The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [First Nations] [ULK Issue 80]

Warrior's Feet

  Within the memories that I keep,
Is a warrior’s pride,
Listen close and hear the beat,
Of my heart inside.

  For in my soul the sound of thunder
Echoes from the past,
To fill your life with the wonders,
Of shadows that I cast.

  Because I walk with warrior’s feet,
Left from those before,
All I have to do is seek,
Our ways within my core.

  Ancient blood runs through my veins,
Knowledge that is vast,
All the heartache and the pain,
Oppression that still lasts.

  Reservations are just a jail,
Built without a wall,
To keep us all within a cell,
Except for gaming laws.

  But gaming laws are just a ploy,
So we fight each other,
The privileged few become a toy,
Forgetting we are brothers.

  There’s many Nations that never signed,
Any peace accord,
Now it seems we cannot find,
The way we lived before.

  United we must try to stand,
Divided we will fall,
But as I walk upon this land,
I will never crawl.

  The government will make us pay,
Just to take our rights,
But its a game I will not play,
I would rather fight!

  I’ll walk with ghosts of my past,
Our war will never end,
Within the shadows that I cast,
The ancients live again.

  When I breathe they come alive,
Their hearts will beat with mine,
Even when I finally die,
Peace I will not find.

  From within we’re torn apart,
For paper that is green,
Forgetting where we get our start,
On paths and mountain streams.

  We lost our way through the years,
Blinded by the games,
Losing sight of all our tears,
And our elder’s pains.

  But if they came alive today,
Would you stand with pride,
Or would you run away that day,
To hide the shame inside?

  I refuse to surrender or ever fall,
Accepting our defeat,
So I will stand up straight and tall,
And walk on warrior’s feet!!!

(P.S. This is about how the government puts us against each other through the gaming laws and blinds us with bullshit!)

[Censorship] [Abuse] [Legal] [Grievance Process] [California] [Florida] [ULK Issue 79]

California Move to Digitize Communications Impedes Civil Rights (after Florida Just Did)

The truth has finally out come from the darkness and into the light: people housed within social isolation by the U.$. criminal justice system are not considered persons protected by the U.$. Constitution, international agreements against torture, or Human Rights. States across the United $tates are actively deploying systems and protocols that suspend persons held in custody, in social isolation from Amerikan society, away from the protections of law, due process and order.

The criminal justice trend is to eliminate prisoners’ freedom to use and access Postal Services. It’s like the U.$. Postal Service has entered into a private agreement with the criminal justice system to deny mailing services of the traditional sense from all imprisoned.

Correction departments across the U.$. have engaged in concerted acts of sedition, substituting systems disguised as fun helpful tablet gadgets and video visitation programs for actual social interactions. Gone are the days of free assembly/press/congregation and religious exercise. Now persons are free to shut up, and be retaliated against for even hoping to benefit from the protections of the U.$ Constitution’s freedom of speech.

Even the freedom to grieve against the state has been frozen. In California it is being done under the departments decision to cease classical mailing processes for email services made available by the Global Tel Link security corporation. CDCR is planning to phase out all traditional mailing services in exchange for heavily restricted online access.

The move by CDCR involves outsourcing labour facilities and redirecting institutional service agreements to security bonds controlled by state agencies outside of the department’s jurisdiction, for example, the Department of Health and Human Services. The moves are being made under the cover of darkness, better yet the cover of claims to public safety, and the Center for Disease Control acts as the shelter. All in the name of mental health and hospitality for Amerikans with disability? From prisoners of circumstance to residences of outpatient facilities too doped out of their minds to even know the value of a traditional letter.

CDCR has began phasing out traditional mailing services using its Inmate 602 Grievance Procedures, institutions have eliminated traditional answering and mailing procedures for residence. Not only does the department rely on a new SOMS computer scanning system that forecloses any original writings and supporting information attached to an Inmate grievance, but it is enforcing computer software coding, by way of its Global-Tel Link tablet emails, that requires California prisoners to email grievances. This last part connects to the criminal justice system in the late requirements of U.S District Courts in California for 1983 Civil complaints filed by prisoners be done via email. If an individual can’t even write a simple complaint any longer, it begs to question what is the U.$. standing in justice?

Technological advances are all good and all, but are the residence of these penal institutions still citizens of the United Snakes of Amerika? Or does their custody lie somewhere else?

It is important that the public be aware of this very serious dynamic between themselves, the state and those in custody of state agencies like CDCR. The state is allowing for those in the custody of CDCR to be stripped of their civil rights and it all is being done in the name of the people, under the color of law. Silence is not an answer to the claims set forth against the people.

MIM(Prisons) adds: Prison Legal News (PLN) just reported some interesting stats following the Florida Department of Corrections completing its move to digitizing all regular correspondence. They found that 1% of the contraband found by the Florida DOC was through routine mail. Meanwhile, in July 2022, the Legislative Finance Committee noted that after New Mexico shifted to digitized mail there was zero effect on the amount of drug use in their prisons.(1) These statistics back up what we’ve been reporting on anectdotally for years – that mail restrictions and visitation shut downs have had no impact on the influx of drugs into prisons across the country.(2)

According to PLN prison systems and jails in 27 states have switched to digitized mail. With California gearing up to follow suit, it seems the tides have shifted in that direction.

Like body cams, some prisoners have asked for digital grievance systems so the C.O. you submit it too can’t just drop it in the trashcan. Otherwise, we agree with this comrade’s concerns. Social isolation is a violation of basic humyn rights and humyn needs. Visits, phone calls, letter, photos and cards are a must for any system that hopes to rehabilitate.

Notes: 1. Kevin Bliss, 1 September 2022, Florida Now Digitizing Incoming Mail for State Prisoners, Prison Legal News September, 2022, page 48.
2. A Texas Prisoner, March 2021, TDCJ: Your Staff are Bringing in the Drugs, and it Must Stop, Under Lock & Key No. 73.

Prison Legal News
P.O. Box 1151
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
[MIM(Prisons)] [ULK Issue 79]

ULK 79: MIM(Prisons) Update

First a correction. In Under Lock & Key 78 the article Understanding George Jackson repeatedly referred to Hugo “Yogi” Pinell as being Puerto Rican when ey was actually of Nicaraguan descent.

In this issue we tried to tackle some questions of strategy for change. Most of our readers each issue are new to our work. And while everyone we hear from loves ULK, not everyone understands how we’re different, or agrees with our different approach to change. In this issue we distinguish our strategy from those of reformists, those organizing the labor aristocracy into unions, and right and left errors around identity politics and idealism. We also feature the ongoing work around targeted campaigns around strategic issues of censorship, solitary confinement and building a united front within the prison movement in general, with revolutionary leadership.

Since last issue we, have a number of accomplishments to report. We published, printed and distributed the new zine Power to New Afrika! in Black August 2022. We have continued our training program for the Revolutionary 12 Step Program we began earlier this year with comrades inside and outside. We are caught up in mailing out responses to the intro study course, and should be mailing those on a weekly basis moving forward. This means you can expect to get a response in less than 2 months. Hundreds if not thousands of comrades inside mailed petitions to the Department of Justice as part of the Juneteenth Freedom Initiative. And we continue to mail out copies of the petition. Dozens if not hundreds of postcards demanding an end to politically targeted censorship were mailed to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Departmental Review Board. With this, the distribution of Under Lock & Key outside prisons has increased. Comrades inside also continue to sustain our postage stamp needs with their donations.

While the above accomplishments were achieved with the support of some newer comrades, we also lost some support on the outside during this period. This has meant we have struggled to stay up to date on processing and responding to our growing influx of mail. It also has caused us to change how we mail out ULK, which will more than double our postage costs. As printing costs also increase, the annual cost of a subscription will be going up and we will update our readers in our next issue, so that you can donate enough to cover your own ULKs or more.

Related to donations, a comrade in California wrote:

“I’m writing to inform all comrades that I wrote the Khufu Foundation, sent them the requested stamps and within two weeks I received a copy of the lawsuit. I know MIM said that you were unable to vouch for the Khufu Foundation, but I can and I would like to inform all the captive comrades that Khufu Foundation is legit, you will not be disappointed.

“Also in Under Lock & Key 78, I read the MIM(Prisons) update that talks about contributions/donations are needed, especially from the many comrades who are in prison. I’m taking the step to do my part as I enclosed a book of 20 stamps to cover my subscription coast as well as other comrades who are unable to provide the support with stamps. I would like to ask all of the comrades who are able and willing to donate a book of stamps because with a book of stamps we are able to cover our cost but also cover other comrades who are unable to give stamps. I also would like to ask the comrades who are able to try and donate one book of stamps every quarter (that’s 4 books of stamps a year). Let’s try to step up our contributions.”

Requests for Texas Packs and the TDCJ’s Grievance Operations Manual (which is regularly being censored these days) continue to increase. New comrades should read about our Free Political Books to Prisoners Program on p.2 and understand that you must send payments for these 2 items.

As discussed in this issue, many prisons have begun digitizing mail. Our newspaper cannot be processed by these services. So if you don’t tell us what prison you are in when you write us we cannot send you a subscription.

Related Articles:This article referenced in:
[Culture] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 79]

A Letter to My First Love

When we first met, it was truly love at first sight. i was a young, wild, Gangster Disciple… and unfortunately i was a parasite. You walked into the room, and… you began to speak. i will never forget your first words: “Dare To Struggle! Dare To Be Free!”

Our eyes were fixated on each others. It was like you were talking directly to me. i was captivated by the things you had to say. i was overwhelmed by your Divine Inner-G! You sent chills throughout my body, but the message i still didn’t quite understand. So you walked over and put your arms around me… and whispered in my ear: “Free The Land.”

The way you walked, and the way you moved, intrigued me. Your pride in being Black was intoxicating for sure. From that moment on i knew that i had to have you… because you were just too much for me to ignore.

So We began to date casually, and… you let me know that if i were really ready to step up and be your man, then i had to let go of my gang-banging mentality. i had to go from Gangster Disciple to Growth and Development. i had to learn what knowledge of the self meant. i had to take time and learn the New Afrikan Creed. i had to learn all about FROLIAN, which you called The Three Phase Theory.

i couldn’t believe how committed to change you were. You told me you had a plan, and i recall smiling at you and asking, so what is this plan? But you had this intense look on your face… the most serious look i had ever seen. Then you took me out west with you to Oakland, and… you introduced me to Comrade Huey P.

I will never forget his words of wisdom. He taught me that to give my life for The People is the greatest honor of all, and that it is better to die on my feet then to live on my knees. He told me that We are at war, and… that the price of freedom ain’t free.

This motivated me, because, all my life i was willing to die over a color or for which way a person wore their hat. i recall asking you why you think i was so willing to do this? And… you replied, “N’dugu, Willy Lynch taught you that.” i was sickened to my stomach, and i couldn’t understand how this could be. So you took me back to The Land–Chicago–and introduced me to The Chairman of the Black Panther Party.

Chairman Fred Hampton was a flame thrower, very charismatic… truly something to behold. i will never forget what he told me: “i am a Revolutionary! i have given my life to The People!”

All the things you were showing me, made me rise in love with you even more. Especially when you taught me about the bravery of 17 year old Comrade Johnathan Jackson, and… when you let me read your personal Prison Letters from Comrade George.

You taught me about Queen-Mother Assata Olugbala Shakur. And… how the Black Liberation Army liberated her from kkkaptivity and got her to Cuba. You taught me about how this racist system tried to murder Comrade Mumia Abu Jamal, even though they KNEW he wasn’t a shooter.

You gave me the lessons of Comrade Geronimo Ji Jaga, who went to prison for 28 years for something he didn’t do. You showed me how this fascist system will do anything to neutralize to the 21st Century Voices Of Total Empowerment… the same way they dropped the bomb on MOVE!

You gave my life purpose and meaning, and for that i will never put anything above you. i honor you on our anniversary, Black August, but every single day i will show you that i love you. i just wanted to write you this letter, my first love: The New Afrikan Liberation Struggle!

FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS 21 Gun Salutes to ALL this Black August

[Rhymes/Poetry] [First World Lumpen] [ULK Issue 80]

What Is a A Criminal?

Is it those who learned their lessons,
From the oppression?
The ones who kill their citizens,
At their discretion?
The ones who use racism,
As a weapon?
And got the entire country,
Suffering from depression?
They use retribution,
As the solution.
Got us bound by chains,
In institutions.
Therefore, the slave remains,
No constitution,
They wanna wash away my complexion,
Like an ablution.
I learn to rob and kill,
From “The Establishment.”
Same way they took this country,
They were some savage men.
They said me and my people,
Were less than average men.
When they kill my entire race
What happens then?
When the world turns yellow,
How will they segregate?
Will they then eradicate,
The word miscegenate?
When the country gains balance,
How Will they legislate?
Tell me, what group of people,
Will they then confiscate?
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Black Lives Matter] [ULK Issue 80]

Revolutionary State of Mind

Last night i dreamed i was talking to Huey P,
told him how tired i was of amerikkka & what it’s doing to me.
Got me feeling like every white cop is my enemy,
Consumed by hatred & it’s killing me.
Wanna pick up my gun & put some pig on my plate,
Tell the judge “He tried to kill me!” & see if i can skate. (yeah right)
But there’s gotta be a better way & i was hoping you could
help me find my Revolutionary State of Mind,
So i can become a proud supporter of Revolutionary Suicide!
i’d gladly die for my People just to see them on top,
Black Lives DO Matter!!! Brothers & Sisters so we can’t stop.
Educating our minds, strengthening our bodies & spiritually filling our souls,
Storming across amerikkka screamin “Let My People Go!!”
The world isn’t ready for a Black Movement such as this,
But they’re poking us with bullets & the people are getting pissed.
They want us to accept these targets on our backs,
But i’m loading up my mind & my clip. (click/clack)
Didn’t want violence to begin with but we’re tired of talking it out,
Breonna Taylor, George Floyd it’s a damn shame we gotta burn
down buildings just to make’em feel what we’re about.
All we want is what was promised when Honest Abe said we were free,
You know, Protection, Justice, Equality,
Might as well be living in France;
Cause that shits foreign to me.
i want to teach my folk how to rise & stand tall,
with All Black Everything there’s no way we’re gonna fall
So Mr. Newton will you teach me the Revolutionary facts?
He just chuckled & said, “Young Brotha you’re already on track.”

Black Lives Matter!!!

[Black Lives Matter] [Culture] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 79]

The Dwindling of Power

Democracy is an illusion of the mind that misleads the blind.
Who are they fooling? What are we doing? What are we
actually pursing? They’re talking about equality and
we dying in the trenches. Starving on the sidelines.
Aches and pains while the rich is completely full, staring
out of the skyline. How do we rise above the equation?
A broken nation with no vision. Our only dreams is to have
bricks of cocaine in the kitchen. Oh, and residue on the
dishes. How can this be a democracy and the homeless got
bread and water on their wish list? And the rich got the
poor on their diss list. And you want me to turn christian so I
can be like my ancestors praying for a “white” Christmas?
When the symbol of the church represent a white supremacist.
A blonde hair and blue eye’d lie… Naw. I’ll take my chances
with the Revolution. These hungry kids got thirty round drums
and they’re shooting. And Black Lives Matter protest turn into
looting? This is not the rise of amerika– We are living
in the days of its ruins.
[Prison Labor] [Economics] [ULK Issue 80]

Inflation and Disability Checks in Prison

I was told that commissary prices went up here in Oregon, but wages for prison jobs have mostly remained the same. At least the administration in Oregon pays prisoners for labor, because back home we don’t get paid shit, as is the case for most southern prisons. I’m curious to see how inflation is effecting other prisons in the United $tates. Is there anything that we (prisoners) can do about inflation? Do we just sit back and let it slide?

On another tip, I’m actually gettin’ ready to file an Americans with Disabilities Act class-action to try and get disabled prisoners, like me, disability checks in prison, because non-disabled prisoners get paid for working, but disabled prisoners, who can’t work, aren’t able to participate in such monetary programs and services. A $50 disability check, per month, would work. Fifty bucks is probably the average amount of money that non-disabled prisoners earn per month in Oregon.

Let Under Lock & Key know how inflation has affected prices in your prison. And what is being done about it by prisoners or the administration? [We’ll be covering this issue in more depth in ULK 81 if we can gather more info from you.]

[Rhymes/Poetry] [First World Lumpen] [ULK Issue 80]

The Hypocrisy of the System

The FEDs gave me 20 years in prison
For being a high ranked GD
And other alleged GDs committed crimes
But that didn’t have nothing to do with me.

They say when others commit crimes
Allegedly under your chain of command
This is what they do.
But I just have one question to ask, shouldn’t
This apply to those running the system too!?

Because Derek Chauvin kneeled on
George Floyd’s neck for 9 min and 29 seconds
A blatant murder for the whole world to see.
So why isn’t his superior officers
Locked in a KKKage doing time right next to me?

Because they took no part in it?
Well let the records show neither did i

Court document 3580-107
Clearly states “Remaining GD” is my only crime.
But if that’s not enough
i have some more hypocrisy to show you
that i’m sure will blow your mind.
Where are the superiors of the officers
Who savagely murdered Amadou Diallo?
What about brother Michael Brown?
Are the superiors of those who murdered sister Breonna Taylor
Ever going to be held accountable for how that lynching went down?

Who is going to be held accountable for Oscar Grant
And let us not forget Ramarley Graham.
And WE can’t even get criminal justice reform passed
Proving once again that this system is a sham!

How many of you remember Michael Taylor in Naptown?
Handcuffed behind his back and shot in the back of his head?
And what about Major Davis beaten in his front yard and left for dead!

The hypocrisy of this system disgusts me!!
Ain’t no such thing as Equal Justice Under the Law.
Or else Donald Trump would’ve been charged with RICO Conspiracy
For all those under his chain of command that committed fraud..

My Big brother Christopher Calhoun
Was shot over 30 times at the West End Mall in Atlanta
My baby brother Grant King was murdered in Indianapolis the same.
My little sister Khalalah was stabbed multiple times in the neck and survived
And all this was done by UNIFORMED POLICE!

My first cousin Kevin Hicks
Was shot in the eye
This was done at point blank range.
My “FAMILY” has been the target of political repression
Body cams, ain’t stopped a damn thang!
But you want to give me 20 years
Just for remaining in a so-called gang.

Nah the real reason you gave me all that time
Was because I was organizing these so-called gangs
To bang for change.
You saw me organizing voters registration drives
You saw me marching down Bankhead in Atlanta
Chanting “I can’t Breath”.

You got scared because you seen Stones, Lords, Crips and Bloods
Marching right along-side of GDs.
And don’t try to lie because I seen the video and pictures on my discovery!

You saw us standing together protesting police brutality.
You saw us at Stone Mountain in 2016
Standing against the Klu Klux Klan
You saw all OUR flags tied together
Black fist in the air screaming
“Free the Land”,

Yeah, you can jail the revolutionary
But you can never silence me.
You ain’t nothing but a bunch of hypocrites
And I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

~The Big Homie IZ~
[Theory] [Idealism/Religion] [Education] [ULK Issue 79]

Are Ideas in a Book Materialist?

learning from experience
This drawing is a response to one of the questions from our intro study program on the materialist method of knowledge
[Responding to “What did you disagree with?” when studying “Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?”]

I disagreed with the basis of idealism not being action. To think is action. Thought can be provoked by stimuli collected by the body’s sensors, which is more reactionary. Or you can create a thought or an idea, but this is action. Mental action nonetheless but action all-in-all. And it must be understood physical action comes from mental action. As I write this I understand the materialist method is physical action. Well I guess I don’t have a disagreement but rather a question, is ideas placed on paper in book format considered materialism?

Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons) responds: As comrade Melo X explains, we can have thoughts that are reactions to physical stimuli, or we can create thoughts. But this “creation” of thoughts is also a response to the physical world. What we might call reason, abstracts concepts based on our experience with real phenomena, or physical things we can interact with.

“the faculty of understanding is not a ‘thing in and of itself,’ because it becomes real only in contact with some object.”(1)

Dietzgen explained how the idealists see the mind as separate from the sense perceptions of the material world. So Melo X is correct to see the unity between them. The comrade also distinguishes creating thoughts from more passive perception. This realization demonstrates the role of reason in developing scientific understanding from our perception of the physical world around us.

We also agree that our thoughts impact our actions. Hence we stress class consciousness as an educational process that is a product of our interactions with the class system.

So, are ideas in a book part of the materialist method? Well, it depends on what ideas. A book can promote contemplative reasoning. Bourgeois books will promote bourgeois thinking that harbors much idealistic reasoning in order to deny the contradictions inherent to the capitalist system. All that said, 99% of our materialist understanding of the world is based in history, and therefore must come from books (or other historical record). If we discarded books in our scientific pursuits we could not continue to build on the knowledge of the past, but would be stuck relearning the same things with each generation.

It is a crass form of materialism that says everything must come from persynal experience and direct interaction with the physical world. Rather we must learn from the actions of the people who came before us, and as we develop new theories they must be tested by us in practice through action and not just tested in our contemplative, subjective minds. Another way to look at this is that books are recorded practice and direct experiences of other people. Frederick Douglas’ writings are from eir practice with chattel slavery, and Lenin’s writings are from eir practice with the first proletarian revolution. When we say that all knowledge is 99% history, we’re not saying we should spend all our time learning using books but to see it as a starting point so we can make new practice in the future.

1. Joseph Dietzgen, The Nature of Human Brain Work: An Introduction to Dialectics, PM Press, 2010, p.58.
