MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
The last time I was in a control unit was from 2000-2002. It was in
Norther State Prison’s STGMU, which was the gang unit lock up. The
location of this control unit is in Newark, New Jersey. There are
various groups in this control unit, and the total population is about
100 prisoners. The national makeup of the population is Latino and
Black. The only expansion I believe is that once you are finished with
the STGMU ad-seg time, you are given the option to go to the gang-unit
program, and if you refuse to participate you may stay in phase I and
you are basically in ad-seg without any ad-seg time or charges. At least
that’s how it was done back when I was there. Now, I heard that you have
no choice once you finish the STGMU ad-seg time, they send you straight
to the gang unit program and if you refuse you no longer are allowed to
stay in phase I. Instead you are given a charge and sent back to the
STGMU. In the STGMU you only get to go to rec 2 times a week at most.
Escrito por MIM(Prisons), Diciembre 2007 Traducido por un preso de
Washington, Mayo 2008
Los críticos de las altas tasas de
encarcelamiento han insistido que un aumento en el número de prisioneros
no se corresponde con menos crimen. Y a pesar de la disminución de
crimen, las tasas de encarcelamiento siguen creciendo. ¿Cómo es esto
Un informe reciente del Instituto JFA describe cómo el
aumento en la población carcelaria es el resultado de un cambio en las
leyes y las pólizas aplicadas. (1) Hemos sido durante décadas en la
época de la “política dura al respeto la delincuencia”, pero la mayoría
de los americanos todavía ocultan el hecho de que esta práctica se
resulta en un mayor control y represión de las semicolonias internas. Al
mismo tiempo, millones de amerikkkanos están apoyando estas leyes como
un medio de asegurar sus propios trabajos y el sustento de sí mismos y
sus familias. Mientras que los blancos consideran la esclavitud y el
genocidio como eventos en el pasado, la nación amerikkkana nunca ha sido
tan arraigada y invertido en una nación de opresores como están hoy con
millones, sirviendo como espías, policías y militares.
mientras que los medios de comunicación blanco le hace usted creer que
las “pólizas duras contra el crimen” están protegiendo la población
americano de asesinos y depredadores sexuales, aproximadamente dos
tercios de los 650,000 nuevos prisioneros anuales son personas no
violentas que han solo han cometido el error de violar su libertad
condicional. Y la mitad de estas violaciones son técnicas, en otras
palabras, esas personas son mandadas a la cárcel por cosas que la
mayoría de la gente nunca hubiera ser encarcelado. (1) La demanda de más
encarcelamiento está mandado cientos de miles de personas en la cárcel
cada año por cosas no considerada delitos bajo la ley
Quien está ganando?
Los grupos progresistas que oponen el complejo industrial de la
prisión, también condenan “las cárceles-fines de lucro.” Pero las
beneficios empresariales en si mismo no son los únicos detrás de las
tres décadas del boom de las prisiones y la “legislación dura contra el
crimen”. En realidad los responsables son las policías americanas y los
burócratas maniobras para fondos gubernamentales (o sea ese dinero viene
de gravar americanos cuya riqueza proviene de la explotación de los
labores y recursos del tercer mundo). Resulta también que los políticos
carreras que quieren placer los votantes blancas nacionalistas están
involucrados. “Posturas duras contra el crimen” no son simplemente
tolerados en la política americanos, más bien, son exigidos por el voto
público. Los políticos que intentan ir en contra de la marea pueden
confirmar esto.
Aparte de la teoría que “las cárceles son un
gran negocio” el otro argumento popular explica que el auge de
encarcelamiento ocurre porque el sistema representa “la esclavitud
moderna.” Como la fuerza económica detrás de encarcelamiento, esto
también es un mito. Si la motivación para ser el país prisionero número
uno en toda la historia fue la explotación laboral, a continuación,
debería observar la mayoría de los presos participando en trabajo
productivo. Mientras que algunas fuentes afirman que la mitad de todos
los presos trabajan, un estudio realizado en 1994 encontró que menos de
10% están involucrados en trabajo distinto de mantenimiento y limpieza.
(2) Estadísticas estatales más recientes indican empleo industrial en
tasas bajas similares. (3) La estimación de la mitad de los presos
trabajadores parece razonable si reconocemos que la mayoría de esos
prisioneros tienen empleos de tiempo parcial, haciendo mantenimiento de
la prisión. También, MIM citó estadísticas de 1995 mostrando que sólo el
6.4% de las ventas derivadas del labor prisionero en EEUU era privado en
el MIM teoría 11: Los prisiones de Amerikkka a prueba.
Por lo
general, si los presos trabajan para una corporación exterior y producen
bienes para el comercio interestatal, ellos están legalmente obligados a
recibir los salarios de nivel explotador amerikkkanos. El beneficio para
las empresas es que pueden escatimar como lo demuestra en beneficios y
no es necesario dar aumentos. Los propietarios de pequeñas empresas han
luchado para limitar los beneficios de aquellos que utilizan labor
prisionero, ya que carecen de la capital para tomar ventaja de estas
ventajas competitivas. Los intereses de pequeños burgueses aquí
mantienen los imperialistas bajo control. (4)
Por lo tanto, la
mayoría de labor prisionero se realiza para el estado, quien puede pagar
lo que quieren y guarnece la mayor parte de los salarios prisioneros
para cubrir los gastos de encarcelar cada preso. Parece que estos
prisioneros son trabajando para manejar la prisión y por lo tanto
permiten que los amerikkkanos en cargo de la prisión funcionen como
burócratas bien-remunerados y los prisioneros entonces no tiene que
preocuparse de cocinar y limpiar. O puede ser que los prisioneros están
trabajando para las industrias gubernamentales que suministraron las
agencias estatales y por lo tanto, subvencionan los fondos recolectados
de los impuestos del Estado en toda parte por la reducción de los gastos
estatales. La Asociación Nacional de industrias correccionales dice que
las industrias del Estado aportaron 25 millones de dólares por el acto
de guarnecer los salarios de los reclusos, en realidad no es una gran
contribución al costo del sistema penitenciario estadounidense. Sin
embargo, una estimación realizada por MIM hace 10 años indica que el
ahorro en salarios generales (no incluyendo beneficios) podría ser del
orden de 10% o más del actual estado general de los gastos en
correcciones (5), que han aumentado notablemente (ver el gráfico).
Algunas industrias estatales exportan productos a otros
países, pero el comercio interestatal en gran medida ha sido restringido
por los esfuerzos de los intereses de la pequeña empresa y los
sindicatos amerikanos. Desde la década 80, el Gobierno federal ha
intentado adoptar el modelo de “fábricas con vallas”. Pero el mercado
libre de labor esclavizada sigue enfrentando obstáculos por las leyes
estatales. Este año, Alaska aprobó una ley que autoriza que el
departamento de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral entren en contratos con
empresas privadas o con individuos para venderlos labor prisionero.
siempre que el Comisionado consulta con organizaciones sindicales
locales previamente en el fin de garantizar que el contrato no resulta
en el desplazamiento de los trabajadores empleados, no se aplicará en
las habilidades, artesanías, o oficios en los que hay un excedente de
labor disponible remunerado en la localidad y no se pone en peligro los
contratos vigentes para los servicios. Un contrato con un individuo o
una organización privada requiere que el Comisionado mismo recibe el
salario mínimo por cada hora dedicada por un prisionero”. (10)
Hablando con claridad, esto no tiene nada que ver con los
derechos prisioneros, pero está realmente diseñada para la protección de
los puestos de labores aristocráticas y las pequeñas empresas. Y como
hacen muchos estados, Alaska permite que los salarios son guarnecidos
antes de que son distribuidos al preso. Por lo tanto no hay ninguna ley
estipulando que el preso debe recibir un salario determinado.
¿Qué pasa con una industria que tiene acceso ilimitado a labor
prisionero? Teóricamente, las cárceles privadas podrían tener contratos
grasas del Estado y dejar que los presos hagan gran parte del trabajo
para manejar las facilidades. Pero después de tres décadas de expansión
prisionero, todavía menos de 5% de las prisiones son de propiedad
privada, debido al menos en parte a la incapacidad para seguir siendo
rentable. (4) Se han dicho con frecuencia que cuesta más dinero mantener
una persona en la cárcel durante un año, que enviarla a la Universidad.
(La diferencia para enviar jóvenes a un Centro Correccional comparada
con una escuela primaria puede ser diferentes en el orden de magnitud).
Esto es un precio que la gran parte de los amerikkkanos fiscales-reacios
están dispuestos a paga
Burócratas estatales y la
opresión nacional
Estrictamente hablando, las cárceles
son una pérdida neta financiera para la nación amerikkkana. Y el boom no
puede ser culpado en cualquier de los principales intereses
corporativos. Un sistema inflada de injusticia ofrece económicamente un
medio de emplear a millones de personas pagados con salarios explotadas.
Es un medio de barajar los beneficios super alrededor de la porqueriza y
mantener la población consumidor bajo control. Estos millones de
personas proporcionan una demanda auto perpetúa de más prisioneros y más
fondos para varios proyectos legales.
Un ejemplo de esta
burocracia auto perpetúa se remonta a 1983, cuando Jaime González se
convirtió en subdirector del Departamento Correccional de California.
Inmediatamente, amplió el personal de planificación del departamento de
3 a 118 y comenzó a enfocarse en modelando para prevenir el aumento de
las necesidades para la expansión en el futuro (no sólo los oficiales
correccionales consiguen los puestos de trabajo). (6) Desde entonces
California ha construido 23 principales nuevas cárceles, ampliado a
otras cárceles y aumentó su población prisionero mas de 500%. (7) Con
más prisiones, vienen más guardias de la prisión, creando la 31,000 que
forman parte de la Fuerte Oficiales Correccionales de paz en California,
asociación con las cuotas anuales, con un total de 21.9 millones de
dólares. (8) Este es el mismo sindicato que sí mismo obtuvo un aumento
en el saldo tras la exposición de las luchas gladiadores organizados por
guardias en la prisión estatal Corcoran, donde muchos prisioneros fueron
asesinados. La misma organización que estaba detrás de las leyes de 3
golpes para ubicar personas de 25 a la vida por los pequeños delitos, y
que ha hecho campaña repetidamente para eliminar programas educativos
para los presos.
El CO (oficial correccional) es socio con la
industria privada que ha crecido gracias a una economía basada en la
guerra y la represión. Una visita a la Conferencia de la Asociación
Americana de Correcciones le mostrará que no es sólo unos trajes
imperialistas en una habitación lleno de humo. Es una estancia para una
gran mezcla de vendedores, policías y CO; amerikkkanos ordinarios.
En EEUU existen leyes que impiden que las fuerzas armadas
presionan al Gobierno para protección contra la guerra que llevó a cabo
en los intereses de los creadores de la guerra. No hay tales límites
sobre la policía y funcionarios penitenciarios (co), quienes permiten
que la guerra en las bandas van por sí mismo perpetuando en maneras
políticas y económicas. La NYPD y la policía tienen arsenales y
capacidades que rivalizan las fuerzas armadas de muchos países, y se les
permita ejercer influencia en la política en los niveles locales,
estatales y federales incluso tanto directa como indirectamente.
En la policía de nivel local, departamentos han socavado las
tendencias hacia la llamada “comunidad policía.” Donde los jóvenes de la
Comunidad han tenido éxito en la reducción de la violencia a través del
diálogo y organizar, la policía ha rechazado estos programas en favor de
los representantes de la comunidad que refrendar sus estrategias
continuas de represión y hostigamiento de jóvenes oprimidas de la
nación. Cuando las organizaciones de las calles se reunieron a los
tratados de paz de la forma en los Ángeles y Chicago en la década 90, la
policía respondió inmediatamente a través de los medios de comunicación
blanco diciendo que fue una falsa alarma y no duraría por tanto tiempo.
No que haya ninguna confusión, la policía creó estas guerras, y la
policía no las deja parar.
En los Finales de la década 90, el
periódico The New York Times informó que los residentes blancos de Nueva
York fueron cómodos con el comportamiento de la policía, mientras que 9
de cada 10 negros quejaron que la brutalidad contra los negros es
frecuente. El regular “parada y frisking” cometido por la policía, a
continuación, se practicó bajo el alcalde Giuliani, fue encontrado para
ser dirigido a los negros y a los Latinos el 90% del tiempo. (11)
Políticamente, el resto de la nación opresiva está dispuesto
colaborar con los planes de seguridad policiales y funcionarios
penitenciarios como un medio de proteger sus privilegios colectivas. Uno
de los pocos asuntos los amerikkkanos pueden estar de acuerdo es como
gastar los fondos estatales. Con esto, el sistema de injusticia se
convierte en una parte importante de la cultura nacional para convencer
a las personas que proveen soporte material del sistema imperialista que
se benefician.
Quienes están encerrados?
Mientras que la cuestión de quien se beneficia del complejo
industrial prisionero es un poco nublado y controvertido, todo el mundo
sabe quienes están encerrados. En medio siglo, las cárceles amerikanos
han pasado de blanco dominado a negro dominado en un período donde la
población negra aumentó menos de 2 puntos porcentuales, hasta su nivel
actual de aproximadamente el 12%. Y sin embargo no se indignó los
informó recientemente ], los negros son encarcelados 10 veces más
que los blancos para cargos de drogas y el aumento de las penas de
prisión por asuntos relacionados con las drogas fue 77% para los negros,
en comparación con 28% para los blancos. (12) Por lo tanto, el aumento
de las penas que está detrás del actual auge de la prisión está
orientada a ciertas poblaciones.
El informe del Instituto mismo
hace referencia a investigación, indicando que encarcelamiento a menudo
alienta la delincuencia. En su resumen de la literatura, apuntan a
evidencia que demuestra que la gente dejará estilos de vida criminales
cuando están ofrecidos oportunidades. ¿No mierda? Detener la
delincuencia no es exactamente la ciencia espacial. Mientras los
comunistas saben cómo poner fin a la delincuencia, los cerdos y sus
fanáticos han demostrado que no son realmente interesados en eso. Ellos
entrañarían destruyendo sus propios privilegios. En su avanzado etapa de
parasitismo, la nación amerikkkana tiene un sector bien involucrado de
cerdos que obtengan seguridad laboral y aumentos salariales por la
perpetua de la delincuencia y el encarcelamiento.
el informe señala también un número de estudios que indican que cuando
el gobierno ejecuta ciertas programas, estas tienen efectos muy
marginales en reducir la reincidencia. Esta conclusión es apoyada por
los informes que recibimos de
criticando programas del Gobierno. (13)] Al parecer, la literatura
también admite la necesidad de programas prisioneros como MIM(Prisons)
Re-Lease de la vida, porque solo los programas que parecen ser efectivos
en el tratamiento y la rehabilitación son independientes del Gobierno.
(1) Las personas no son estúpidas, saben como funciona el
Set my people free, from the streets 2 the penitentiary! I say a
prayer 4 you, from the streets 2 the penitentiary!
I stand alone strap decent I’m ready 4 war Military ammu I’m knocking
at your front door Mr. Oppressor open up and kick in like a slot
machine No excuses I want mine by all means Doing crime is easy we
getting by Just look around, Black and Brown Where we at, locked
up, we doing life They (oppressor) want us off the streets, the
violence decease Mr. Police “please,” y’all ain’t no better than
me Body bags is staking up and the system is corrupted as hell The
war, the drugs, these slugs, we bust The rules you make, you break,
we all stuck Ain’t no justice, it’s just us Believe that
shit Bloods and Crips at war, kids is killing kids My soul is
torn, my heart ripped up, Bloody tears dried up, love ones I
mourn Love me or hate me, I can care less, You ain’t the
one: Born in captivity, living in a struggle, Contemplating
death, Mr. R___ a cop, damn right, let’s ride, till my last breath,
BanaRu from the feet up. Those chosen few representing us, stay
up. The torch been passed down 2 me, flames in rage, All power 2
the people, here I give 2 you Rise and shine our time has
arrived It’s ‘our destiny,’ we must survive, (Afrika)=Ethiopia is
calling come home Riches of all land, beginning of all man, Mother
2 all earth, righteous land of our birth The world is waiting 4 a new
power 2 rise, It’s time 2 wake up, open up your eyes Let Freedom
Ring, my people, hear your brother sing My strong sistas, continue 2
shine like the sun Lead and guide our generation and those 2
come Get in the cell, get in the cell, they continue 2 yell at
me, Ayana Wewe, Ayana Wewe, I continue 2 scream So go ahead and
turn your back on all political prisoners and pay us no mind,
bu Behind every action there’s a re-action It’s only a matter of
time Are strength in numbers It’s time 2 wake up and let’s catch
the oppressor While he slumbers So all those who are with me “Put
your fist 2 the air” So when the revolution comes we shall all be
there!!! Enclosing I just would like 2 say, may you stay forever
grounded and gravitated in victory against eh powers
and Principalities that conspire our collective demise and
their Constant rise!
I just read Under Lock and Key from 2007 and it concerned the health
care in California prisons. I’m sending along a copy of an article from
the Sacramento Bee by Don Thompson of the Associated Press. It explains
that Federal Receiver Robert Sillew’s report shows there is very little
change in health care in California prisons as of March 2008. Mr. J.
Clark Kelso is the new federal receiver.
I have been in prison for 11 1/2 years for resisting arrest. I was given
a life sentence under California’s Three Strikes Law. Since I’ve been in
prison I’ve known three prisoners personally who died from liver
failure. Each man told me they did not receive proper care from the
medical services. The CDCR needs more qualified doctors and more medical
and mental prisons, but until the over population problem (173,000
prisoners) is solved, there will continue to be people dying. We need to
be seen as human beings, not cattle.
I have been in Upstate Correctional Facility plenty of times, and it is
a double bunk control unit called Special Housing Unit.
There is about 800 to 900 people contained in there. 90% of the facility
is SHU, the rest is porters that cook and serve the food trays and do
the laundry. The double-bunk cells are large because it’s a room for two
and your shower is in the cell as well as a rec cage in the back of your
cell. So basically, you never leave the cell unless it’s for a visit,
hospital call out or release from the box.
The national makeup is 50% Black and 50% Latino. There are numerous
prison rule violations to be placed in SHU, for example: assault on
staff or on convict, gang lessons, dirty urine for drug use, weapon
possession and all of these must be a tier three ticket. Anything lower
, like a tier one or two ticket don’t go to those SHUs. So a tier three
ticket is considered a serious offense.
This unit is the largest in NYS, and it opened around 1999. The SHUs in
NYS have expanded by opening smaller ones that hold 200 convicts. They
are still double-bunk and they were built behind medium security
facilities throughout the state. Many are empty and a big waste of
tax-payers money.
I have not heard or read any memos about new SHUs planned for NY, I hope
there are not. We need some schools and social programs, not control
units that are hardly occupied.
These control units are very dangerous and hazardous to the minds of
convicts who are mentally weak and they lose control and become
self-destructive. There were instances where a convicts bunkey almost
killed him and tied him up. They put you in a cell with anybody, a
perosn you never met in your life and who knows what ill intentions he
might have, it’s a surivival of the fittest!
They feed you small portions of food, so that prisoners lose lots of
weight. The visit are behind a chicken fence gate that separates you
from your visitors, so there is no real humyn contact. They put brothers
on food and water restrictions, they censor our magazines and books
thoroughly and most times violating our right to periodicals that don’t
pose a threat to security. These control units should be shut down
because it doesn’t reduce prison violence and its a waste of money and
hazardous on the mind.
Currently, I am in a Supermax, what you refer to as control unit/
solitary confinement/ the box.
There are five buildings. Each building has three blocks, each block has
two galleries and on each gallery there are twenty-five cells. Within
each cell there are two prisoners. In total there are fifty people on a
gallery- 100 people in a block - 300 people in a building.
The exception is that one of these buildings are occupied by cadre.
These cadre are the workers. These workers are akin to those of a
beehive, they’re the lifeline of the facility. They clean the facility,
and basically maintain it so that the facility is self-contained.
The four other buildings are strictly occupied by prisoners who are
locked down, like myself, for 24 hours. A single prisoner might occupy a
cell depending on that prisoners prior disciplinary history in the
Special Housing Unit. Being that when one is locked in the box, we are
liable to take anyone as a bunky, on several occasions people have been
killed and some times even raped. Fights are common because of the
frustration and being forced to double bunk with someone that you’re
incompatible with.
Upstate was built in 1999. It was the last Special Housing Unit that I
know of that was built within the past 9 years. There are several more
SHU buildings throughout New York State.
As far as the racial makeup, my observation & analysis is based on
the numerous facilities i’ve been in, whether solitary confinement or
group population. More than 50% of the prisoners are Black, 30% are
Latino and the rest is made up of whites and those of Asian descent.
This ratio also holds true for Upstate (which is where i’m at). More
than half the cells on each gallery is occupied by Blacks, then Latinos.
Many galleries have no white prisoners, if there is two cells on a
gallery occupied by whtie prisoners, that itself is a large number.
The way that the system of pairing prisoners works is like this: People
are put together based on their race - Blacks can only bunk with other
Blacks (there are exceptions if a prisoner bunk goes to population e may
request to have someone in the cell, but that doesn’t mean the request
will be granted). Latinos are bunked with Latinos and whites with
whites. Now, Latinos and whites are allowed to be bunked. Basically,
Blacks must be bunked with Blacks and all the other racial groups could
be bunked together.
I doubt that the state plans to open new facilities for two reasons. (1)
Organizations such as MIM have been putting a lot of pressure on the
state to close the SHU. There has also been pressure around the fact
that many of the prisoners that are locked away in solitary confinement
should be put in psychiatric facilities. (2) Another reason is that many
prisoners are receiving harsh sentencing to solitary confinement for
minor infractions - anxiety attacks is a common one. This is a result of
the tenure of Governor Pataki whose “tough on crime” rhetoric allowed
him to build more prisons. More prisons were built in Governor Pataki’s
tenure of two terms than at any other time. Within the past 8 years
several jails have been closed and many of those being incarcerated are
parole violators who are recycled back into the system. So it is harder
to justify the need for so many SHUs.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the articles any more, but i have read a
couple of journal articles on the harmful effects these units have on
humyn beings. In reality there is no value to these prisons, except to
control prisoners. They use them to break us down. There is nothing
rehabilitative about this place.
Greetings from the oppressed in the state of Washington’s 2nd fully
operational ‘Supermax’ gulag. Since i’ve been imprisoned here by the
fascist pigs and imperialistic/racist government and state powers, the
conditions have deteriorated a bit. Currently, we are fighting the pigs,
A/C’s (assistant cooks), CUS (custody unit supervisor, CO’s (pigz) and
the Unit Sgt. concerning the quality/quantity of our food. We’re being
given food that is just reheated from servings 2-3 days previous and
lacking enough nutrients to benefit us (ie. 2000 calories). We also have
no real outside yard access. We go out to a 10’ x 10’ concrete box, with
an iron screen mesh high up on a wall that only allows us to get a strip
view of the sky. The ventilation in our cells blow hard air 24/7. Our
cell lights stay on 24/7 (count-light). [MIM(Prisons) adds: this unit
was just opened in October 2007 as the first certified “green” prison
building in the state]. All of our cell functions (toilet, hot &
cold water, lights, air conditioning, heating) are controlled by the
pigz in a control/monitoring booth. The water we sue is “re-claimed”
water, water already used, and our showers have inadequate pressure
& heat. When placed in the showers we’re put in a cage with open
front were both male and female pigs that are walking around can view us
taking showers. Since i’ve been here, i’ve seen 3 cell extractions with
the “Goon” squad, OC [pepper spray], electrified shields & tasers.
They’ve also moved 2-3 guys of my current tier to ISO for no apparent
reason other than filing grievances or complain about conditions or lack
of general issue items.
I’ve heard through the grapevine that the fascist pigz are looking at
out-of-state a prisoner chain of 500 (slaves) to be shipped out to MN,
AZ, CO, KY, and IN in the next 12 months. I can’t confirm this, but i am
looking into it.
As far as statistics on the number of people in control units in
Washington, i cannot verify numbers for Clallam Bay, Stafford Creek or
WCC for Women, but i can clarify and confirm for the following prisons:
McNeil Island has three (3) control units, each unit is single cell,
23hr. lock-down. Each unit holds approximately 30 prisoners, for a rough
total of 90+. One pod (unit) is seg, 1 pod is IMU and 1 pod is Mental
Health IMU/seg combo.
As for Washington State Penitentiary (WSP), they have an ASU/seg unit
that holds 195-200 prisoners on 23 hour lockdown. They (WSP) also has a
new 1500-2000 bed CC “state-of-the-art” housing unit that just opened, a
96 bed IMU, and a new “supermax” IMU/ASU that i’ve been told holds 199
prisoners. WSP also has an medical/mental health 14 cell (1 man)
capacity housing. Then they have a SHU, which is where the mental
health/protective custody and death row prisoners are housed and it’s a
260 bed capacity with another 24 cells for seg overflow.
As for Monroe Correctional Complex, SOU/SOC are the same facilities.
SOU(Special Offender Unit) is for Medium/Minimum inmates with a 600+ bed
capacity (1&2 man cells), SOC (Special Offender Center) is CC for
mental health/sex offenders with 4 units; 2 (CC) with 72 bed, 1 man
capacity and 2 IMU/ASU with 72 bed, 1 man capacity. The new “supermax”
Monroe Correctional Complex-IMU has 120 1-man 23hr lock-down IMU
“supermax” housing cells and 120 ASU-“supermax” housing cells. This is
one of two new “supermax” units that opened in the last 6 months. Monroe
also has a Seg/ASU unit at Washington State Reformatory (WSRU) with
100-115 bed, 1-man cell capacity, 23hr lock-down. Meanwhile, the
WSRU-SHU is medical/psych long-term housing with several 100 bed
capacity. Also at MCC, the Twin Rivers Correctional Unit(TRU) has a 20
bed “Temp” seg unit.
Washington Correctional Complex at Shelton has an IMU/Seg unit with 144
1-man cells and a 6-man ISO unit known as COU (Crisis Observation Unit).
These figures are as close as possible, and the units are ALL
control/long-term ISO with the exception of WCC Shelton COU and TRU’s
seg unit. Airway Heights also has a “SMU” (Special Management Unit) Seg
which has 45-60 bed capacity of short-term ISO. Again, most of these
figures are very close as i’ve either been there before or someone has
come through here and let us all know what’s going on elsewhere.
There are about 2500 inmates housed here and about 1600 of them have
jobs, the other 900 are inmates in control units.
The prison offers many jobs such as industry, kitchen, yard, unit,
education, assistants, etc. Now all the industry jobs pay between $100
to $175 a month and all the rest pay between $25 to $75 a month, which
is bullshit since the minimum wage is like $7.75 and the amount we get
paid is only a small percentage of regular outside community jobs.
By working in the prison it keeps us focused and able to purchase the
necessities we need to contain proper health & hygiene and things
like food, electronics, etc. But the state charges us double or triple
the price the items cost on the streets.
The kinds of work we do here consists of building furniture, welding,
plumbing, electrical, repairing equipment, washing laundry and the rest
are tutors for the education department and unit orderlies. There are
also kitchen duties such as cooking, washing, dishes, wiping tables and
serving the food.
The industry jobs make couches, chairs, tables and desks for the outside
world. Other jobs make jewelry, saddles, clothes and toys. The lifers
club has a lot of these items in the visiting room so when our people
come to see us they can purchase them.
The Prison Blues clothes are made by prisoners at EOCI in Pendleton and
SRCI. They have construction programs where we build trailers and sheds
for people to live in. So we do more than make license plates, like in
some states. But again, almost all the money made goes to the staff’s
checks, only 10% gets put toward the inmate trust fund.
Now the state of Oregon is making such a big profit off us working for
pennies and they can’t even give us better yard equipment so we can
exercise without having to be careful the cables don’t break while we’re
pumping the weights. So it’s real sad that we live in these conditions.
If the inmates refused to work these jobs like slaves which we our
slaves of the state then nothing would get done. The officers are so
lazy all they do each day is sit around and eat donuts. There ain’t no
real labor in this job for them, but they bitch about always being
tired. So if it weren’t for us they wouldn’t be making such a nice chunk
of money and treating us so bad.
Prisoners make all the clothing and uniforms as well as envelopes and
greeting cards here in MacDougall-Walker CI in Connecticut, and then
they sell them back to us. They even sell jail pillows now. Not real
pillows, jail pillows, the ones the prisoners used to make back in the
day and they confiscated them (we use to make ’em out of old mattresses,
the ones that were ripped up and no longer useful). Now the state
confiscated all those pillows and are now manufacturing our idea in the
prisoners workshop. Same kind of pillow we use to make with the old
mattresses the state is making and selling back to us for $15. They
stole our idea and sell it back to us.
UPDATE: On 9/17/2009 the
comrade who wrote this letter was
in Attica Correctional Facility
True solitary confinement - it’s general concept, ultimate purpose, and
all of its myriad applications - must be exposed to as many concerned
citizens as is possible. Media, cinema, and corrections spokespeople
have all contributed to distorting our society’s perception of this
shameful and torturous practice that has been a facet of this country’s
history since it’s earliest years.
Amnesty International has defined solitary confinement as “all forms of
incarceration that totally remove a prisoner from inmate society”,
elucidating further that “the prisoner is visually and acoustically
isolated from all other prisoners as well as having no personal contact
with them.” But even this definition can forfeit the consideration of
other variations of confinement that similarly and adversely affect the
prisoners who are imprisoned in them. Professors Craig Haney and Mona
Lynch concluded and supported with irrefutable evidence from the study
they conducted that solitary confinement refers to a broad set of
conditions, including single-celled control units where even some
semblance of communication between prisoners is somehow feasible,
double-celled control units that produce conditions of both isolation
and overcrowding simultaneously, control units where prisoners are
subjected to sensory overload as well as sensory deprivation, and
control units that impose “small group isolation.” The effects of
solitary confinement in all of its manifestations within this country’s
prison system have been recognized by numerous authoritative analysts,
as well as their impact upon society as a whole. Studies of this
phenomenon, empirical and with scientific experimentation, have been
conducted and recorded as early as 1790.
With this in mind, terms such as “punitive segregation”, “restrictive
housing”, “segregated housing”, “special housing”, “administrative
segregation”, “disciplinary confinement” and “control units” have all
been used to designate constructed environments that employ what are
essentially conditions- whether in part or whole - of solitary
confinement. Despite their differences, all of them serve similar ends
in that all of them employ torturous conditions as punishment rather
than rehabilitation.
I have been a prisoner of the New York State Department of Correctional
Services prison system for approximately fifteen years to date. I have
spent at least two-thirds of those years confined to the system’s
special housing units (SHU) for lengthy and continuous periods at a
time. Recently, former New York State Governor Eliott Spitzer signed a
bill into law that provides for mentally ill prisoners who have been
sanctioned with disciplinary confinement penalties exceeding thirty days
to be removed from conventional SHU’s and placed in newly constructed
“therapeutic units.” The majority of these “therapeutic units” are
actually conventional SHU’s amended with rooms designated for
therapeutic group programming and individual therapy sessions. The rooms
are fitted with “cubicles” that amount to small single-occupancy cages,
to restrict prisoners contact with program instructors and each other
during “therapy.” Whether this arrangement is a genuine and sufficient
departure form conventional SHU to ward off mental deterioration
fostered by the conditions of the various forms of solitary confinement
seems to have escaped adequate forum for public debate.
One of the worst SHU’s I have been confined to, by my estimation, is the
notorious F-Block at Great Meadow Correctional Facility in Comstock, New
York. I remained there for just over a year.
In their State of the Prisons report on conditions of confinement in 25
New York correctional facilities, published in 2002, the Prison Visiting
Committee of the Correctional Association of New York described the SHU
at Great Meadow CF as “… one of the most unsettling we have experienced.
Many of the inmates were mentally ill and confined in cells behind thick
metal doors or bars covered with Plexiglas to protect staff
from”throwers.” Most striking was the pervading sense of chaos and the
way in which inmates with mental illness are isolated, cut off from
human contact and caged in barren, concrete walls. Animals in zoos are
kept in more humane conditions… the more stable inmates spoke of the
constant yelling and noise on the unit, the stench of feces and sweat,
and the lack of ventilation.” Although the SHU capacity had been reduced
since the time of that report, the conditions aforementioned were
certainly prevalent even during my confinement there in 2004 and 2005.
With the draconian measures put in place by the Bush administration as a
device of its purported “war on terror,” and a look to the conditions
under which prisoners designated as enemy combatants are being held in
at the detention complex in Guantanamo Bay by the U.S. government, I do
not see that the use of solitary confinement is being diminished at all.
Rather, I foresee that it will expand and morph into forms less
conspicuous but more insidious, cultivated with and nurtured by the
incitement of mass hysteria and the greed of profiteers.
After clarifying the general concept, myriad applications and ultimate
purpose of solitary confinement, this information must be conveyed to
the concerned active citizenry. The concept, applications and purpose of
solitary confinement serve to control and inflict suffering upon a
segment of the population through isolation and deprivation. It does not
nor has it ever served to rehabilitate or improve the condition of
sources: “Regulating Prisons of the Future”, by Craig Haney &
Mona Lynch, 23 NYU Rev. L. Soc. Change 447 (1997). “State of the
Prisons” Report, June 2002, by the Correctional Association of New
York. “Enemy Combatant” by Moazzam Begg (the New Press, 2006).