closed custody level 4 housing, the
refusal on the administration’s part to answer or address any grievance
combined with limited family contact by phone has reduced me to an
uncertain, fearful, panicky, hopeless, helpless mess. And, by the way, I
have absolutely zero disciplinary history. Not a single “write up” for
Fortunately another prisoner gave me your Under Lock & Key
pamphlet. Hopefully you can get the word out on this de-habilitation
program and the warden’s dirty little secret.
MIM(Prisons) responds: These dangerous and abusive conditions at
HDSP expose the Amerikan prison system for its complete lack of
rehabilitation. If the criminal injustice system really believed that
prisons are an effective tool to prevent crime, it would not put people
in conditions that make their survival on the streets nearly impossible.
It would be offering programs to help people learn and change their
behavior, and prepare them for life outside. This is just one of the
reasons we see the Amerikan criminal injustice system as primarily a
tool of social control.
As of March 2018, the North Carolina prison system must recognize
humanism as a faith group, allowing its adherents locked within the
imperialistic belly of the beast the opportunity to meet and study their
beliefs, a federal judge has ruled. The American Humanism Association,
and a prisoner with a life sentence, sued state Department of Public
Safety officials in 2015. Prison leaders were accused of violating the
religious establishment and equal protection clauses of the Constitution
by repeatedly denying recognition. U.S. District Judge Terrence Boyle
(Eastern District NC) wrote that prison officials failed to justify
treating humanism differently from those religions already recognized
within the walls of oppression. Humanist prisoners have the same
Constitutional rights to study and discuss their values as a group –
Since Judge Boyle’s ruling, some individuals have reported to Convicts
of Righteous, Reform and Liberation (CORRAL), that they are faced with
harassment – cell property searches up to eight times a day, water being
turned off, mail delayed, and structure issues. One of our board members
spoke with the “admpigs”, providing a copy of this ruling. And we have
been able to establish some middle ground.
CORRAL is a united group that non-violently addresses issues affecting
those incarcerated. MIM has been instrumental in our quest, and we are
proud to be in association. We developed our study group and board. We
have three chapters. “Imperialism must be defeated”, so we do our part.
Our motto: “Conscience stimulation, comes from education – which
propagates liberation!”
MIM(Prisons) responds: This is a progressive victory for
prisoners in North Carolina. One of the strategic areas our movement
focuses on is defending the Constitutional rights of affiliation and
association of prisoners of the United $tates. This is particularly good
news in the context of protecting the rights of humanists to come
together and discuss their values and beliefs. The first line of the
Wikipedia page on humanism reads, “Humanism is a philosophical and
ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings,
individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking
and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or
superstition.” While there are many forms of humanism and many
insightful critiques of it, in general it is a belief in progressive
change at the hands of humyns.
“Cast away illusions, prepare for struggle.” -Mao Zedong
I am writing to update you comrades on new developments regarding my
censorship battle at this prison. After 2 long and hard-fought battles
with these reactionaries and their censors in the mail room, I finally
received the latest ULK 60 a couple weeks ago.
Specifically, when I transferred back into this gestapo prison in
October 2017, the censors were rejecting all ULK issues and MIM
study materials sent to comrades under MDOC policy directive 05.03.118
(NN) (4) and (6), and giving us false pretense or rationale for its
rejection, solely because of the political (revolutionary) content of
the newsletter, contrary to PD-05.03.118 (D) which clearly states that
prison censors are prohibited from rejecting incoming mail “solely
because its content is religious, philosophical, political, social,
sexual, unpopular, or repugnant.”
Their excuse or pretext for rejecting MIM periodicals was because they
claimed it advocated or promotes “violence, group disruption, or
insurrection.” See, “notice of package/mail rejection” and
“administrative hearing report,” enclosed herein is an example of the
totally bogus rationalizations they use for censoring ULK.
The prison censors, particularly mail clerks J. Sanford and M. J.
Dollar, had censored every MIM ULK issue sent to me and other
comrades since October 2017. Not only were the issues improperly
rejected, but the censors failed to conduct mail rejection hearings in a
prompt manner as required by PD-05.03.118 (WW). More, I doubt if they
were even notifying you (MIM) of the censorship or the reason why the
newsletters were rejected, nor an opportunity to an appeal. Per MDOC
policy, the prison censors must mail senders/publishers a “notice of
rejection” anytime that an issue is rejected, which is a requirement
under PD-05.03.118 (VV) so you can exercise your right to appeal the
rejection to the warden.
Your right to be notified is a “due process” right, under the Fourteenth
Amendment. Just for future references, if the prison censors fail to
notify you of the illegal publication ban on your materials, your
organization can sue for damages, including, but not limited to: (1) the
suppression of your free speech; (2) the impediment of your ability to
disseminate your political message; (3) frustration of your non-profit
organizational mission; (4) the diversion of your resources; (5) the
loss of potential subscribers and MIM supporters; among other violations
under the First Amendment’s free speech and free press clauses. It’s
easy money, since these reactionaries are voluntarily bagging it up for
you, why not take it and help fund the revolution?!
With this in mind, you must be prepared to struggle with me in combating
censorship in the future, just in case the censors get back on bullshit.
It’s only so much that comrades can do from inside the bowels of the
imperialist beast where the terms of the struggle are defined by our
oppressors. The facility head (warden) was upholding the improper
rejections and subsequent appeals, knowing damn well it’s illegal to ban
publications solely because of its political content.
What this all boils down to, in the final analysis, is that they don’t
want us to learn political theory and critically recognize the situation
that we find ourselves in, or the root cause of our oppression. They
want us “politically dead,” so that they can better control us and not
have to worry about us transforming the criminal (lumpen) mentality into
a revolutionary mentality and ushering forth the “new man” (within
ourselves) to succeed the old, as both Malcolm X and Comrade George
showed us we could through the process of study and self-reflection. The
reactionaries and prisoncrats know that this sudden shift of
revolutionary consciousness by the lumpen prisoners would create a “new
situation,” one that would no doubt threaten their control over us and
make it possible for us to unite and move forward en masse against our
oppressors, as Huey said, “with implacable fortitude.”
My friends, you recognize the fact that the arbitrary censorship of
ULK, a critical organizing tool that meets our educational and
informational needs, is nothing more than a counter-revolutionary
strategy by the prisoncrats to get ahead of the “revolutionary wave” and
put down the new radical prison movement that is emerging. But,
dialectical materialism teaches us that nothing can prevent this
revolutionary process. The new always leap forth to succeed the old. In
the words of Fanon: “The repressions, far from calling a halt to the
forward rush of national consciousness, urge it on.” So, understand the
arbitrary censorship and political repression that a lot of us lumpen
are facing, or will face in the future, by these reactionaries and their
prison censors only expedites matters and moves the struggle forward to
its ultimate conclusion. Therefore, cast away illusions and prepare for
struggle against the prisoncrats’ reactionary agenda to suppress
political education among lumpen comrades (prisoners).
No doubt I will continue to battle censorship when it occurs on this
end, but this must be a shared responsibility. We have to coordinate
from both ends and concentrate our fire on this fascist agenda. There is
pressure that can, and sometimes must, be brought to bear on the prison
censors. Sometimes political pressure, in the form of telephone or email
campaigns, should be exerted on the warden and the director about the
censorship, demanding that the issue be corrected immediately or that
the current prison censors be removed from their positions in the mail
room. I believe we can wage a far more effective struggle against
censorship this way. It will, at very least, give us a tactical
MIM(Prisons) responds: As some of our readers may have noticed,
over the past year we’ve been able to step up the fight against
censorship from the MIM(Prisons) side. Wherever our comrades behind bars
are taking the initiative to appeal or protest censorship, we are also
submitting letters of protest. We will always send you a copy of these
letters, which are going to prison administrators and other relevant
personnel. We agree with this writer that these censorship battles are
most effective when it is a shared responsibility both from behind bars
and on the streets.
So if you’re fighting censorship of ULK or other mail we’ve sent,
be sure to let us know so that we can support your battle with protests
of our own. We won’t always win, but we regularly have victories. And
the outrageous rejections, as well as our victories, are reported in the
“Censors in their own Words” articles we publish periodically in
ULK and on our
censorship reporting
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Summertime mid-July 2017 – Oklahoma’s worst prison in the country
Cimarron Correctional Facility in Cushing, Oklahoma. I got the chance to
be moved off a security threat group unit (STG) where four gang members
was killed in one single day all stabbed to death on one unit in one
single incident in 2015. I got to move to the honor dorm where you are
required to have a job either on the unit or on the yard, somewhere like
the kitchen, laundry, or the library. All of the jobs was said to be
full, but this facility had just lost its contract for its maximum
security units. Most of the max inmates was moved to other max
facilities and some put back in population on this facility, and after
the max was empty it needed painting. I was chosen to help, I had
experience in painting.
To move unit to unit you are subject to be pat-searched or
strip-searched. These searches are routine by any officer, and are
documented supposedly. On arriving to the entrance of the units that was
to be painted my group of about 8 prisoners was stopped and told to line
up for a strip-search. We formed a line and went one by one in a tiny
bathroom where one officer had I thought one of the worst jobs that day
seeing other men’s nuts and butts, but I guess I was wrong.
When it was my turn I was already reluctant because a few of the guys
came out the bathroom complaining about how weird it was. I get in the
bathroom everybody knows the routine, take off all your clothes hand
them to the officer he hand searches them and puts them to the side or
holds them in his hands. You are to lift your nuts, turn around bend
over squat and cough at the same time. I did all of those things but the
officer had this lustful look on his face. He told me to let him see my
dick again he then bends at the waist where he is very close to my piece
and told me to pull back on it. I was beyond horrified.
You know how your back goes straight when you’re either scared or mad? I
asked him what type of shit he was on and told him I don’t get down with
that shit give me my fuckin clothes back. He smiled and handed me back
my clothes. I dressed so fast I forgot to put on a sock.
The following day I thought surely the same officer would not be doing
searches. WRONG. He was waiting on us by the bathroom with one hand on
the wall the other hand on his hip tappin his foot. Once again when it
was my turn I was somewhat scared and regretful for going back. Scared
because I can act out of control sometimes, but I was somewhat confused
and caught off guard. When I entered the bathroom I told the officer I’m
not strippin out he could send me back if I have to. He said OK put your
hands on the wall and starts a pat-down search he gets to my dick and
grabs it and holds it and ask what it was. I yank away and tell him my
dick weirdo let me out of here and push past him.
I was embarrassed and afraid to tell anyone at the time but when I did,
what I thought was going to happen did. He denied it, the facility heads
believed him and not me the prisoner and to this day I’m being
retaliated against, threatened and punished by this facility’s staff.
MIM(Prisons) responds: As this writer knows, it can be
embarrassing, upsetting, and terrifying to come forward and talk about
sexual harassment and assault. And it’s an added challenge when it’s not
the gender norm that we’re comfortable with, like when male guards
molest male prisoners. This comrade is exposing something that goes on
regularly behind bars. And the idea that reporting to the prison this,
or any other type of abuse, will help the individual’s situation is
largely a myth. Congress even passed the
Rape Elimination Act to supposedly address this problem. But even
that is just resulting in retaliation for many. Gender oppression and
sexual assault of male prisoners is a big problem that is all too often
ignored. It doesn’t matter if the harasser is male or female, it’s an
abuse of power.
[This writer enclosed a People Magazine article: Sexually Harassed
by Prison Inmates, January 1, 2018. About two female COs who work at
Florida’s Coleman prison. They won a class action lawsuit regarding
sexual harassment on the job, against the Department of Justice last
February, with a $20 million settlement.]
I have an article that I got from somebody that I would like to share
about a six-year battle against sexually-harassed women staff at FCC
Coleman outside Orlando, Florida. For me, women that work in
correctional centers should know what they’re getting themselves into
working in all-male facilities.
I know that some guys can’t control themselves when they see women COs.
Some do perverted shit that I can’t even approve of because that’s not
who I am as a brother who is trying to end my criminal way of thinking.
But I can say that women who sign up for the job know that they did not
apply at Disney World or Six Flags, so they should be prepared for the
torment that they know this job is capable of doing.
Even though I don’t agree with some prisoners who pull out on the women
COs, I just feel bad for what this system of injustice has done to my
fellow brother’s mental state. Because there are some brothers who are
never going home at all and some who got a significant sentence, and
they feel like they’re a long way from home. So this situation is a
double-edge sword because you have to look at some of these guys’ mental
state and situation, because some are not going home at all, which can
influence other brothers’ behaviors.
And I cannot put all the blame on my fellow prisoners, because I have
seen for myself women COs let prisoners whip out on them and they wait
or show some skin till that brother has finished. And there has been
COs, men and women, turning tricks with prisoners. So I’ve seen both
parties at fault in these circumstances.
That is why I said this is a double-edge sword situation, but the sword
is sharper on our side because of lawsuits like this, which open the
doors for more corporal punishment and stricter rules in a place where
we barely have any say so. This case has showed me the oppressor is
coming up with new ways to keep my fellow prisoners in solitary
confinement, and to take advantage of some brothers’ fragile mind state.
Because to me these women knew when they applied for this kind of job,
being so-called law enforcers of the worst humans in confinement, that
we are labeled as what should they expect. So that is how I feel about
this article.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We share this writer’s view that prisoners
are put in shitty situations that can lead them to mental health
problems and behavior that they would not have considered on the
streets. It’s also unacceptable that people working in prisons toy with
prisoners, using their position for their own sexual pleasure.
We have little sympathy for people who choose to take jobs in prisons,
as these institutions are just tools of oppression. We do recognize that
many prisons are deliberately located in destitute rural white areas,
and so many times job options are slim. But we do still have free will,
and a lack of available does not excuse people from taking jobs that pay
them to carry out oppression and abuse daily.
That said, we don’t think there is any situation in which anyone should
just expect to be sexually harassed. Even in prisons or the military,
institutions that are fundamentally corrupt and serving imperialism,
there is no need for wimmin to suffer sexual harassment. This is the
same argument made of actresses in Harvey Weinstein movies, beauty
pageant contestants, and people wearing short skirts: “you know the
consequences and you’re choosing to get sexually harassed.” No, these
people are choosing what clothes to wear and what careers to pursue, and
those choices shouldn’t include sexual harassment.
The degradation of wimmin is a part of the system of patriarchal
oppression that is intimately tied up with capitalism. As is the
degradation of prisoners who are acting out against these COs due to
their damaged mental state. These are things we won’t be able to
eliminate while capitalism exists, but that doesn’t mean we should
pretend people just need to accept it. We are building towards a society
where all people are equal and no group of people has power over another
group. This includes eliminating all forms of harassment and oppression.
The U$A uses the sex offender label to put folks in certain stages,
legally. So the KKK uses that against you to not give you a job. So your
life will be messed up. Being a captive we get hit with it every day. If
you look at the United $tates of Amerika, some of everybody is a sex
offender. Our own president is 1 of the biggest sex offenders of all.
Once that label be upon you everything is hard. You can’t be around your
kids or some jobs. They use this control to keep the oppressed in line.
You can get locked up, catch a charge. Then the next thing you know you
are a sex offender. I hate to see somebody else’s life messed up.
MIM(Prisons) responds: The ability to buy and sell people and
sex, inherent in a capitalist economic system, leads many to behave in
ways that are extremely anti-social. Those who have been subjected to
the worst of the gender conditioning our society has to offer are much
more likely to commit sex-crimes which perpetuate the harm caused by
male chauvinism and capitalism.
It really says something that the best response the state has for
dealing with the people who have submitted to its patriarchal
conditioning is to slap a label on them and just ruin their lives. It’s
the same with the “felon” label, and even more extreme.
We need to address the root causes of anti-social behavior (which
stem from society itself), as well as rehabilitate those who have
committed anti-people crimes. Without state power, both of these tasks
are extremely difficult if not impossible. For our perspective on how to
address this problem in the immediate term, see our article [LEAD
I would like to address the Delaware comrade who wrote
the Trust in the United Front” article in ULK issue #55. I’m
currently housed at High Desert State Prison in Nevada. I’m in my 20s
and I’m in a level 1 PC unit. I’m not a snitch, a drop out or a sex
offender. I was arrested and convicted of pandering, 2nd degree
kidnapping, and felony possession of marijuana. I was basically forced
to “PC up” because one of the original charges included sex trafficking.
I agree that snitches can’t necessarily be trusted on a scale where
you’d conduct normal operations with them, but I believe those who
snitch are uneducated and most of the time made the choice because they
were young and afraid. If you’re too closed-minded to educate these
young comrades and reform the way they conduct themselves when dealing
with the bourgeoisie then how can you consider yourself a revolutionary?
You should judge a person by their behavior and not their past. If “dry
snitching” or hanging around the swine is a habit of theirs then most
likely they can’t be trusted. Just remember not all of us were raised in
an environment where “the code” was instilled in us at a young age.
As for sex offenders, why would you judge a man by a label given to them
by the bourgeoisie? Often I find that these men labeled “SO” are
well-educated, intellectual and humble characters who could be
considered dangerous to the government! If these comrades can be
educated in revolutionary theory they can be helping hands in the
progression of the united front’s movement. We will find our strength in
numbers, intellect and unity under a mutual interest. Don’t allow the
oppressors to further divide our class and turn us against each other.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I also agree that the bourgeoisie perceives our class as ignorant and
frowns upon any comrade labeled “criminal”, but in their eyes it doesn’t
matter if it’s a sex offense or a theft-related charge. The only thing
we can do is prove them wrong by striving for perfection,
self-discipline, cleanliness, and physically and mentally training on a
daily basis.