MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
“La misión de la División Institucional es proporcionar seguridad y
apropiada reclusión, supervisión, rehabilitación, y reintegración de
criminales adultos, y para efectivamente dirigir o administrar
instalaciones correccionales basados en estatuos estandares
constitucionales.” Gobierno de Texas, código 494.001.
Para los que estamos alojados dentro de las prisiones operadas por El
Departamento de In-Justicia Criminal de Texas (TDCJ), sabemos que esta
declaración no es más que mentiras bien-redactadas!
Recientemente La Clínica de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Texas
saco este reporte; “Mortal calor en prisiones de Texas.” Basicamente el
reporte prueba lo que muchos de los grupos ya saben: Que las condiciones
dentro de las prisiones de Texas en el verano violan la prohibición de
la octava enmienda contra el castigo cruel e inusual. TDCJ sigue
diciendo al público que ellos tienen tácticas en el área para combatir
el calor. Sin embargo, Brian McGiverin, un abogado del Proyecto de
Derechos Civiles de Texas, dijo durante una conferencia de noticias
sobre el tema; “catorce muertes de prisioneros son fuerte evidencia que
las medidas de la delegación de la prisión no hacen mucho para vencer
los riesgos de salud ante el calor. El continúo, “la respuesta de que
sus tácticas son adecuadas hoy, es ridícula.”
El senador John Whitmire, presidente del Comité de Justicia Criminal del
Senado de Texas, dijo esto sobre el tema; “Pero yo puedo decirte que la
gente de Texas no quiere prisiones con aire acondicionado, y hay muchas
otras cosas en mi lista muy por encima del calor.” Las “otras cosas”
eran educación, cuidado de salud, y programas de rehabilitación, pero
este racista pontificador jamás dijo que el estaba comprometido aponer
fin a las muertes sin sentido de prisioneros de Texas por empleados de
TDCJ! Whitmire, quien ha estado en el senado de Texas cerca de 30 años,
continúa poniendo ojos ciegos al abuso y discriminación sistemática de
prisioneros alojados en las instalaciones de TDCJ. Sufrimos de
discriminación racial, discriminación religiosa, asaltos sexuales,
azotes y abusos violentos, y Whitmire continúa jugando a la política de
los buenos viejos amigos.
Para demandas en asuntos específicos de la prisión, yo encontre una
estrategia que ha estado trabajando. He estado promoviendo que miembros
de familia de los lumpen presenten demandas al ombudsman por internet.
Ellos mismos pueden presentar demandas públicas formales sobre una
amplia variedad de asuntos y ahora estas demandas tienen que ser puestas
en la internet para que el público las vea. ¡Hemos estado teniendo mucho
éxito! Toda esa mierda de P.O. Box 99 a Huntsville es un desperdicio de
tiempo y papel. Háganlo en internet y pongan a esos culeros en la calle
MIM(Prisons) agrega: Esto es solo un
ejemplo del incontrolado abuso de prisioneros en Texas y a través del
país, eso esta bien expuesto y documentado en ULK y en nuestro sitio web
prisoncensorship.org. Pero tenemos la intención de hacer más que solo
exponer la brutalidad del sistema de injusticia criminal Amerikana.
Nuestra meta es organizar y educar para hacer un cambio significativo. A
corto plazo peleamos batallas como la campaña para poner demandas de
prisioneros dirigidas a que puedan crear mejores condiciones para
nuestros camaradas detrás de las rejas. Pero a largo plazo sabemos que
ningún político Amerikano jamas estará fundamentalmente yendo a cambiar
el sistema de injusticia. Esto tomará a los oprimidos a unirse juntos
para demandar un cambio para poner un fin al imperialismo antes de que
podamos terminar el sistema de injusticia criminal.
On 9 September 2014 I was the sole participant in my facility in the day
of remembrance of the Attica uprising. I attempted to get another dude
to participate who I’ve been been chatting up lately on limited and
general political issues. He agreed at first, then pulled out at the
last minute. This did not offend me or make me look at him differently.
He is 36 years old and even tho he’s older than me, I understand that
he’s not as strong. So it is what it is. Maybe next time.
As I dumped my tray in the morning and again at dinner (lunches are
passed out at breakfast), I informed the pigs that I was fasting “in
memory of my people.” I caught curious glances only, but no comments.
The morning meal was hash browns, fried eggs, sausage, and cold cereal,
which is one of the best breakfasts here at California State Prison -
Los Angeles County.
Wen I dumped it I knew someone somewhere around me didn’t appreciate
that I chose to do that instead of giving it to them. I didn’t receive
any questions or comments about it, and I didn’t make a scene about it.
But as the fast ended I ate some cookies first and I guess the sugar was
too much of a rush because I got all sick. But it was nothin’.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Even solo protests like this one can get the
attention of potential allies and put enemies on notice. No doubt some
people wanted the food this comrade dumped, and this means he got their
We have to make sure we take advantage of this attention and explain the
philosophy behind our actions. We can use the opportunity to make clear
to everyone, friends and enemies, the reasons behind our protests so
that we maximize the educational value. Anti-imperialism will not be
obvious without explanation. It is this explanation and discussion that
is the most time consuming, and also most important part of our work at
this stage of the struggle.
We hope this comrade’s actions help trigger conversations with others in
h facility, which will lead to organizing for peace within prisons. In a
broad sense, we recommend starting organizing in your facility now for
the September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity 2015.
I have initiated a lawsuit alleging that Officer Mary Brockett at
California State Prison-Sacramento (CSP-Sac) subjected me to sexual
harassment. This occurred in the Enhanced Outpatient Program (EOP) which
is part of the mental “health” services in the California Deparment of
Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). When I reported Brockett’s
predatory acts to other top ranking prison officials, they did not
believe me because I’m Black, and Brockett is a white amerikan. They
also did not understand why a prisoner would file a staff sexual
misconduct complaint against an officer. As a direct result of
Brockett’s sexual misconduct against me she was terminated, but CDCR top
ranking officials refused to have her arrested and identified as a
sexual offender.
I requested an Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) investigation against
Brockett for her predatory behavior towards me. In December 2003, I was
interviewed by Special Agent Jill Chapman of OIA, and I agreed to assist
her with an investigation against Brockett in order to prove my sexual
harassment allegations. During said investigation, the OIA dropped the
ball, and OIA agents allowed Brockett to sexually assault me four times
after the start of the investigation.
On 15 January 2014, Judge Hunley of the United States District Court,
ruled that officer Brockett’s conduct violated clearly established law
of which Brockett should have been aware. The court found that Brockett
is not entitled to qualified immunity on my Eighth Amendment sexual
misconduct claim.
My investigation has revealed that many other prisoners who reported
rape and other forms of sexual assaults by CDCR personnel are sent to
SHU as a form of retaliation and/or intimidation. My defense team and I
have been able to identify many other cases of corrections, medical and
mental health staff sexually abusing the mentally ill prisoners, plus
many coverups by supervisors, at several California state prisons.
I had to hire a private investigator to assist me in light of the fact
that going to ranking officials kept getting me put in lock-up units.
Instead of charging Brockett with sexual assaults, the CDCR prison
officials in Sacramento allowed me to be subjected to a series of
retaliatory transfers attempting to intimidate me. On 8 September 2009,
prison officials were informed about my lawsuit and that same day I was
placed in administrative segregation (ASU) on false allegations of
fighting. In December 2009 I was ordered placed in ASU pending a false
prison gang validation. Retaliatory transfers are a violation of CDCR
The evidence will show that correctional and medical and mental health
staff sexual harassment and sexual assaults were not isolated incidents
within CDCR’s EOP. I would ask you to help me and my defense team to
spread the word. Other victims are out there. My purpose of the lawsuit
is to shed light on sexual abuse against the mentally ill in California,
including torturing tactics through criminal activities and criminal
organized crime within CDCR.
MIM(Prisons) responds: People usually conceptualize patriarchy as
those biologically categorized as male oppressing those biologically
categorized as female. But sexual assault of bio-male prisoners by
bio-female guards is an example of how gender oppression is not
necessarily linked to one’s biological sex category. In the first issue
of Under Lock & Key we wrote about prison rape, and using
the best statistics available, we suggested that Black bio-men might be
gendered female in the United $tates, largely due to imprisonment rates
and the sexual abuse that comes with imprisonment. The abusing
bio-female guards are certainly gendered male, and are part of what we
call the gender aristocracy.(1) Amerikan (and especially white)
bio-wimmin enjoy benefits in leisure time based on their national ties
to white bio-men, based on a long history of lynchings, suffrage, and
Third World oppression.(2)
Fighting sexual abuse through the courts can be difficult for anyone,
and especially for prisoners. As this correspondent writes, white
Brockett was not even charged for the sexual assault. When sexual
assault cases do go to court, the judge/jury, like much of U.$. society,
get hung up on the debate of whether the sex was “really rape,” a
subjective measure of whether the victim gave consent to the sexual
activity or not. Prisoners are assumed by the courts and society to have
a low moral standing, and this subjectivity bleeds into the judgement of
whether they were “really raped,” and whether they should be protected
even if they are considered to have been raped. People have debated for
decades about where to draw the line with consent, and this debate has
recently resurfaced in First World Maoist circles.(3)
When deciding whether a sexual encounter was a rape, a tendency is to
focus on whether the victim of sexual assault verbally said they did or
did not want to have the sexual encounter, what words they used, in what
tone, how many times they said it, if they were intoxicated, how
intoxicated, their sexual history, what they were wearing, etc. Others
even draw the line where “Most victims themselves intuitively recognize
the difference between consensual sex and rape.”(3) But all these
criteria are based on subjective social standards at the time. Many
people don’t start calling a sexual incident a rape until months or even
years afterward, because they have since learned more about sexuality
and social norms, or the social norms have changed. The courts change
their definition of rape depending on public opinion as well. When mini
skirts were racy, it was considered by many an invitation for sex. Now
that mini skirts are normalized as pants in our society, almost no one
would make this argument. Social norms and subjective feelings are
untrustworthy as measures of gender oppression. They focus too much on
individuals’ actions and feelings, ignoring the relationship between the
group and the individual.
Rather than falling into this subjectivist trap, MIM(Prisons) upholds
the line that all sex under patriarchy is rape. Among the general
public, living in a highly sexualized culture with a long history of
material consequences for granting and withholding access to one’s
sexuality, no “yes” can be granted independent of group relationships.
This is especially true for a captive population; saying “yes” to sex as
a trade for privileges, or to a guard who quite literally has your life
in their hands, cannot be consensual, even if everyone involved “liked”
it or “wanted” it. Power play is very tied up in leisure time to the
point that a coercive sex act can feel pleasurable to all involved.
Granting consent in a society with gender oppression is a moot point.
People always behave in a way that is determined by group relationships,
and this is no different for the gender oppressed under patriarchy.
While Liberals are concerned with how we define rapists so that we can
lock them up and ostracize them, we look at the systematic problem
rather than essentializing individuals. We don’t adhere to the bourgeois
standard of criminality for theft, so why would we follow their standard
for rape? Instead we want to build a socialist society that allows jobs
for everyone, separate from the sex industry. We would then ban all sex
for profit, all pornography for profit, and all sex trafficking. We
wouldn’t criminalize sex slaves or people choosing to have sex for their
own subjective pleasure, but we would criminalize anyone making a profit
off of sex work, especially the multi-billion dollar porn and abduction
rackets. Low-level pimps and “self-employed” sex workers would at least
need to go through self-criticism and reeducation and take a cold, hard
look at how their activities are impacting others. Anyone who wanted to
leave these anti-people industries would have other viable options,
something we can’t say for the vast majority of sex workers in the world
today who were either kidnapped, or subject to manifestations of
national oppression such as homelessness and drug addiction.
As with any form of oppression under imperialism, we encourage people to
use the courts when we think we can win material advantages, set a
useful precendent for other cases, or make a political point to mobilize
the masses. But kicking Brockett out of the facility will just replace
her with another gender oppressing officer. Ultimately we need to change
the economic conditions that underly the coercive gender relations in
our society and attack the system of patriarchy itself.
For the past 19 months I have been locked down in solitary confinement,
all because of a gang validation. In February 2013, I was taken from my
cell and locked down in the hole, for nothing. I haven’t broken any
rules of the prison or given them any reason to punish me. Without a
hearing or a proper investigation I was thrown in the hole and labeled
“Goodfellas” (G.F.). They put a label on me and several others, and we
are “guilty by association.” No matter if you are G.F. or not, Smith
State Prison will label you G.F. if you are from Atlanta. And the
Goodfellas are the only group of people in this prison on lockdown.
Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) started this new program called
the “tier program.” From my understanding it was designed to treat us as
individuals instead of as a group. It’s supposedly a 9-month program,
and when you complete the program you are supposed to get out of the
hole. But that only applies to those who are not validated Goodfellas.
If you are validated G.F. then you are stuck in the hole even after you
complete the 9 months.
I have the Standard Operating Procedures of the administrative
segregation Tier 2, and it states that Tier 2 program is not a
punishment measure. Why do I feel that I’m being punished for no reason?
All my privileges have been taken away. I can’t go to the store for the
same things as general population. I can’t order a CD player, radio,
books, magazines, etc. By being in the hole I have no access to a TV so
I’m lost on what’s going on in da outside world.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This system of labeling people as members of
an organization based on where they are from is well documented in
California as well, and we’re sure it’s going on in other states. While
this practice purports to address regional disputes that may turn
dangerous behind bars, this practice actually forces people who may not
have identified with a lumpen organization to become affiliated for
self-defense. It does help promote one goal of the prisons: to fuel
disputes between prisoners and expand gang validations to justify
locking up more people in long-term isolation, just like this writer
explains is happening in Georgia where people labeled Goodfellas aren’t
let out of the hole in violation of the prison’s own rules. We have
that some G.F.s have been held in isolation for many years.
Front for Peace in Prison is taking this validation and turning it
against the prisons by calling on all organizations and individuals to
come together and fight together against the criminal injustice system.
Whether or not you are actually a part of a lumpen organization, if you
are put in a unit with others you can use this opportunity to promote
peace and unity. And together we can fight to shut down control units,
and build a movement that can defeat the imperialist system that needs
prisons and long-term isolation units for social control.
I am a POW in the state of Tennessee and in these narratives I am
providing exposure about this wicked prison system and Derrick Shofield,
who came from Georgia. This dude is constantly applying new rules, with
the latest being called
management – something straight outta Georgia prison system. Of late
all of Tennessee prisons are run like Georgia. This is the same Shofield
who was instrumental in causing the
sit down in the state of Georgia. On an I-team investigation on
channel 4, Nashville, TN, it was reported that Shofield ordered two
former wardens in West Tennessee to alter incident reports on assaults
on staff.
As I write they are building security threat group management units at
Riverbend Maximum security plantation in Nashville, Tennessee. This is
the big sister of tier management. Both are part of the larger policy
agenda regarding U.$. prisons. One of the standards that the federal
government sets in order for the state to receive construction subsidies
is to mandate the building of supermax units, security threat group
units, such as the ones at Riverbend: steel and stone sensory
deprivation cells.
In Georgia they have this tier 2 program of gang control for long-term
lockdown. This same situation is being played out in Tennessee. The
prisoners in Tennessee should take a page from Georgia, sit down and do
nothing in a silent protest. It’s some wicked shit going on in
Tennessee, it has to be said that for all the men and women trapped in
the wretched crime and punishment morass, especially in the Tennessee
system, we have to determine our fate. We got the power.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade gets at the truth of prison
control units, and in fact the broader prison system in general: it is a
system built for social control. Prisons in general house the oppressed
nation lumpen in disproportionate numbers, and for those who speak out,
organize or otherwise challenge the system from behind bars, there are
long-term isolation cells for even further control. These control units
are torture and we must demand they be shut down. Part of this battle is
documenting their existence, a project that we need help with from
anyone who can complete our control unit survey about prisons in their
We offer the example of prisons in China while it was still
Communist-led and Mao was alive, in stark contrast to the Amerikan
criminal injustice system. In China prisoners participated in education
classes with others where they studied politics and discussed the nature
of their crimes and why their actions were harmful to the people.
Prisoners were allowed to participate in productive activities of work
and learned cooperative practices. Many who went into prison for actions
like theft or even spying, came out dedicated to serving the people and
grateful for a second chance. The example of Adelle and Allyn Rickett,
two Amerikans who worked as spies for the United $tates until their
imprisonment, wrote an inspiring book Prisoners of Liberation
detailing these progressive practices and what they learned from years
in prison in China.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law in 2003.(1)
National prison and jail standards were enacted in 2012, nearly a decade
after passage of PREA, and inexplicably late for the U.S. prison system
which is long plagued by a sexual violence crisis.(2) PREA national
standards carve a benchmark for prison administrators to prevent, detect
and respond to prison sexual violence (PSV). Most significant are
sweeping changes affecting documentation, accountability,
confidentiality, post-sexual-assault medical care, testing for sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) and mental health counseling for PSV
The PREA audits began in August 2013, and are supposed to occur at every
youth and adult, state and private prison, jail, and holding facility
every three years, with punitive forfeiture of federal funding at stake
for lack of compliance. With 50% of documented PSV perpetrated by staff,
prison administrators face greater liability through the transparency
now mandated by PREA.(4)
One in ten prisoners are sexually abused, which is more than 200,000
youth and adults in prisons, jails and juvenile detention each year.(5,
6) Many are left to march the road to recovery, while coping with HIV,
other STIs, mental trauma – the morbid souvenirs of rape.(7)
With PREA, the New York Department of Correctional Services (DOCS)
started promoting “zero tolerance” propaganda. I felt (foolishly) that
we were on the same side for once. I formed and launched a non-profit
project with the goal to support, educate and advocate for PSV
survivors, and those at risk. I especially focused on LGBTQI (Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/sexual, Queer, Intersex) prisoners who are at
10-13 times higher risk to be victim of PSV, according to Department of
Justice statistics. Not thinking I was doing anything “disallowed,” I
conducted this openly with no attempts to hide my activities.
However, DOCS took a radically different view, and launched an Inspector
General Office investigation, forcing me (under duress) to cease and
desist further activity with the project. But unable or unwilling to
issue writeups on this issue, they instead launched a salvo of
“unrelated” administrative charges, resulting in 18 months of keeplock
(isolation). They also transferred me multiple times. I’m now serving 5
months keeplock time, which I’d already served at the last jail.
All this has only served to strengthen my commitment and resolve. Our
efforts, in concert with NY ACLU, have yielded a settlement with DOCS to
reduce the use of SHU/long-term isolation, with caps on sentences and
exempting non-violent/safety-related offenses. It’s a start but I’d have
preferred a court ruling to this “voluntary” settlement, which the state
can renege on.
PREA mandates the first round of audits as of August 2014, with
statistics to be published online. This increased transparency is
progress. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are little more than an
ideal or paper unless we facilitate their power through litigation,
demanding compliance with these standards. PREA can be just a stack of
papers and “feel good” hot wind, signifying nothing. Or it can be a keen
sword to excise the cancers of prison sexual violence and prison staff
corruption and negligence. The burden falls to us to proactively
safeguard our interests, and our futures. Fight to Win!
MIM(Prisons) adds: We regularly receive reports of sexual assault
from prisoners across the country. In September 2013, one year after the
PREA standards were finalized, Prison Legal News published an
article detailing incidents of PSV all across the country. This article
underscores the futility of federal laws to actually protect people in
custody of an oppressive state.
PREA Resource Center (PRC) report was just released this week. It
contains no statistics on the efficacy of the project, but does contain
a lot of fluff about the trainings and webinars that the PRC has been
It is a step in the right direction that this comrade, with the help of
NY ACLU, was able to place some restriction on the use of isolation to
protect prisoners from rape. The use of isolation has been reported by
the American Friends Service Committee to have an even worse affect on
the victims of prison rape, causing negative psychological effects due
to isolation, and making the prisoner even more vulnerable to abuse by
prison staff.(8)
While we can and should make use of laws to stop prison staff sexual
violence when possible, we call on prisoners to step up and put an end
to sexual violence among themselves using their own inherent power as
humyn beings. The issue of prison rape is one that activists must tackle
head on, as it impacts our ability to build unity behind prison walls,
and is indicative of a wrongheaded line on gender oppression overall.
Take an example from
Against Sexism (MAS), an organization in Washington State Prison in
the 1970s. MAS pushed men to treat each other with respect, opposed all
prison rape even of very unpopular prisoners, and defended weaker
prisoners against attacks by stronger ones.(9)
Gender oppression is a product of our patriarchal society, and neither
federal laws nor prison organizations will put an end to all gender
oppression in prison on their own. This gender oppression is another
tool used to control oppressed nationalities, and won’t be done away
with until we overthrow the systems that require the oppression of
entire groups of people – imperialism and capitalism. Only through
revolution can we start to build a society where gender oppression, like
class and national oppression, are torn down in our culture, economics,
and all levels of social relations. For a basic study of gender under
imperialism, we recommend the magazine
Theory 2/3, which we distribute for $5 or equivalent work trade. And
see the 1998 MIM Congress resolution
on what gender is” for a more theoretical discussion on the origins
of patriarchy and its structure today.
I’m enclosing a pamphlet recently circulated here titled “Help for
Victims of Sexual Abuse in Prison.” The official policies in New York
are actually pretty good and some staff are supportive. Sing Sing has
openly gay and lesbian corrections officers (COs), a high percentage of
young and/or female officers, and at least one transgender officer. Far
from ideal, but good enough to suggest there’s hope for the rest of the
country and struggles in this area will be successful!
Please note the #77 speed dial feature described in the pamphlet [a
speed dial to the Rape Crisis Program that does not need to be on the
approved telephone list and calls are not monitored.] This is an
innovative idea that could well be advocated elsewhere. I’ve heard one
positive comment from a user, and the speed dial does work well on a
technical level. But why not a #66 to report beat downs, or #55 for
corruption, or #1 to report injustice or ask for legal help?
MIM(Prisons) responds: We echo this prisoner’s call for a hotline
to report other abuses within prisons. Any opportunity for prisoners to
report abuse outside of the prison structure is a welcome addition to
the criminal injustice system that denies prisoners a voice to speak out
against abuse. But we do not yet have any evidence that prisoners speed
dialing a rape crisis program will result in any help or attention to
the problem beyond supportive counseling after the attack happens. If
this is just offering the prisoner an anonymous opportunity to talk
after a rape, the problem will continue. In a system that has
demonstrated its ability to dismiss or sweep under the rug any
complaints or accusations by prisoners, we doubt this new hotline will
be any different.
As for the existence of gay, lesbian and transgender COs, we see this
the same as having New Afrikan COs. Those who have joined the criminal
injustice system will be forced to conform to the rules or they will be
out of a job. And so we can now expect to see these new COs abusing
prisoners just like their straight counterparts. There are many male COs
who do not identify as gay, but who are part of the rape of male
prisoners. In all situations, the COs are in a position of power in a
system that is set up to denigrate and abuse the men and women it holds.
Rather than fight for COs of a different sexual orientation, gender
identity, or nationality we need to fight for an end to a system of
brutality that condones rape.
I have been a loyal supporter of the oppressed Palestinian people for
over 20 years now, when I was at liberty and since I’ve been an
unwilling guest of the Amerikan gulag system. I had a Palestinian
instructor in college and she really opened my eyes to the high-handed
imperialist tactics of the United States government.
Being a homosexual in Amerika during the 1980s and forced to confront
the atypical everyday injustices co-opted from oppressive world
religions and given the wink and nod by various White House
administrations and Congress, I thus opposed the despotic and
dictatorial government whose flag I am unfortunate to be forced to live
under. Unfortunately these revelations robbed me of my adolescence at 12
and 13 years of age.
My people have suffered and died under this regime since its inception
over 200 years ago. But even more tragic, we have suffered, as have the
Palestinian people, the consequences of the Hebrew/Jewish religious and
cultural influence that have poisoned the earth now for thousands of
years with its Zionist agenda.
Make no mistake, I have no quarrel with the common Israeli citizen nor
the adherents of Judaism. I am not anti-semitic in any way. But I do
however dream of a day when the food and destructive influences of
radical religions are all eliminated.
I wish these religious zealots no evil end or personal ill will. Only
that they could learn to live in peace and harmony with those of us who
simply want to live our lives as we choose as equals along with the rest
of the world. Not as half-men, half-women, freaks or outcasts. We only
ask equal rights and to benefit from equal justice.
Our people too suffered in places such as Bergen-Beese and the like. Our
extermination has been sought by all cultures and ethnicities since the
dawn of time. Mostly in the name of one God or another. And Yahweh - the
god of the Jews - seems to be the most bloodthirsty of all.
Our children have the basic human right and reasonable expectation to
grow up as homosexuals or heterosexuals without their fears and
insecurities being created as a result of the hatred and intolerance of
a sheep-like population that has been brainwashed by government stooges
through the world. Religion truly is the opiate of the masses. Sadly
though, these puppeteers sit, primarily in London, Washington and, yes,
We homosexuals in the United States and throughout the world have the
human right, as do the Palestinian people, to self-determination
notwithstanding the dictatorial influence of world religions propped up
by hypocritical governments seeking only to control the masses.
Sadly, we do not live in a true democracy. We live under an
authoritarian government. A democracy is a nation governed by the will
of the people that seeks social equality. No, friends, we live in a
theocracy that masquerades as a democracy.
It is also sad that Palestine - primarily a Muslim, heterosexual nation
- do not enjoy even the limited human rights the vilified homosexual
minorities of the western world do.
It is my sincere hope that my homosexual brothers and sisters throughout
the world, those not brainwashed by the Israeli propaganda machines,
would stand in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people in
opposition to the jackbooted Israeli thugs in Jerusalem.
The Amerikan government stands behind and actively supports the genocide
of the Palestinian people by Israel through her leaders by financing
this obvious extermination attempt of an ancient people and culture with
Amerikan tax dollars and military aid, thus forcing all tax paying
Amerikan citizens to be unintended co-conspirators in these crimes
against humanity.
This purportedly is to defend a peace-loving nation claiming only to
want to exist. Yet that same nation actively seeks the utter
annihilation and complete extermination of a legitimate ethnic group of
human beings, with ancient ties to the disputed land in question, from
the face of the earth.
Amerika has demonstrated they are a nation of liars and hypocrites. We
have known since 1967 that Israel always has been. Never again, indeed!
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade correctly ties the struggles
of one oppressed group (gays) to the struggles of another oppressed
group (Palestinians) by noting one common source of oppression in
bourgeois culture in the form of religion. And further s/he correctly
points out that Palestinians enjoy even fewer rights than most gays in
imperialist countries, a point that is crucial for us to understand
because it underscores the relative wealth and power of those living in
oppressor nations compared to the oppressed nations like Palestine. In
fact, tax-paying Amerikans mostly support the U.$. government and the
I$raeli regime it supports, and so they don’t mind being party to these
crimes funded by U.$. military aid. In the arena of international
politics it is important that we are able to distinguish our friends
from our enemies. We do not want to create false unity with our enemies,
nor do we want to divide unnecessarily from those on the
anti-imperialist side of the struggle.
El bombardeo contra el pueblo Palestino no se puede describir en
palabras. Mi forma de ver a Israel a cambiado de un estado asentado a un
estado terroristico. Mas de 1,000+ Palestinos han sido asesinados por
Israel. La mayoría de las víctimas son civiles. Niños y ancianos
descuartizados por bombas Israelíes. Esta atrocidad sigue sin ninguna
palabra de los medios de comunicación Americanos crítica de parte de los
portavoces contra estos actos casi no existe, pero esto no es ninguna
Yo sigo en lo que puedo, la guerra Israelí contra los Palestinos desde
este campo de muerte llamado Pelican Bay SHU. Lo que veo mas que nada es
que Israel ataca a niños y hospitales. La gente quedan enterradas en sus
hogares y cuando se hace atentos de rescate, los tiradores escondidos
disparan contra los rescatadores. Los militares Israelíes convierten los
hogares Palestinos en nidos para los tiradores escondidos después de
botar a los Palestinos. Están disparandole a mujeres y niños para
infligir terror a las vidas de los Palestinos que nunca van a parar su
lucha por su liberación.
Yo saco mucha fuerza de los Palestinos y aprendo mucho de sus ejemplos
concretos de lo que es luchar contra un ocupador terroristico. Pienso
que el mundo entero esta aprendiendo lo que es la resistencia. Los
Palestinos de hoy son un ejemplo en que podemos aprender. Están sin
asistencia económica pero siempre encuentran la manera de pelear contra
los tanques y misiles sufriendo de hambre, descalzos solo con AKs y
puños cerrados.
El estado terroristicos Israelí es un ejemplo audaz de colonialismo que
tiene que ser eliminado de la humanidad. Los Palestinos son rehenes
cuales son bombardeados al gusto de los Israelís. Pero la mayoría de los
asesinados son civiles y no se oye ni una palabra de los gusanos
Amerikkkanos. No dicen nada porque en muchas maneras el estado
terroristico Israeli es como un espejo de el estado terroristico
Amerikkkano. Todavía no nos atacan en esta escala en este pais, pero las
semi-colonias internas estan teniendo sus tierras ocupadas y estamos
siendo asesinados selectivamente. Amerikkka usa el terror “blandito” con
la tortura de el SHU, la pena de muerte y los guardias
“cochinos/puercos/marranos/cerdos/lechones.” En Palestina el terror no
es “blandito,” los misiles, tanques, y aviones de guerra masacrana la
Estos actos terroristicos desatados por los perros Israelíes son los que
me inspiran a propagar el anuncio que Palestina tiene que ser libre.
Este avance militar me ha educado más que todos mis años de estudio.
Después de ver el trato barbárico de los Palestinos lo único que puedo
decir es que nunca más los Palestinos estarán solos peleando el
En meses recientes se ha vuelto más común leer cuentos noticieros sobre
el hundimiento irreversible de glaciares en Antártica y en otras partes
alrededor del mundo, como resultado de temperaturas crecientes en la
Tierra. Este degradación de nuestro medioambiente global es accionado
por emisiones humanas de gases invernaderos. Mientras la realidad de
destrucción humana de sistemas naturales de la Tierra se hace más claro
a diario, y científicos proporcionan más claras y alarmantes evidencias
que estamos a punto donde los efectos no se podrán anular, vemos un
argumento convincente para el comunismo como el único sistema económico
que tiene la posibilidad de proveer la supervivencia a largo plazo de
Maoístas enfocan en combatir la represión y brutalidad de humanos contra
humanos, cual es un elemento inherente de capitalismo. Cuando llega la
pelea por la supervivencia de los humanos más oprimidos en el mundo,
pelear por la vida del planeta en cual todos vivimos llega a ser
inextricablemente entrelazado con nuestro humanismo. Sin un
medioambiente que puede sustentar vida humana, la pelea contra opresión
de grupos de pueblos se vuelve irrelevante. Vemos una fuerte razón para
que comunistas apoyen ambientalismo revolucionario, y para unidad entre
activistas ambientales y aquellos que pelean la opresión de pueblos.
Pero no ganaremos la batalla por el medioambiente sin primero liberar
los pueblos oprimidos del mundo y derribar el imperialismo.
Alla en 1997 MIM publicó la revista MIM Teoria titulado “Medioambiente,
Sociedad, Revolución.” En el escribió, “Nuestra meta fundamental es
erradicar la opresión de pueblo sobre pueblo, y esta meta también es la
manera más efectivo para liberar el medioambiente de agresión humana. No
creemos que socialismo necesariamente lleve a cabo salvación ambiental,
pero si argumentamos que solamente por el socialismo tendremos la
posibilidad a si.”
Históricamente la peor devastación ha sido causado sobre el
medioambiente como resultado de opresión entre pueblos: guerras,
fabricación usando trabajo explotado, y incautación de tierras por
corporativos. En guerra, herbicidas y agentes químicos son usados para
deforestar tierra y destruir producción de cosecha, que tiene severas,
duraderos impactos no solo sobre la plantas, pero sobre la gente y fauna
también. Agente Naranjo, uranio agotado, napalm, y fósforo blanco son
ejemplos de este tipo de guerra. Una bomba que pone en blanco un
“enemigo” también destruye el medioambiente en la área circundante.
Producción capitalista permite prácticamente no regular el tiro de
basuras en nuestros ríos y océanos, incluyendo derrames de petróleo.
Cuando mercancía no puede ser vendido es literalmente tirada al océano o
incinerado, impactando la vida oceánica y contaminación del aire.
Ademas, los imperialistas ponen en blanco al Tercer Mundo con residuos
de países imperialistas, colocando industrias sucias ahí y vertiendo
desechos tóxicos en patios de otra gente.(1) Y esta claro que los países
que contribuyen lo menos a cambios de clima serán impactado lo máximo
por el. Tifones golpeando el sureste de Asia y India, sequías en Africa,
e islas que pronto desaparecerán a crecientes niveles del mar son todos
consecuencias que ya han tomado las vidas de muchas personas y amenazan
a destruir todavía más. Donde los países imperialistas podrán
reconstruir infraestructura y defender contra los impactos de cambios de
clima más fácilmente debido a su riqueza robado, residentes en el Tercer
Mundo no tendrán este privilegio. Al mismo tiempo, contaminación y otros
efectos de actividad humana han llegado a una escala donde es mas
difícil para las naciones opresoras aislarse de estos problemas. Por
esta razón, ambientalismo puede probar hacer la mas fuerte fuerza
material para construir internacionalismo verdadero.
En los E$tados Unidos los capitalistas están intentando reformas
pequeñas para tratar el creciente problema ambiental, pero estos
intentos nos enseñan claramente porque capitalismo va fallar en salvar
la raza humana. La Organización de Protección del Medio Ambiente
recientemente propuso regulación de emisiones de plantas de poder,
enfocandose en plantas de carbon existentes. En movimiento lento de
capitalismo, la Organización de Protección del Medio Ambiente ultimará
su propuesta algún día en 2015, dará un año a estados para descifrar
como implementar los nuevos reglamentos, pelear los juicios que estados
amenazan, y tal vez ver unos pocos cambios muchos años en el futuro. La
Organización de Protección del Medio Ambiente optimistamente predice el
propuesto podría reducir emisiones de bióxido de carbon de estas plantas
hasta un 30% para 2030.(2) Los medios corporativos ya están quejandose
de normas de emisiones siendo “mal para negocios,” que bajo capitalismo
es mas importante que vidas humanas. Y fiel a la moda capitalista, hay
platica de sobornar a las compañías de carbon y compensar a personas
quienes tienen buenos trabajos de sindicato con sueldo-alto que serán
afectados.(3) Entonces por los capitalistas ricos y los pudientes
trabajadores del Primer Mundo, habrá años de dispúta para la posibilidad
de hacer algunos pequeños cambios, mientras gente en el Tercer Mundo
están muriendo hoy de efectos de cambio de clima que ya están
Mucha gente bienintencionada piensa que pueden tratar problemas
ambientales con soluciones individuos. Sugieren que todas necesitamos
reciclar y manejar autos eléctricos, o quizás no comer carne. Es cierto
que dietas Americanas, cultura de auto y producción despilfarrador
tienen que ser cambiados dramáticamente en una sistema ecológico
sostenible. Pero tal estilo de vida política están moviendo mas lenta
que reformas capitalistas en términos de actualmente reducir los indices
de contaminación, agotacion de recursos y destrozos de sistemas
naturales. Movimiento social tiene que ser apoyado con organización,
cambios estructurales y poder verdadero. Los capitalistas tienen todas
estas cosas, pero les falta la motivación para el cambio. Estableciendo
instituciones independientes que actualmente cambian nuestros sistemas
de producción y consumo para estar en linea con lo demás del mundo
natural tiene que ocurrir. Si esto puede ser antes de la toma de poder
estatal, es algo que ecologistas revolucionarios tienen que explorar. Si
sabemos que la dictadura conjunto del proletariado de las naciones
oprimidas será necesario para finalmente hacer cumplir los cambios
necesitados a la escala global. Esto es necesario porque una porción
considerable de las naciones opresoras no reducirán su consumo por
voluntad propia, y mientras haya la potencia para aprovechar por via de
practicas ecológicas miopes, habrán personas que tratarán hacerlo. Hoy
en los E$tados Unidos los fuerzas que mantienen el status quo son mas
organizados que las fuerzas para imponer practicas ecológicas sanas.
Un tercer enfoque común para problemas ambientales es el enfoque de pura
tecnología. Mientras la ciencia de ecología ha avanzado en décadas
recientes, ha sido limitado por la estructura social forzada por el
capitalismo. Primer mundialistas pueden crear carreras alrededor de
trabajar con comunidades pequeñas para resolver problemas locales, pero
estos curitas no pueden curar la herida cuando la navaja de
especuladores capitalistas continua torciendo de un lado a otro. Tales
ecologistas académicas pueden contribuir a nuestro conocimiento, pero
sus esfuerzos no hacen nada para desafiar el modelo capitalista en si
mismo. Es mucho mas eficiente y efectivo hacer cambios necesarios para
la supervivencia de la humanidad con un gobierno centralizado actuando
con los intereses de la mayoría, a un ONG o sector no lucrativo, o hasta
por vía del método de acción directa favorecido por bandas anarquistas.
Comunismo suelta la creatividad de todas la masas de una manera que
empuja estos proyectos para delante con entusiasmo y anchura sin medida.
(Vea nuestro discusión de China: Ciencia Camina Sobre Dos Piernas en
nuestra revista de revolutionaryecology.com - only available in English
right now). Animamos ecologistas con perspectivas globales ha
desarrollar una estrategia que verdaderamente hace uso de su trabajo
globalmente, y les recomendamos el comunismo como la mejor manera de
cumplir sus metas que valen la pena. Hoy en los E$tados Unidos, tenemos
mas estilistas de vida y reformistas en la banda ambientalista.
Necesitamos mas revolucionarios.
Socialismo pondrá un fin a métodos “eficientes” capitalistas de hacer
ganancias. Y con la tierra en los manos del pueblo, podemos empezar
hacer decisiones mas inteligentes sobre uso balanceado para la
supervivencia humana sin destrucción ambiental. La mayoría de los
pueblos del mundo están interesados en vivir en una planeta saludable,
pero los capitalistas con dinero y poder están enfocados en ganancias.
Como tienen el poder y armas, ellos no tienen que darle cuentas a la
mayoría. Desperdician recursos o hasta los destruyen, si les sirve a sus
intereses competitivos. Y no les importa qué o quién muera en el
proceso. Bajo el capitalismo vemos como agencias gubernamentales y el
gobierno mismo están obligados con los intereses especiales mas ricos, y
incapaz de implementar hasta reformas modestas. Solamente derribando a
los capitalistas y hacer cumplir pólizas que aseguran la supervivencia
de humanos en la tierra tenemos una chanza de hechar atrás la
destrucción de el medioambiente.